“Work hard and get success, don’t ever give up” (by. Me)
“Just understand what we will do, and do the best” (by. Me)
“No one is too old to learn, We learn as long as we live, A beginning is difficult” (by. My lecture binder book)
“Simple in attitude but rich in creation” (by. 507)

My daddy and my mom (H. Darsiun and Hj. Utipah) who have been sporting in moral and material in my life, they always motivate me to get my dream come true. Thanks my daddy & my mom, I’ll do the best for you, I will show you that I can be a success boy”. You are everything in my life, without you I can’t do anything. I do love you dad & mom 
Thanks for my old sister (Anissatul Fuadah, S.Pd) who have helped and given me direction to finish this research) I love you my old sister. 
My young sisters & brothers (Trias, Ellen, Audy, Sylla) be a good person!!!
My Lovely (Lina Dian Rahmawati) who always give me motivations to finish this research. You have made change of my life. I love you so much my Na. May ALLOH SWT makes our whishes come true Amiinn. 
My Boardinghouse friends (Mz Topik, Trima, Oji, Didin) thank you for your helping. You are my best friends. I love you so much 

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