A. Description of The Data
In this research the writer used questioners and vocabulary test as the instrument. The questions function to collect the information which students who have high frequency in watching English movies and which the students who have low frequency in watching English movies, while vocabulary test function to measure student’s vocabulary mastery.
Questioner is a number of written questions used in the sense personal report or the other matters known to researchers. The questioners have given to the population which totally 269 students. This questioner consists of 6 multiple choice questions. The score of each question is between 1 until 5. The students who gain score more than 21 are the students who have high frequency in watching English movies, while the students who gain score less than 15 are the students who have low frequency in watching English movies.
Based on the score of questioner which given to the population, the writer selected students who have high and low frequency in watching English movies. Students who have high score as the first group, this is group which have high frequency in watching English movies, they are 30 students. The second group is group the students who have low score, this group is group which have low frequency in watching English movies, they are 30 students. So, there are 60 students as samples of research.
The second instrument was used is vocabulary test. This test consists of 40 multiple choice questions. The vocabulary test was given to the entire sample, the experiment group and the controlling group. The experiment group as the first group is containing the students who have high frequency in watching English movies. The control group as the experiment group containing the students who have low frequency in watching English movies.
The calculation of vocabulary test of each group represented as follows:
The Calculation of Students Who have High Frequency in Watching English Movies (The First Group)
The Score of Vocabulary Test of Students Who Have High Frequency in Watching English Movies (The Experiment Group)
No Name of Students Score
1 Abdul Rokhim 70
2 Ade Bagus Infantri 64
3 Agus Mustofa 72
4 Agus Priyanto A 70
5 Agus Priyanto B 85
6 Ahmad Supandi 70
7 Aiman 73
8 Anggi Susilowati 77
9 Anggun Kritiani 85
10 Apip Royani 75
11 Apriliana R 77
12 Arum Dewi Pradini 60
13 Astuti 77
14 Atus Shobah 72
15 Dwi Amalia P 77
16 Diah Nur Fitri 80
17 Dymas Aliftio Putra 65
18 Fajar Setiawan 77
19 Ferawati 70
20 Iis Sumaine 60
Continuation of table 4
21 Nur Jamilah R 65
22 Nurul Hidayah 73
23 Sokesih 87
24 Sukma A 65
25 Taufik 77
26 Trias Andi Laksono 67
27 Try Sutrisno 65
28 Vina Aenul Fitri 70
29 Wiesmoyo Aries M 80
30 Wigi Saputra 77
The Analysis’s Score of Vocabulary Test of Students Who Have High Frequency in Watching English Movies (The Experiment Group)
No Name of Students Score (X-X ̅ ) (X-X ̅ )^2
1 Arum Dewi Pradini 60 -12.73 162.0529
2 Iis Sumaine 60 -12.73 162.0529
3 Ade Bagus Infantri 64 -8.73 76.2129
4 Dymas Aliftio Putra 65 -7.73 59.7529
5 Nur Jamilah R 65 -7.73 59.7529
6 Sukma A 65 -7.73 59.7529
7 Try Sutrisno 65 -7.73 59.7529
8 Trias Andi Laksono 67 -5.73 32.8329
9 Abdul Rokhim 70 -2.73 7.4529
10 Agus Priyanto A 70 -2.73 7.4529
11 Ahmad Supandi 70 -2.73 7.4529
12 Ferawati 70 -2.73 7.4529
13 Vina Aenul Fitri 70 -2.73 7.4529
14 Agus Mustofa 72 -0.73 0.5329
15 Atus Shobah 72 -0.73 0.5329
16 Aiman 73 0.27 0.0729
17 Nurul Hidayah 73 0.27 0.0729
18 Apip Royani 75 2.27 5.1529
19 Anggi Susilowati 77 4.27 18.2329
20 Apriliana R 77 4.27 18.2329
21 Astuti 77 4.27 18.2329
22 Dwi Amalia P 77 4.27 18.2329
23 Fajar Setiawan 77 4.27 18.2329
