A.Place and Time
1. Place of Research : The research was taken in SMA N 01 LARANGAN-BREBES
2. Time of Research : This research held on May, on the eleventh year students of second semester in academic year 2009/2010.
B. Population and Sample
1. Population
Population means all the sources of the research, unlimited and largest (Sudjana, 2006:71). According to Suharsini (2006:102), population can be defined as sources of the research consisting of people, animals, plants and objects that have common characteristics.
The population in this research is all students on eleventh year of SMA N 01 Larangan Brebes, in academic year 2009/2010 which totally 245. They are:
Class IPA 1 consist of 33 students
Class IPA 2 consist of 37 students
Class IPA 3 consist of 36 students
Class IPS 1 consist of 36 students
Class IPS 2 consist of 34 students
Class IPS 3 consist of 37 students
Class IPS 4 consist of 32 students
2. Sample
Sample is subjects chosen from a population for investigation (Sudjana, 2006:71).
Types of taking samples:
A random sample is all samples have same size, an equal chance of being selected from the population and chosen by a method involving an unpredictable component.
Stratified random sampling involves selecting independent samples from a number of subpopulations, group or strata within the population.
Cluster sampling involves selecting the sample units in groups. For example, a sample of telephone calls may be collected by first taking a collecting of telephone lines and collecting all the calls on the samples lines.
In this research, the writer take stratified random sampling method. Stratified random sampling is done by making the strata. Then from all of the strata are got a number of subjects randomly. A number of subjects of each stratum are sample of research. In this technique the population divided into three strata, the first is the students who have high score, the second is the students who have middle score, and the last is the students who have low score. To get the sample of research the writer gets the sample in the high strata and the low strata. The high strata are got by randomly, and also the low strata are got by randomly.
The writer took sample based on the score of questioner which given to the population. The writer selected the population into three strata, they are the students who have high frequency in watching English movies as high strata, and the student who have middle frequency in watching English movies as middle strata, and then the last is the students who have low frequency in watching English movies as low strata.
Then, the writer just took two group sample, they are the students who have high frequency in watching English movies, and the students who have low frequency in watching English movies. The writer took the sample in the high strata and the low strata randomly to get 30 students who have high frequency in watching English movies and 30 students who have low frequency in watching English movie. So it can be known that there are 60 students as samples of the research.
C. Variable of the Research
Variable is condition of characteristics that the experimenter manipulated and control of observer (Suharsini Arikunto, 2006:115)
According to the title of the writer has taken, there are two kinds of variables, independent and dependent variable. The two variables are:
Independent variable is student’s frequency watching English movie.
Dependent variable is student’s vocabulary mastery.
D. Instrument of the Research
There are two kinds of instrument that will be used in this research, the first instrument is questioner. According to Suharsini Arikunto (2006:151) questioner is a number of written used in the sense of personal reports or other matters known to the researchers. Questioner is a list of written questions submitted to the research subjects and to be answered in writing as well. The writer in this case uses a questioner directly covered with the type of items that provide a choice of five alternative answers (multiple choices) that there are for possible answer, namely A, B, C, D, and E. The questioner contained 5 questions. The scoring positive values of the answer options are; A values 5, B values 4, C values 3, and D values 1. The writer makes a questioner based on the indicators on student’s frequency that related with English movie.
The second instrument is test. According to Arikunto Suharsimi (2006:150) test is a series of questions or exercise, other tools used to measure the skills, knowledge, intelligence, ability, or talent possessed by individuals or groups. The second instrument in this research is the test that contains the 40 questions that measure of vocabulary mastery. The time of doing the test is 60 minutes. The type of the questions is multiple choices with four options A, B, C, and D.
The instrument must have the compatibility, efficiency, and steadiness. So, before the instrument is tested to collecting data, the validity and reliability of the instrument have to be test first.
In this research, there are two kinds of instrument, questioner and vocabulary test. The instrument that will be test the validity and reliability is only vocabulary test. The reason that why the questioner is not tested is that questioner is used only to group the samples not to collect the data of research.
