All the praises and thanks the writer send a pray to Allah The Almighty God, because with Allah’s Grace and Guidance, the writer could finish the research.
This research is submitted in partial fulfillment of requirement for the degree of Sarjana on English Education, Pancasakti University of Tegal.
The writer would like to express his sincere thanks to:
1. Prof. Dr. H. Tri Jaka Kartana, M.Si., as the Rector of Pancasakti University Tegal.
2. Dr. H. Basukiyatno, M.Pd., as the Dean of Teaching Training and Education Faculty of Pacasakti University.
3. H. Sumartono, S.Pd., as the Head of English Department of Pancasakti University Tegal.
4. Drs. JCS. Pradjarto, M.Pd., as the first advisor who has given me direction and motivation to finish this research. It’s not too difficult to finish this research because of your direction and explaining. In this chance, I do thank you very much.
5. Drs. Masfuad ES. M.Pd., as the second advisor who has given me motivation and explanation to finish this research. I am really sorry for any disturbing whole the guidance, I do thank you so much.
6. Drs. Bambang Rudianto, M.Pd., as the Head Master of SMA Negeri 01 Larangan Brebes who has given me permission to do this research.
7. Ikwanto S.Pd., as the representative of leader of curriculum of SMA Negeri 01 Larangan Brebes who has helped me to finish this research. I do thank you so much for your direction to do this research.
8. Wahyu Suherni Asih, S.Pd., as the English teacher of SMA Negeri 01 Larangan Brebes who has helped me so much to do this research. I do thank you so much.
9. Gama Adam Perdana, as the student of IKIP Semarang who have helped me to look for the books of this research references. Thank you so much my best friend.
10. All the students grade XI of SMA Negeri 01 Larangan Brebes academic year 2009/2010 who have been population of this research.
11. My father, mother, and sister who always love me and give me everything to finish my lecture.
12. My girl friend who always motivates me to get my dream.
13. My friends of English Department of Pancasakti University Tegal who have helped and motivated me to finish this research.
14. My friends of boardinghouse who have used their time to help for finishing this lecture. I do thank you so much.
15. All of people that writer can’t mention one by one who have given helping to finish this research.
The writer would be able to finish this research without your helping. The writer says sorry for any mistakes, disturbing and my bad behavior which happened before for the all bodies especially related the research arranging process. Furthermore, the writer says thank for your helping. May Allah SWT blessing you all.
This research is much of lack of perfect that need for correction. The writer welcome for your critics and suggestions for the research to be better. The writer hopes that this research contributes in improvement of English teaching.
This research is submitted in partial fulfillment of requirement for the degree of Sarjana on English Education, Pancasakti University of Tegal.
The writer would like to express his sincere thanks to:
1. Prof. Dr. H. Tri Jaka Kartana, M.Si., as the Rector of Pancasakti University Tegal.
2. Dr. H. Basukiyatno, M.Pd., as the Dean of Teaching Training and Education Faculty of Pacasakti University.
3. H. Sumartono, S.Pd., as the Head of English Department of Pancasakti University Tegal.
4. Drs. JCS. Pradjarto, M.Pd., as the first advisor who has given me direction and motivation to finish this research. It’s not too difficult to finish this research because of your direction and explaining. In this chance, I do thank you very much.
5. Drs. Masfuad ES. M.Pd., as the second advisor who has given me motivation and explanation to finish this research. I am really sorry for any disturbing whole the guidance, I do thank you so much.
6. Drs. Bambang Rudianto, M.Pd., as the Head Master of SMA Negeri 01 Larangan Brebes who has given me permission to do this research.
7. Ikwanto S.Pd., as the representative of leader of curriculum of SMA Negeri 01 Larangan Brebes who has helped me to finish this research. I do thank you so much for your direction to do this research.
8. Wahyu Suherni Asih, S.Pd., as the English teacher of SMA Negeri 01 Larangan Brebes who has helped me so much to do this research. I do thank you so much.
9. Gama Adam Perdana, as the student of IKIP Semarang who have helped me to look for the books of this research references. Thank you so much my best friend.
10. All the students grade XI of SMA Negeri 01 Larangan Brebes academic year 2009/2010 who have been population of this research.
11. My father, mother, and sister who always love me and give me everything to finish my lecture.
12. My girl friend who always motivates me to get my dream.
13. My friends of English Department of Pancasakti University Tegal who have helped and motivated me to finish this research.
14. My friends of boardinghouse who have used their time to help for finishing this lecture. I do thank you so much.
15. All of people that writer can’t mention one by one who have given helping to finish this research.
The writer would be able to finish this research without your helping. The writer says sorry for any mistakes, disturbing and my bad behavior which happened before for the all bodies especially related the research arranging process. Furthermore, the writer says thank for your helping. May Allah SWT blessing you all.
This research is much of lack of perfect that need for correction. The writer welcome for your critics and suggestions for the research to be better. The writer hopes that this research contributes in improvement of English teaching.
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