24 Taufik 77 4.27 18.2329
Continuation of table 5
25 Wigi Saputra 77 4.27 18.2329
26 Diah Nur Fitri 80 7.27 52.8529
27 Wiesmoyo Aries M 80 7.27 52.8529
28 Agus Priyanto B 85 12.27 150.5529
29 Anggun Kritiani 85 12.27 150.5529
30 Sokesih 87 14.27 203.6329
2182 1453.867
Mean x ̅
x ̅= (∑▒x_i )/N
= 2182/30
= 72,73
Modus (Mo)
Mo = 77
Median (Me)
Me = (72+73)/2
= 72,5
Standard Deviation (SD)
SD=√((∑▒(x_1- x ̅ )^2 )/(N-1))
= √(1453,867/(30-1))
= √50,1333
= 7,0804
Variant of Group I ((S_1 )^2
S_1^2 = (7,0804)^2
= 50,132
The Calculation of Students Who have High Frequency in Watching English Movies (The First Group)
The Score of Vocabulary Test of Students Who Have Low Frequency in Watching English Movies (The Control Group)
No Name of Students Score
1 Abdul Rosid 68
2 Anggun Novitasari 73
3 Anis Kustriowati 67
4 Deni Saputra 68
5 Ferdian Sandi Arista 64
6 Fitri Damayanti 67
7 Hani Fitriyani 72
8 Ika Rahayu 55
9 Irtanti 67
10 Jumiatun 68
11 Koriah 60
12 Korisah Sri Puspita 65
13 Lela Afriana 55
14 Marpuah 57
15 Maulida Irviana Z 67
16 Mella Riskawati 68
17 Moh. Haikal Ulinnuha 65
18 Mohamad Ali Sidik 65
19 Nia Sulistiani S 67
20 Rozalia Indahwati 72
21 Siti Maulindah 70
22 Solikhatun 67
23 Sri Mulyani 65
24 Supriyanto 64
25 Supriyatin 73
26 Try Utami 70
27 Uswatun Khasanah 70
Continuation of table 6
28 Uun Anisah 60
29 Widya Atika 68
30 Zulfatun Ni'mah 68
The Analysis’s Score of Vocabulary Test of Students Who Have Low Frequency in Watching English Movies (The Control Group)
No Name of Students Score (X-X ̅ ) (X-X ̅ )^2
1 Ika Rahayu 55 -11.16 124.5456
2 Lela Afriana 55 -11.16 124.5456
3 Marpuah 57 -9.16 83.9056
4 Koriah 60 -6.16 37.9456
5 Uun Anisah 60 -6.16 37.9456
6 Ferdian Sandi Arista 64 -2.16 4.6656
7 Supriyanto 64 -2.16 4.6656
8 Korisah Sri Puspita 65 -1.16 1.3456
9 Moh. Haikal Ulinnuha 65 -1.16 1.3456
10 Mohamad Ali Sidik 65 -1.16 1.3456
11 Sri Mulyani 65 -1.16 1.3456
12 Anis Kustriowati 67 0.84 0.7056
13 Fitri Damayanti 67 0.84 0.7056
14 Irtanti 67 0.84 0.7056
15 Maulida Irviana Z 67 0.84 0.7056
16 Nia Sulistiani S 67 0.84 0.7056
17 Solikhatun 67 0.84 0.7056
18 Abdul Rosid 68 1.84 3.3856
19 Deni Saputra 68 1.84 3.3856
20 Jumiatun 68 1.84 3.3856
21 Mella Riskawati 68 1.84 3.3856
22 Widya Atika 68 1.84 3.3856
23 Zulfatun Ni'mah 68 1.84 3.3856
24 Siti Maulindah 70 3.84 14.7456
25 Try Utami 70 3.84 14.7456
26 Uswatun Khasanah 70 3.84 14.7456
27 Hani Fitriyani 72 5.84 34.1056
28 Rozalia Indahwati 72 5.84 34.1056
29 Anggun Novitasari 73 6.84 46.7856
30 Supriyatin 73 6.84 46.7856
1985 654.168
Mean x ̅
x ̅= (∑▒x_i )/N
= 1985/30
= 66,16
Modus (Mo)
Mo = 67 & 68
Median (Me)
Me = (67+67)/2
= 67
Standard Deviation (SD)
SD=√((∑▒(x_1- x ̅ )^2 )/(N-1))
= √(654,168/(30-1))
= √22,5575
= 4,7494
Variant of Group I ((S_1 )^2
S_2^2 =(4,794)^2
= 22,556
United Variants
From those data above, then the data combine with the united variant formula as following below:
n_1=30 S_1^2=50,132
n_2=30 S_2^2=22,556
S2 = ((n_1-1) S_1^2+ (n_2-1) S_2^2)/(n_1+ n_2-2)
= ((30-1)50,132+ (30-1)22,556)/(30+30-2)
= ((29)50,132+ (29)22,556)/58
= (1453,828+644,554)/58
= 2098.382/58
The unity of standard deviation (S)
S = √36,176
= 6,014
To know whether there is a significant between the experiment (first group) and the control (second group), the result is tested by using T-test. The following is the calculation:
n_1=30 X ̅=72,73 S = 6,014
n_2=30 X ̅=60,96
The formula:
t=(x ̅_1-x ̅_2)/(S √(1⁄n_1 + 1⁄n_2 ))
=(72,73-66.16)/(6,014 √(1⁄30+ 1⁄30))
=6,57/(6,014 x 0.258)
= 4,235
From the analysis by using t-test (t0), the writer obtained (t0) = 4,235. T table (tt) with dk = 30 + 30 – 2 = 58 and significance () of 5%, obtained (tt) = 2,021.