So, vocabulary test will be test to know the validity and reliability. The instrument will be tried out by giving questioner and test to 30 students who have the same competence with the same the sample of this research.
Validity of Vocabulary Test
According to Arikunto Suharsimi (2006:168), Validity is a measure which shows levels of validity in the instrument. A test can be called as a valid test when it can measure what to be measured. A test has validity if it has correlation between the test results with criteria.
Validity can be measured by using the product moment as follows:
rxy = (N∑▒〖XY - (∑▒X)(∑▒Y) 〗)/√({N∑▒〖X^2-├ (∑▒X)^2 } 〗 ├ {∑▒〖Y^2-(∑▒Y)^2 〗┤ } ┤ )
Notes, rxy : The correlation coefficient of variable X and variable Y N : The sum of respondent ∑▒xy : The sum of multiplying of variable x and y ∑▒x : The sum of variable X ∑▒y : The sum of variable Y ∑▒x^2 : The square sum of variable X ∑▒y^2 : The square sum of variable Y
The Validity of Vocabulary Test Table
No Respondents X Y X2 Y2 XY
1 Aisyatun 72 67 5184 4489 4824
2 Alif Kudin 72 70 5184 4900 5040
3 Ayu Fatmala 67 65 4489 4225 4355
4 Ayu Nurul Amalia 72 77 5184 5929 5544
5 Aziz Amrullah 77 80 5929 6400 6160
6 Dede Sofyan Rizki H 75 62 5625 3844 4650
7 Diah Astuti 70 68 4900 4624 4760
8 Dwi Aziz Prasetyo 80 78 6400 6084 6240
9 Dwi Malinda 77 72 5929 5184 5544
10 Echa Larasati 67 70 4489 4900 4690
11 Ekawati 65 70 4225 4900 4550
12 Esty Nur Aulia Rahma 67 78 4489 6084 5226
13 Faizal Okie Prabowo 77 75 5929 5625 5775
14 Fella Rizki Halaliyah 80 77 6400 5929 6160
15 Ida Widya Ningrum 77 70 5929 4900 5390
16 Intan Puspitasari 67 68 4489 4624 4556
17 Isnaeni Farikha 77 75 5929 5625 5775
18 Isni Nurhayati 67 65 4489 4225 4355
19 Kurnia Dwie Saria Rini 72 75 5184 5625 5400
20 Laela Indriyani 70 72 4900 5184 5040
21 Ma'muroh 80 75 6400 5625 6000
22 Mitha Anggitha K 67 75 4489 5625 5025
23 Nazilatulrohmah 72 67 5184 4489 4824
24 Putri Indah Mutiara D 77 80 5929 6400 6160
25 Siti Masuti Suryanah 77 72 5929 5184 5544
26 Siti Nuratika 70 73 4900 5329 5110
27 Surkim 72 65 5184 4225 4680
28 Tatih Susanti 70 75 4900 5625 5250
29 Tresnawati 72 77 5184 5929 5544
30 Vivi Nurbaeti 80 75 6400 5625 6000
2185 2168 159775 157356 158171
Based on that table, the data are followed below:
N = 30 ∑▒x^2 = 159775
∑▒x = 2185 ∑▒y^2 = 157356
∑▒y = 2168 ∑▒xy = 158171
These data then applied to product moment formula as follow:
rxy = (N∑▒〖XY - (∑▒X)(∑▒Y) 〗)/√({N∑▒〖X^2-├ (∑▒X)^2 } 〗 ├ {N∑▒〖Y^2-(∑▒Y)^2 〗┤ } ┤ )
rxy = ((30)(158171)- (2185)(2168))/√({(30)(├ ├ 159775) - 〖(2185)〗^2 } {(30)(157356┤)- 〖(2168)〗^2 } ┤ )
rxy = (4745130-4737080)/√({├ ├ 4793250-4774225} {4720680-4700224┤ } ┤ )
rxy = 8050/√((19025)(20456) )
rxy = 8050/√389175400
rxy = 8050/19727.528
rxy = 0.408
From the calculation above, the writer obtained rxy = 0.408. Based on the result on the consultation with rtable with N = 30 and significance of 5%, it shows that rtable is 0.361. It means that rxy = 0.408> rtable = 0.361. It means that there is connectivity between the variable X as the score of try out of vocabulary and variable Y as the score of final test semester. Based on those, the instrument of vocabulary is valid.
