A. Background of the Problem
Television is one of modern technology that has given many advantages for human life. Almost every family has a television as entertainment media in their home. By watching television people can know everything about news, entertainments, etc. Television also has become an effective medium to transfer knowledge, information, and culture.
Most people in our environment think that development technology have brought more negative effect than the positive such as, television, internet, and VCD/DVD player. Actually there are many positive effects of development technology, for example television can be used as a media in learning English language. One of program that has many benefits in English language skill is English movie or western movie.
Look in the language case, there are two kinds of English movie that show in the television station of Indonesia, the first English movie that use English language (original language of movie) and the second English movie that use Indonesia language (English language have edited into Indonesia language). Of course, English movie that have many benefits in English language skill is English movie that use original language of movie.
Every television stations show English movie everyday. Usually the television station show English movie in the night, start at nine o’clock until midnight. It is the specific time for English students to watch English movie program. After they study usually they watch English movie to refresh their brain.
According to Muhamad Agus Salim El Bahri in his paper scientific that title The Role of Watching English Movie in Learning English (http://www.scribd.com/doc/9639852/The-Role-of-Watching-English-Movie-in-Learning-English) explained that:
“There are many benefits that can be achieved through watching movie. The first, watching is something enjoyable, moreover if we understand about it. By watching people can know the current things. English movie are very develop nowadays and known in Indonesia because of the effect of globalization era on information sector. The second, watching English movie is very advantages for English students, not only as something enjoyable but also as motivation to learn English. Finally, the students can also learn a lot of things from watching English movie such as – pronunciation, vocabulary, style, intonation even western culture, habit etc”.
English movie is very effective to improve English skill for English student. By watching English movie they can study some aspect of English skill such as, listening, pronunciation, vocabulary skill. The threes skill mentioned have correlation that when the students watching English movie of course they listen the conversation that happen in the English movie and directly they look how the foreigners pronounce the words, beside it they also look the translation in the screen of television to know the meaning of the words or sentences that the foreigners speak. So it means that when they watching English movie there are three studying process of English language skill, listening, pronunciation and, vocabulary skill.
There are some English language skills that students get in the school such as, listening, reading, speaking, writing, and vocabulary skill. But, the main skill of English language of senior high student is vocabulary. It can be explained that vocabulary skill is the key to mastery English language. It’s impossible for English student to get listening, reading, speaking, and writing skill if they don’t have vocabulary skill. It means the English students have to get vocabulary skill first to get the others skill of English language.
Based on the explaining in the previous paragraph that English student can improve their vocabulary skill by watching English movie, the writer interests to make the research about “The effect of frequency of watching English movie in the vocabulary mastery of student grade XI SMA Negeri 01 Larangan Brebes 2009/2010”.
B. Identification of the Problem
Based on the background of the study explained previously, the writer can identify some problems. The identified problems are as follows:
1. What does vocabulary and vocabulary mastery mean?
2. What does English movie mean?
3. Does frequency of watching English movie give the positive effect in vocabulary mastery of the students?
C. Limitation of the Problem
It is impossible to the writer to research the entire problems. It will need more time, energy, and finance. Therefore, the writer limits the problems only on:
1. A student’s frequency in watching English movie is indicated by the score of the questionnaires concerning the student’s activity in doing it.
2. A student’s mastery of vocabulary is indicated by the score of vocabulary test.
D. Formulation of the Problem
Problem formulation explains about the entire variables which are observed based on the background of the study, identification of the problem, and limitation of the problem. So, the writer formulates a problem in term of question as follows: “Does frequency of watching English movie give a positive effect to improve vocabulary mastery of students grade XI of SMA Negeri 01 Larangan Brebes academic year 2009/2010?”
E. Objectives of the Study
The objectives of this research are:
1. To know the effect of frequency of watching English movie in the vocabulary mastery of the student grade XI SMA Negeri 01 Larangan Brebes.
2. To know that there are many benefits of watching English movie to improve English skill.
3. To know how far the students mastering vocabulary.
4. To know the differences of the student’s vocabulary mastery between the student who likes to watching English movie and the student who doesn’t like to watching English movie.
F. Significance of the Study
The result of the research is expected to give the significances in theorist and practice as follows:
1. Theoretical significances
a. For English development, this research is useful for English theories development in the future.
b. For learning methodology, the result of this thesis will support and strengthen theory and concept in learning English methodology. It can improve English learning achievement.
2. Practical significances
a. The result of this study will be useful for the readers, especially the students of English department of Pancasakti University Tegal. It may provide useful information for them in conducting such as research. In addition, this information can contribute to their knowledge of language research.
b. This study may be helpful for the students grade XI of SMA Negeri 01 Larangan Brebes. It helps them to be more alert in their vocabulary mastery. Furthermore, it may help them to understand that vocabulary mastery is an important aspect in language learning, it is a key for them to get a success in their learning language process.
c. For the writer, this thesis gives awareness that vocabulary is important aspect in language learning. Beside that, this thesis gives the writer a view that learning English out of campus is very important to the students of English department.
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