B. The Result of Data Analysis and Explanation
The test criterion H0 is refused if t0 is lower than ttable. From the result of calculating t-test, t0 is 4,235 and the ttable on the level significance 5% with degree of freedom (df) 58 is 2,021. The result, t0 is higher than t¬table (4,235>2,021). It means H+0 is rejected and H1 accepted. Based on those results, the writer concludes that there is deep significant effect between students who have high frequency in watching English movies (the first group) and the students who have low frequency in watching English movies (the second group).
Further more, the calculation shows t0 is higher than ttable. Then the hypothesis says:
“Students who have high frequency in watching English movies getting better vocabulary mastery than students who have low frequency in watching English movies”.
C. Discussion
Based on the result of data analysis, t0 is 4,235 with the degree of freedom (dk) is 58 on the level significance 5%, t0 is 2,021. The result, t0 higher than ttable (4,235>2,021). It means there is deep significant effect between the students who have high frequency in watching English movies (the first group) and the students who have low frequency in watching English movies (second group). It ca be concluded that high frequency in watching English movies give a positive influence for the students’ vocabulary mastery. Finally, H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted.
In this research the writer used questioners and vocabulary test as the instrument. The questions function to collect the information which students who have high frequency in watching English movies and which the students who have low frequency in watching English movies, while vocabulary test function to measure student’s vocabulary mastery.
Questioner is a number of written questions used in the sense personal report or the other matters known to researchers. The questioners have given to the population which totally 269 students. This questioner consists of 6 multiple choice questions. The score of each question is between 1 until 5. The students who gain score more than 21 are the students who have high frequency in watching English movies, while the students who gain score less than 15 are the students who have low frequency in watching English movies.
Based on the score of questioner which given to the population, the writer selected students who have high and low frequency in watching English movies. Students who have high score as the first group, this is group which have high frequency in watching English movies, they are 30 students. The second group is group the students who have low score, this group is group which have low frequency in watching English movies, they are 30 students. So, there are 60 students as samples of research.
The second instrument was used is vocabulary test. This test consists of 40 multiple choice questions. The vocabulary test was given to the entire sample, the experiment group and the controlling group. The experiment group as the first group is containing the students who have high frequency in watching English movies. The control group as the experiment group containing the students who have low frequency in watching English movies.