Reliability of Vocabulary Test
Reliability is used to know the degree of stability of the instrument. A test reliable if the tool of measurement can give an illustration that can show the consistency and stability of the characteristics from the experiment (Arikunto Suharsimi, (2006:178).
The writer used Spearman Brown formula to get reliability of the vocabulary test. In this technique, the writer has to make analysis table of question items. From the analysis, the scores are grouped into 2 split of questions part. There are two ways to split the questions part, the first is the odd and even split, and the second is the first and the second split. In this case the writer used the second way, it is the first and the second split.
After the score have been grouped into two split, the next steps is counting the correlation of the first score and the last score (rxy) by using this formula:
rxy = (N∑▒〖XY - (∑▒X)(∑▒Y) 〗)/√({N∑▒〖X^2-├ (∑▒X)^2 } 〗 ├ {∑▒〖Y^2-(∑▒Y)^2 〗┤ } ┤ )
Notes, X : First spilt score Y : Final split score rxy : The correlation coefficient of X and Y
Then, to get the index of question reliability the result of rxy is applied in Spearman-Brown formula. The formula is as follow:
r11 = (2r_xy )/((1 +〖 r〗_xy))
Notes, r11 : reliability of instrument r_(1⁄2 1⁄2) : rxy ( index correlation the first split between the second
The Analysis of Question Items (The First Split/X and The Second Split/Y)
The Students’ Score of Try Out Vocabulary
(The Analysis of Vocabulary Reliability Instrument)
No Respondents Total Score Mark X Y X2 Y2 XY
1 Aisyatun 29 72 15 14 225 196 210
2 Alif Kudin 29 72 15 14 225 196 210
3 Ayu Fatmala 27 67 15 12 225 144 180
4 Ayu Nurul Amalia 29 72 15 14 225 196 210
5 Aziz Amrullah 31 77 16 15 256 225 240
6 Dede Sofyan Rizki H 30 75 15 15 225 225 225
7 Diah Astuti 28 70 14 14 196 196 196
8 Dwi Aziz Prasetyo 32 80 16 16 256 256 256
9 Dwi Malinda 31 77 16 15 256 225 240
10 Echa Larasati 27 67 13 14 169 196 182
11 Ekawati 26 65 13 13 169 169 169
12 Esty Nur Aulia Rahma 27 67 13 14 169 196 182
13 Faizal Okie Prabowo 31 77 16 15 256 225 240
14 Fella Rizki Halaliyah 32 80 16 16 256 256 256
15 Ida Widya Ningrum 31 77 16 15 256 225 240
16 Intan Puspitasari 27 67 13 14 169 196 182
17 Isnaeni Farikha 31 77 16 15 256 225 240
18 Isni Nurhayati 27 67 13 14 169 196 182
19 Kurnia Dwie Saria Rini 29 72 14 15 196 225 210
20 Laela Indriyani 28 70 14 14 196 196 196
21 Ma'muroh 32 80 16 16 256 256 256
22 Mitha Anggitha K 27 67 13 14 169 196 182
23 Nazilatulrohmah 29 72 15 14 225 196 210
24 Putri Indah Mutiara D 31 77 15 16 225 256 240
25 Siti Masuti Suryanah 31 77 15 16 225 256 240
26 Siti Nuratika 28 70 13 15 169 225 195
27 Surkim 29 72 16 13 256 169 208
28 Tatih Susanti 28 70 13 15 169 225 195
29 Tresnawati 29 72 14 15 196 225 210
30 Vivi Nurbaeti 32 80 14 18 196 324 252
438 440 6436 6492 6434
Based on that table, the data are followed below:
N = 40 ∑▒x^2 = 6436
∑▒x = 438 ∑▒y^2 = 6492
∑▒y = 440 ∑▒xy = 6434
These data then applied to produt moment formula as follow:
rxy = (N∑▒〖XY - (∑▒X)(∑▒Y) 〗)/√({N∑▒〖X^2-├ (∑▒X)^2 } 〗 ├ {N∑▒〖Y^2-(∑▒Y)^2 〗┤ } ┤ )
rxy = ((30)(6434)- (438)(440))/√({(30)(├ ├ 6436) - 〖(438)〗^2 } {(30)(6492┤)- 〖(440)〗^2 } ┤ )
rxy = (193020-192720)/√({├ ├ 193080-191844} {194760-193600┤ } ┤ )
rxy = 300/√((1236)(1160) )
rxy = 300/√1433760
rxy = 300/1197.397
rxy = 0.2505
