I had an amusing experience last year. After I had left a small village in the south of France, I drove on the next town. On the way, a young man waved to me. I stopped and he asked me for a lift. As soon as he had got into the car, I said good morning to him in French and he replied in the same language. Apart from a few words, I do not know any Franch at all. Neither of spoke during the journey. I had nearly reached the town, when young man suddenly said, vey slowly, ‘Do you speak English?’ As I soon learnt, he was English himself.

Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of Requirement for the Degree of Sarjana on Education
NPM : 1606501426
Study Program : English Department
This research, entitle “The Effect of Frequency of Watching English Movies in Vocabulary Mastery of Students Grade XI SMA Negeri 01 Larangan Brebes in Academic Year 2009/2010” was agreed by the advisors team of faculty of Teaching Training and Education Faculty, Pancasakti University, Tegal.
Tegal, ………………2010
Approved by
Tegal, ………………2010
Approved by
This research, entitle “The Effect of Frequency of Watching English Movies in Vocabulary Mastery of Students Grade XI SMA Negeri O1 Larangan Brebes in Academic Year 2009/2010” was agreed by the examiners team of the research, of Teaching Training and Education Faculty, Pancasakti University, Tegal.
Day : …………….
Date : ……………. 2010
Team of Examiners
Members of Examiners
Day : …………….
Date : ……………. 2010
Team of Examiners
Members of Examiners
By this:
Place/Date of Brith : Brebes, 14th June, 1988
NPM : 1606501426
Program Study : Strata 1, Reguler
Generation : 2006/2007
Entrance : 25th July, 2006
Declares the research entailed as followed “The Effect of Frequency of Watching English Movies in Vocabulary Mastery of Students Grade XI SMA Negeri 01 Larangan Brebes in Academic Year 2009/2010” is my originality script. If there is any complain from other people about this research in the future, it becomes my responsibility.
Place/Date of Brith : Brebes, 14th June, 1988
NPM : 1606501426
Program Study : Strata 1, Reguler
Generation : 2006/2007
Entrance : 25th July, 2006
Declares the research entailed as followed “The Effect of Frequency of Watching English Movies in Vocabulary Mastery of Students Grade XI SMA Negeri 01 Larangan Brebes in Academic Year 2009/2010” is my originality script. If there is any complain from other people about this research in the future, it becomes my responsibility.
“Work hard and get success, don’t ever give up” (by. Me)
“Just understand what we will do, and do the best” (by. Me)
“No one is too old to learn, We learn as long as we live, A beginning is difficult” (by. My lecture binder book)
“Simple in attitude but rich in creation” (by. 507)
My daddy and my mom (H. Darsiun and Hj. Utipah) who have been sporting in moral and material in my life, they always motivate me to get my dream come true. Thanks my daddy & my mom, I’ll do the best for you, I will show you that I can be a success boy”. You are everything in my life, without you I can’t do anything. I do love you dad & mom
Thanks for my old sister (Anissatul Fuadah, S.Pd) who have helped and given me direction to finish this research) I love you my old sister.
My young sisters & brothers (Trias, Ellen, Audy, Sylla) be a good person!!!
My Lovely (Lina Dian Rahmawati) who always give me motivations to finish this research. You have made change of my life. I love you so much my Na. May ALLOH SWT makes our whishes come true Amiinn.
My Boardinghouse friends (Mz Topik, Trima, Oji, Didin) thank you for your helping. You are my best friends. I love you so much
“Work hard and get success, don’t ever give up” (by. Me)
“Just understand what we will do, and do the best” (by. Me)
“No one is too old to learn, We learn as long as we live, A beginning is difficult” (by. My lecture binder book)
“Simple in attitude but rich in creation” (by. 507)
My daddy and my mom (H. Darsiun and Hj. Utipah) who have been sporting in moral and material in my life, they always motivate me to get my dream come true. Thanks my daddy & my mom, I’ll do the best for you, I will show you that I can be a success boy”. You are everything in my life, without you I can’t do anything. I do love you dad & mom
Thanks for my old sister (Anissatul Fuadah, S.Pd) who have helped and given me direction to finish this research) I love you my old sister.
My young sisters & brothers (Trias, Ellen, Audy, Sylla) be a good person!!!
My Lovely (Lina Dian Rahmawati) who always give me motivations to finish this research. You have made change of my life. I love you so much my Na. May ALLOH SWT makes our whishes come true Amiinn.
My Boardinghouse friends (Mz Topik, Trima, Oji, Didin) thank you for your helping. You are my best friends. I love you so much
All the praises and thanks the writer send a pray to Allah The Almighty God, because with Allah’s Grace and Guidance, the writer could finish the research.
This research is submitted in partial fulfillment of requirement for the degree of Sarjana on English Education, Pancasakti University of Tegal.