The calculation of vocabulary test of each group represented as follows:
The Calculation of Students Who have High Frequency in Watching English Movies (The First Group)
The Score of Vocabulary Test of Students Who Have High Frequency in Watching English Movies (The Experiment Group)
No Name of Students Score
1 Abdul Rokhim 70
2 Ade Bagus Infantri 64
3 Agus Mustofa 72
4 Agus Priyanto A 70
5 Agus Priyanto B 85
6 Ahmad Supandi 70
7 Aiman 73
8 Anggi Susilowati 77
9 Anggun Kritiani 85
10 Apip Royani 75
11 Apriliana R 77
12 Arum Dewi Pradini 60
13 Astuti 77
14 Atus Shobah 72
15 Dwi Amalia P 77
16 Diah Nur Fitri 80
17 Dymas Aliftio Putra 65
18 Fajar Setiawan 77
19 Ferawati 70
20 Iis Sumaine 60
Continuation of table 4
21 Nur Jamilah R 65
22 Nurul Hidayah 73
23 Sokesih 87
24 Sukma A 65
25 Taufik 77
26 Trias Andi Laksono 67
27 Try Sutrisno 65
28 Vina Aenul Fitri 70
29 Wiesmoyo Aries M 80
30 Wigi Saputra 77
The Analysis’s Score of Vocabulary Test of Students Who Have High Frequency in Watching English Movies (The Experiment Group)
No Name of Students Score (X-X ̅ ) (X-X ̅ )^2
1 Arum Dewi Pradini 60 -12.73 162.0529
2 Iis Sumaine 60 -12.73 162.0529
3 Ade Bagus Infantri 64 -8.73 76.2129
4 Dymas Aliftio Putra 65 -7.73 59.7529
5 Nur Jamilah R 65 -7.73 59.7529
6 Sukma A 65 -7.73 59.7529
7 Try Sutrisno 65 -7.73 59.7529
8 Trias Andi Laksono 67 -5.73 32.8329
9 Abdul Rokhim 70 -2.73 7.4529
10 Agus Priyanto A 70 -2.73 7.4529
11 Ahmad Supandi 70 -2.73 7.4529
12 Ferawati 70 -2.73 7.4529
13 Vina Aenul Fitri 70 -2.73 7.4529
14 Agus Mustofa 72 -0.73 0.5329
15 Atus Shobah 72 -0.73 0.5329
16 Aiman 73 0.27 0.0729
17 Nurul Hidayah 73 0.27 0.0729
18 Apip Royani 75 2.27 5.1529
19 Anggi Susilowati 77 4.27 18.2329
20 Apriliana R 77 4.27 18.2329
21 Astuti 77 4.27 18.2329
22 Dwi Amalia P 77 4.27 18.2329
23 Fajar Setiawan 77 4.27 18.2329
24 Taufik 77 4.27 18.2329
Continuation of table 5
25 Wigi Saputra 77 4.27 18.2329
26 Diah Nur Fitri 80 7.27 52.8529
27 Wiesmoyo Aries M 80 7.27 52.8529
28 Agus Priyanto B 85 12.27 150.5529
29 Anggun Kritiani 85 12.27 150.5529
30 Sokesih 87 14.27 203.6329
2182 1453.867
Mean x ̅
x ̅= (∑▒x_i )/N
= 2182/30
= 72,73
Modus (Mo)
Mo = 77
Median (Me)
Me = (72+73)/2
= 72,5
Standard Deviation (SD)
SD=√((∑▒(x_1- x ̅ )^2 )/(N-1))
= √(1453,867/(30-1))
= √50,1333
= 7,0804
Variant of Group I ((S_1 )^2
S_1^2 = (7,0804)^2
= 50,132
The Calculation of Students Who have High Frequency in Watching English Movies (The First Group)
The Score of Vocabulary Test of Students Who Have Low Frequency in Watching English Movies (The Control Group)
No Name of Students Score
1 Abdul Rosid 68
2 Anggun Novitasari 73
3 Anis Kustriowati 67
4 Deni Saputra 68
5 Ferdian Sandi Arista 64
6 Fitri Damayanti 67
7 Hani Fitriyani 72
8 Ika Rahayu 55
9 Irtanti 67
10 Jumiatun 68
11 Koriah 60
12 Korisah Sri Puspita 65
13 Lela Afriana 55
14 Marpuah 57
15 Maulida Irviana Z 67
16 Mella Riskawati 68
17 Moh. Haikal Ulinnuha 65
18 Mohamad Ali Sidik 65
19 Nia Sulistiani S 67
20 Rozalia Indahwati 72
21 Siti Maulindah 70
22 Solikhatun 67
23 Sri Mulyani 65
24 Supriyanto 64
25 Supriyatin 73
26 Try Utami 70
27 Uswatun Khasanah 70
Continuation of table 6
28 Uun Anisah 60
29 Widya Atika 68
30 Zulfatun Ni'mah 68
The Analysis’s Score of Vocabulary Test of Students Who Have Low Frequency in Watching English Movies (The Control Group)
No Name of Students Score (X-X ̅ ) (X-X ̅ )^2
1 Ika Rahayu 55 -11.16 124.5456
2 Lela Afriana 55 -11.16 124.5456
3 Marpuah 57 -9.16 83.9056
4 Koriah 60 -6.16 37.9456