In order to obtain reliability of whole students we use Spearman-Brown formula as follow:
r11 = (2 x r_(1⁄2 1⁄2) )/((1 +〖 r〗_(1⁄2 1⁄2)))
r11 = (2 x 0.2505 )/((1 +0.2505))
r11 = 0.501/1.2505
r11 = 0.4006
From the calculation above, the writer obtained r11 = 0.4006. Based on the result on the consultation with rtable with N = 30 and significance of 5%, rtable is 0.361. It shows that r11 = 0.4006 > rtable is 0.361, it means there is significant relation between X as the first split score and Y as the second split score. Furthermore, the instrument of vocabulary test is reliable.
E. Design of the Research
Based on the score of questioner which is given the population, the writer took sample. The writer selects who have high and low frequency in watching English movie. Then, they are divided into two groups, the first group contains students who have high frequency in watching English movie, and the second is the group which consists of students who have low frequency in watching English movie. Each group numbered 30 students. So, there are 60 students as the sample.
F. Technique of Collecting Data
This research uses questioners and test methods. The data is collected as follows:
1. Questioner
The writer gives questioners to all population of all second semester, all eleventh classes. They need to answer the questioner directly and give it back to the author. Furthermore, the author takes samples based on the answer given respondent.
2. Test
The instrument test is vocabulary test. After all populations have answered the questioner, they need to answer the vocabulary test. Then the results of the vocabulary test are calculated by using T-test.
G. Technique of Analyzing Data
The writer uses comparison technique to find out the data about the students who have high frequency in watching English movie and the students who have low frequency in watching English movie. Then the score compared between first group and second group by calculating the mean of each group. After the data is gained, then it is calculated by using T-test analysis.
Mean analysis
x ̅= (∑▒x)/N
Notes, x ̅ : Mean
∑▒x : Total score
N : Amount of sample
Standard analysis
SD=√((∑▒(x_1- x ̅ )^2 )/(N-1))
Notes, SD : Standard Deviation ∑▒(x_1- x ̅ )^2 : Sum of mean square N : Amount of sample
United variant
S2 = ((n_1-1) S_1^2+ (n_2-1) S_2^2)/(n_1+ n_2-2)
Notes, S^1 : United variant S_1 : Standard Deviation group 1 S_2 : Standard Deviation group 2 n_1 : Sample of group 1 n_2 : Sample of group 2
t=(x ̅_1-x ̅_2)/(S √(1⁄n_1 + 1⁄n_2 ))
Notes, n_1 : Amount sample of group I
n_2 : Amount sample of group II
x ̅_1 : Mean score of group I
x ̅_2 : Mean score of group II
S : Standard Deviation
H. Statistic Hypothesis of Research
After getting the data by taking t–test, the data must be compared with t table for having knows the hypothesis accepted or refused.
If mark t-test lower than t-table, it means that zero hypothesis (h0) is accepted and hypothesis of the research (h1) is not accepted by editorial words, there is no positive effect between the students’ frequency of watching English movie in vocabulary mastery. Otherwise, if mark t-test higher than t-table, it means that zero hypothesis (h0) is not accepted and hypothesis of the research (h1) is accepted by editorial words, there is positive effect between the student’s frequency of watching English movie in vocabulary mastery.
1. Place of Research : The research was taken in SMA N 01 LARANGAN-BREBES
2. Time of Research : This research held on May, on the eleventh year students of second semester in academic year 2009/2010.
B. Population and Sample
1. Population
Population means all the sources of the research, unlimited and largest (Sudjana, 2006:71). According to Suharsini (2006:102), population can be defined as sources of the research consisting of people, animals, plants and objects that have common characteristics.
The population in this research is all students on eleventh year of SMA N 01 Larangan Brebes, in academic year 2009/2010 which totally 245. They are:
Class IPA 1 consist of 33 students
Class IPA 2 consist of 37 students
Class IPA 3 consist of 36 students
Class IPS 1 consist of 36 students
Class IPS 2 consist of 34 students
Class IPS 3 consist of 37 students
Class IPS 4 consist of 32 students
2. Sample
Sample is subjects chosen from a population for investigation (Sudjana, 2006:71).
Types of taking samples:
A random sample is all samples have same size, an equal chance of being selected from the population and chosen by a method involving an unpredictable component.
Stratified random sampling involves selecting independent samples from a number of subpopulations, group or strata within the population.
Cluster sampling involves selecting the sample units in groups. For example, a sample of telephone calls may be collected by first taking a collecting of telephone lines and collecting all the calls on the samples lines.
In this research, the writer take stratified random sampling method. Stratified random sampling is done by making the strata. Then from all of the strata are got a number of subjects randomly. A number of subjects of each stratum are sample of research. In this technique the population divided into three strata, the first is the students who have high score, the second is the students who have middle score, and the last is the students who have low score. To get the sample of research the writer gets the sample in the high strata and the low strata. The high strata are got by randomly, and also the low strata are got by randomly.
The writer took sample based on the score of questioner which given to the population. The writer selected the population into three strata, they are the students who have high frequency in watching English movies as high strata, and the student who have middle frequency in watching English movies as middle strata, and then the last is the students who have low frequency in watching English movies as low strata.
Then, the writer just took two group sample, they are the students who have high frequency in watching English movies, and the students who have low frequency in watching English movies. The writer took the sample in the high strata and the low strata randomly to get 30 students who have high frequency in watching English movies and 30 students who have low frequency in watching English movie. So it can be known that there are 60 students as samples of the research.
C. Variable of the Research
Variable is condition of characteristics that the experimenter manipulated and control of observer (Suharsini Arikunto, 2006:115)
According to the title of the writer has taken, there are two kinds of variables, independent and dependent variable. The two variables are:
Independent variable is student’s frequency watching English movie.
Dependent variable is student’s vocabulary mastery.
D. Instrument of the Research
There are two kinds of instrument that will be used in this research, the first instrument is questioner. According to Suharsini Arikunto (2006:151) questioner is a number of written used in the sense of personal reports or other matters known to the researchers. Questioner is a list of written questions submitted to the research subjects and to be answered in writing as well. The writer in this case uses a questioner directly covered with the type of items that provide a choice of five alternative answers (multiple choices) that there are for possible answer, namely A, B, C, D, and E. The questioner contained 5 questions. The scoring positive values of the answer options are; A values 5, B values 4, C values 3, and D values 1. The writer makes a questioner based on the indicators on student’s frequency that related with English movie.
The second instrument is test. According to Arikunto Suharsimi (2006:150) test is a series of questions or exercise, other tools used to measure the skills, knowledge, intelligence, ability, or talent possessed by individuals or groups. The second instrument in this research is the test that contains the 40 questions that measure of vocabulary mastery. The time of doing the test is 60 minutes. The type of the questions is multiple choices with four options A, B, C, and D.
The instrument must have the compatibility, efficiency, and steadiness. So, before the instrument is tested to collecting data, the validity and reliability of the instrument have to be test first.
In this research, there are two kinds of instrument, questioner and vocabulary test. The instrument that will be test the validity and reliability is only vocabulary test. The reason that why the questioner is not tested is that questioner is used only to group the samples not to collect the data of research.