5 Uun Anisah 60 -6.16 37.9456
6 Ferdian Sandi Arista 64 -2.16 4.6656
7 Supriyanto 64 -2.16 4.6656
8 Korisah Sri Puspita 65 -1.16 1.3456
9 Moh. Haikal Ulinnuha 65 -1.16 1.3456
10 Mohamad Ali Sidik 65 -1.16 1.3456
11 Sri Mulyani 65 -1.16 1.3456
12 Anis Kustriowati 67 0.84 0.7056
13 Fitri Damayanti 67 0.84 0.7056
14 Irtanti 67 0.84 0.7056
15 Maulida Irviana Z 67 0.84 0.7056
16 Nia Sulistiani S 67 0.84 0.7056
17 Solikhatun 67 0.84 0.7056
18 Abdul Rosid 68 1.84 3.3856
19 Deni Saputra 68 1.84 3.3856
20 Jumiatun 68 1.84 3.3856
21 Mella Riskawati 68 1.84 3.3856
22 Widya Atika 68 1.84 3.3856
23 Zulfatun Ni'mah 68 1.84 3.3856
24 Siti Maulindah 70 3.84 14.7456
25 Try Utami 70 3.84 14.7456
26 Uswatun Khasanah 70 3.84 14.7456
27 Hani Fitriyani 72 5.84 34.1056
28 Rozalia Indahwati 72 5.84 34.1056
29 Anggun Novitasari 73 6.84 46.7856
30 Supriyatin 73 6.84 46.7856
1985 654.168
Mean x ̅
x ̅= (∑▒x_i )/N
= 1985/30
= 66,16
Modus (Mo)
Mo = 67 & 68
Median (Me)
Me = (67+67)/2
= 67
Standard Deviation (SD)
SD=√((∑▒(x_1- x ̅ )^2 )/(N-1))
= √(654,168/(30-1))
= √22,5575
= 4,7494
Variant of Group I ((S_1 )^2
S_2^2 =(4,794)^2
= 22,556
United Variants
From those data above, then the data combine with the united variant formula as following below:
n_1=30 S_1^2=50,132
n_2=30 S_2^2=22,556
S2 = ((n_1-1) S_1^2+ (n_2-1) S_2^2)/(n_1+ n_2-2)
= ((30-1)50,132+ (30-1)22,556)/(30+30-2)
= ((29)50,132+ (29)22,556)/58
= (1453,828+644,554)/58
= 2098.382/58
The unity of standard deviation (S)
S = √36,176
= 6,014
To know whether there is a significant between the experiment (first group) and the control (second group), the result is tested by using T-test. The following is the calculation:
n_1=30 X ̅=72,73 S = 6,014
n_2=30 X ̅=60,96
The formula:
t=(x ̅_1-x ̅_2)/(S √(1⁄n_1 + 1⁄n_2 ))
=(72,73-66.16)/(6,014 √(1⁄30+ 1⁄30))
=6,57/(6,014 x 0.258)
= 4,235
From the analysis by using t-test (t0), the writer obtained (t0) = 4,235. T table (tt) with dk = 30 + 30 – 2 = 58 and significance () of 5%, obtained (tt) = 2,021.
B. The Result of Data Analysis and Explanation
The test criterion H0 is refused if t0 is lower than ttable. From the result of calculating t-test, t0 is 4,235 and the ttable on the level significance 5% with degree of freedom (df) 58 is 2,021. The result, t0 is higher than t¬table (4,235>2,021). It means H+0 is rejected and H1 accepted. Based on those results, the writer concludes that there is deep significant effect between students who have high frequency in watching English movies (the first group) and the students who have low frequency in watching English movies (the second group).
Further more, the calculation shows t0 is higher than ttable. Then the hypothesis says:
“Students who have high frequency in watching English movies getting better vocabulary mastery than students who have low frequency in watching English movies”.
C. Discussion
Based on the result of data analysis, t0 is 4,235 with the degree of freedom (dk) is 58 on the level significance 5%, t0 is 2,021. The result, t0 higher than ttable (4,235>2,021). It means there is deep significant effect between the students who have high frequency in watching English movies (the first group) and the students who have low frequency in watching English movies (second group). It ca be concluded that high frequency in watching English movies give a positive influence for the students’ vocabulary mastery. Finally, H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted.
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