So, vocabulary test will be test to know the validity and reliability. The instrument will be tried out by giving questioner and test to 30 students who have the same competence with the same the sample of this research.
Validity of Vocabulary Test
According to Arikunto Suharsimi (2006:168), Validity is a measure which shows levels of validity in the instrument. A test can be called as a valid test when it can measure what to be measured. A test has validity if it has correlation between the test results with criteria.
Validity can be measured by using the product moment as follows:
rxy = (N∑▒〖XY - (∑▒X)(∑▒Y) 〗)/√({N∑▒〖X^2-├ (∑▒X)^2 } 〗 ├ {∑▒〖Y^2-(∑▒Y)^2 〗┤ } ┤ )
Notes, rxy : The correlation coefficient of variable X and variable Y N : The sum of respondent ∑▒xy : The sum of multiplying of variable x and y ∑▒x : The sum of variable X ∑▒y : The sum of variable Y ∑▒x^2 : The square sum of variable X ∑▒y^2 : The square sum of variable Y
The Validity of Vocabulary Test Table
No Respondents X Y X2 Y2 XY
1 Aisyatun 72 67 5184 4489 4824
2 Alif Kudin 72 70 5184 4900 5040
3 Ayu Fatmala 67 65 4489 4225 4355
4 Ayu Nurul Amalia 72 77 5184 5929 5544
5 Aziz Amrullah 77 80 5929 6400 6160
6 Dede Sofyan Rizki H 75 62 5625 3844 4650
7 Diah Astuti 70 68 4900 4624 4760
8 Dwi Aziz Prasetyo 80 78 6400 6084 6240
9 Dwi Malinda 77 72 5929 5184 5544
10 Echa Larasati 67 70 4489 4900 4690
11 Ekawati 65 70 4225 4900 4550
12 Esty Nur Aulia Rahma 67 78 4489 6084 5226
13 Faizal Okie Prabowo 77 75 5929 5625 5775
14 Fella Rizki Halaliyah 80 77 6400 5929 6160
15 Ida Widya Ningrum 77 70 5929 4900 5390
16 Intan Puspitasari 67 68 4489 4624 4556
17 Isnaeni Farikha 77 75 5929 5625 5775
18 Isni Nurhayati 67 65 4489 4225 4355
19 Kurnia Dwie Saria Rini 72 75 5184 5625 5400
20 Laela Indriyani 70 72 4900 5184 5040
21 Ma'muroh 80 75 6400 5625 6000
22 Mitha Anggitha K 67 75 4489 5625 5025
23 Nazilatulrohmah 72 67 5184 4489 4824
24 Putri Indah Mutiara D 77 80 5929 6400 6160
25 Siti Masuti Suryanah 77 72 5929 5184 5544
26 Siti Nuratika 70 73 4900 5329 5110
27 Surkim 72 65 5184 4225 4680
28 Tatih Susanti 70 75 4900 5625 5250
29 Tresnawati 72 77 5184 5929 5544
30 Vivi Nurbaeti 80 75 6400 5625 6000
2185 2168 159775 157356 158171
Based on that table, the data are followed below:
N = 30 ∑▒x^2 = 159775
∑▒x = 2185 ∑▒y^2 = 157356
∑▒y = 2168 ∑▒xy = 158171
These data then applied to product moment formula as follow:
rxy = (N∑▒〖XY - (∑▒X)(∑▒Y) 〗)/√({N∑▒〖X^2-├ (∑▒X)^2 } 〗 ├ {N∑▒〖Y^2-(∑▒Y)^2 〗┤ } ┤ )
rxy = ((30)(158171)- (2185)(2168))/√({(30)(├ ├ 159775) - 〖(2185)〗^2 } {(30)(157356┤)- 〖(2168)〗^2 } ┤ )
rxy = (4745130-4737080)/√({├ ├ 4793250-4774225} {4720680-4700224┤ } ┤ )
rxy = 8050/√((19025)(20456) )
rxy = 8050/√389175400
rxy = 8050/19727.528
rxy = 0.408
From the calculation above, the writer obtained rxy = 0.408. Based on the result on the consultation with rtable with N = 30 and significance of 5%, it shows that rtable is 0.361. It means that rxy = 0.408> rtable = 0.361. It means that there is connectivity between the variable X as the score of try out of vocabulary and variable Y as the score of final test semester. Based on those, the instrument of vocabulary is valid.
Reliability of Vocabulary Test
Reliability is used to know the degree of stability of the instrument. A test reliable if the tool of measurement can give an illustration that can show the consistency and stability of the characteristics from the experiment (Arikunto Suharsimi, (2006:178).
The writer used Spearman Brown formula to get reliability of the vocabulary test. In this technique, the writer has to make analysis table of question items. From the analysis, the scores are grouped into 2 split of questions part. There are two ways to split the questions part, the first is the odd and even split, and the second is the first and the second split. In this case the writer used the second way, it is the first and the second split.
After the score have been grouped into two split, the next steps is counting the correlation of the first score and the last score (rxy) by using this formula:
rxy = (N∑▒〖XY - (∑▒X)(∑▒Y) 〗)/√({N∑▒〖X^2-├ (∑▒X)^2 } 〗 ├ {∑▒〖Y^2-(∑▒Y)^2 〗┤ } ┤ )
Notes, X : First spilt score Y : Final split score rxy : The correlation coefficient of X and Y
Then, to get the index of question reliability the result of rxy is applied in Spearman-Brown formula. The formula is as follow:
r11 = (2r_xy )/((1 +〖 r〗_xy))
Notes, r11 : reliability of instrument r_(1⁄2 1⁄2) : rxy ( index correlation the first split between the second
The Analysis of Question Items (The First Split/X and The Second Split/Y)
The Students’ Score of Try Out Vocabulary
(The Analysis of Vocabulary Reliability Instrument)
No Respondents Total Score Mark X Y X2 Y2 XY
1 Aisyatun 29 72 15 14 225 196 210
2 Alif Kudin 29 72 15 14 225 196 210
3 Ayu Fatmala 27 67 15 12 225 144 180
4 Ayu Nurul Amalia 29 72 15 14 225 196 210
5 Aziz Amrullah 31 77 16 15 256 225 240
6 Dede Sofyan Rizki H 30 75 15 15 225 225 225
7 Diah Astuti 28 70 14 14 196 196 196
8 Dwi Aziz Prasetyo 32 80 16 16 256 256 256
9 Dwi Malinda 31 77 16 15 256 225 240
10 Echa Larasati 27 67 13 14 169 196 182
11 Ekawati 26 65 13 13 169 169 169
12 Esty Nur Aulia Rahma 27 67 13 14 169 196 182
13 Faizal Okie Prabowo 31 77 16 15 256 225 240
14 Fella Rizki Halaliyah 32 80 16 16 256 256 256
15 Ida Widya Ningrum 31 77 16 15 256 225 240
16 Intan Puspitasari 27 67 13 14 169 196 182
17 Isnaeni Farikha 31 77 16 15 256 225 240
18 Isni Nurhayati 27 67 13 14 169 196 182
19 Kurnia Dwie Saria Rini 29 72 14 15 196 225 210
20 Laela Indriyani 28 70 14 14 196 196 196
21 Ma'muroh 32 80 16 16 256 256 256
22 Mitha Anggitha K 27 67 13 14 169 196 182
23 Nazilatulrohmah 29 72 15 14 225 196 210
24 Putri Indah Mutiara D 31 77 15 16 225 256 240
25 Siti Masuti Suryanah 31 77 15 16 225 256 240
26 Siti Nuratika 28 70 13 15 169 225 195
27 Surkim 29 72 16 13 256 169 208
28 Tatih Susanti 28 70 13 15 169 225 195
29 Tresnawati 29 72 14 15 196 225 210
30 Vivi Nurbaeti 32 80 14 18 196 324 252
438 440 6436 6492 6434
Based on that table, the data are followed below:
N = 40 ∑▒x^2 = 6436
∑▒x = 438 ∑▒y^2 = 6492
∑▒y = 440 ∑▒xy = 6434
These data then applied to produt moment formula as follow:
rxy = (N∑▒〖XY - (∑▒X)(∑▒Y) 〗)/√({N∑▒〖X^2-├ (∑▒X)^2 } 〗 ├ {N∑▒〖Y^2-(∑▒Y)^2 〗┤ } ┤ )
rxy = ((30)(6434)- (438)(440))/√({(30)(├ ├ 6436) - 〖(438)〗^2 } {(30)(6492┤)- 〖(440)〗^2 } ┤ )
rxy = (193020-192720)/√({├ ├ 193080-191844} {194760-193600┤ } ┤ )
rxy = 300/√((1236)(1160) )
rxy = 300/√1433760
rxy = 300/1197.397
rxy = 0.2505
In order to obtain reliability of whole students we use Spearman-Brown formula as follow:
r11 = (2 x r_(1⁄2 1⁄2) )/((1 +〖 r〗_(1⁄2 1⁄2)))
r11 = (2 x 0.2505 )/((1 +0.2505))
r11 = 0.501/1.2505
r11 = 0.4006
From the calculation above, the writer obtained r11 = 0.4006. Based on the result on the consultation with rtable with N = 30 and significance of 5%, rtable is 0.361. It shows that r11 = 0.4006 > rtable is 0.361, it means there is significant relation between X as the first split score and Y as the second split score. Furthermore, the instrument of vocabulary test is reliable.
E. Design of the Research
Based on the score of questioner which is given the population, the writer took sample. The writer selects who have high and low frequency in watching English movie. Then, they are divided into two groups, the first group contains students who have high frequency in watching English movie, and the second is the group which consists of students who have low frequency in watching English movie. Each group numbered 30 students. So, there are 60 students as the sample.
F. Technique of Collecting Data
This research uses questioners and test methods. The data is collected as follows:
1. Questioner
The writer gives questioners to all population of all second semester, all eleventh classes. They need to answer the questioner directly and give it back to the author. Furthermore, the author takes samples based on the answer given respondent.
2. Test
The instrument test is vocabulary test. After all populations have answered the questioner, they need to answer the vocabulary test. Then the results of the vocabulary test are calculated by using T-test.
G. Technique of Analyzing Data
The writer uses comparison technique to find out the data about the students who have high frequency in watching English movie and the students who have low frequency in watching English movie. Then the score compared between first group and second group by calculating the mean of each group. After the data is gained, then it is calculated by using T-test analysis.
Mean analysis
x ̅= (∑▒x)/N
Notes, x ̅ : Mean
∑▒x : Total score
N : Amount of sample
Standard analysis
SD=√((∑▒(x_1- x ̅ )^2 )/(N-1))
Notes, SD : Standard Deviation ∑▒(x_1- x ̅ )^2 : Sum of mean square N : Amount of sample
United variant
S2 = ((n_1-1) S_1^2+ (n_2-1) S_2^2)/(n_1+ n_2-2)
Notes, S^1 : United variant S_1 : Standard Deviation group 1 S_2 : Standard Deviation group 2 n_1 : Sample of group 1 n_2 : Sample of group 2
t=(x ̅_1-x ̅_2)/(S √(1⁄n_1 + 1⁄n_2 ))
Notes, n_1 : Amount sample of group I
n_2 : Amount sample of group II
x ̅_1 : Mean score of group I
x ̅_2 : Mean score of group II
S : Standard Deviation
H. Statistic Hypothesis of Research
After getting the data by taking t–test, the data must be compared with t table for having knows the hypothesis accepted or refused.
If mark t-test lower than t-table, it means that zero hypothesis (h0) is accepted and hypothesis of the research (h1) is not accepted by editorial words, there is no positive effect between the students’ frequency of watching English movie in vocabulary mastery. Otherwise, if mark t-test higher than t-table, it means that zero hypothesis (h0) is not accepted and hypothesis of the research (h1) is accepted by editorial words, there is positive effect between the student’s frequency of watching English movie in vocabulary mastery.
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