The writer would like to express his sincere thanks to:
1. Prof. Dr. H. Tri Jaka Kartana, M.Si., as the Rector of Pancasakti University Tegal.
2. Dr. H. Basukiyatno, M.Pd., as the Dean of Teaching Training and Education Faculty of Pacasakti University.
3. H. Sumartono, S.Pd., as the Head of English Department of Pancasakti University Tegal.
4. Drs. JCS. Pradjarto, M.Pd., as the first advisor who has given me direction and motivation to finish this research. It’s not too difficult to finish this research because of your direction and explaining. In this chance, I do thank you very much.
5. Drs. Masfuad ES. M.Pd., as the second advisor who has given me motivation and explanation to finish this research. I am really sorry for any disturbing whole the guidance, I do thank you so much.
6. Drs. Bambang Rudianto, M.Pd., as the Head Master of SMA Negeri 01 Larangan Brebes who has given me permission to do this research.
7. Ikwanto S.Pd., as the representative of leader of curriculum of SMA Negeri 01 Larangan Brebes who has helped me to finish this research. I do thank you so much for your direction to do this research.
8. Wahyu Suherni Asih, S.Pd., as the English teacher of SMA Negeri 01 Larangan Brebes who has helped me so much to do this research. I do thank you so much.
9. Gama Adam Perdana, as the student of IKIP Semarang who have helped me to look for the books of this research references. Thank you so much my best friend.
10. All the students grade XI of SMA Negeri 01 Larangan Brebes academic year 2009/2010 who have been population of this research.
11. My father, mother, and sister who always love me and give me everything to finish my lecture.
12. My girl friend who always motivates me to get my dream.
13. My friends of English Department of Pancasakti University Tegal who have helped and motivated me to finish this research.
14. My friends of boardinghouse who have used their time to help for finishing this lecture. I do thank you so much.
15. All of people that writer can’t mention one by one who have given helping to finish this research.
The writer would be able to finish this research without your helping. The writer says sorry for any mistakes, disturbing and my bad behavior which happened before for the all bodies especially related the research arranging process. Furthermore, the writer says thank for your helping. May Allah SWT blessing you all.
This research is much of lack of perfect that need for correction. The writer welcome for your critics and suggestions for the research to be better. The writer hopes that this research contributes in improvement of English teaching.
This research is submitted in partial fulfillment of requirement for the degree of Sarjana on English Education, Pancasakti University of Tegal.
The writer would like to express his sincere thanks to:
1. Prof. Dr. H. Tri Jaka Kartana, M.Si., as the Rector of Pancasakti University Tegal.
2. Dr. H. Basukiyatno, M.Pd., as the Dean of Teaching Training and Education Faculty of Pacasakti University.
3. H. Sumartono, S.Pd., as the Head of English Department of Pancasakti University Tegal.
4. Drs. JCS. Pradjarto, M.Pd., as the first advisor who has given me direction and motivation to finish this research. It’s not too difficult to finish this research because of your direction and explaining. In this chance, I do thank you very much.
5. Drs. Masfuad ES. M.Pd., as the second advisor who has given me motivation and explanation to finish this research. I am really sorry for any disturbing whole the guidance, I do thank you so much.
6. Drs. Bambang Rudianto, M.Pd., as the Head Master of SMA Negeri 01 Larangan Brebes who has given me permission to do this research.
7. Ikwanto S.Pd., as the representative of leader of curriculum of SMA Negeri 01 Larangan Brebes who has helped me to finish this research. I do thank you so much for your direction to do this research.
8. Wahyu Suherni Asih, S.Pd., as the English teacher of SMA Negeri 01 Larangan Brebes who has helped me so much to do this research. I do thank you so much.
9. Gama Adam Perdana, as the student of IKIP Semarang who have helped me to look for the books of this research references. Thank you so much my best friend.
10. All the students grade XI of SMA Negeri 01 Larangan Brebes academic year 2009/2010 who have been population of this research.
11. My father, mother, and sister who always love me and give me everything to finish my lecture.
12. My girl friend who always motivates me to get my dream.
13. My friends of English Department of Pancasakti University Tegal who have helped and motivated me to finish this research.
14. My friends of boardinghouse who have used their time to help for finishing this lecture. I do thank you so much.
15. All of people that writer can’t mention one by one who have given helping to finish this research.
The writer would be able to finish this research without your helping. The writer says sorry for any mistakes, disturbing and my bad behavior which happened before for the all bodies especially related the research arranging process. Furthermore, the writer says thank for your helping. May Allah SWT blessing you all.
This research is much of lack of perfect that need for correction. The writer welcome for your critics and suggestions for the research to be better. The writer hopes that this research contributes in improvement of English teaching.
ERHICE PONDIDI. 2010. “The Effect of Frequency of Watching English Movies in Vocabulary Mastery of Students Grade XI SMA Negeri 01 Larangan Brebes Academic Year 2009/2010”. Strata 1 Program. Teaching Training and Education Faculty, Pancasakti University Tegal.
Key words: The frequency of watching English movies, the vocabulary mastery.
The objective of this research is to find out whether the frequency watching English movies influences the vocabulary mastery of students grade XI SMA Negeri 01 Larangan Brebes.
Based on the theory and frame of thinking the research hypothesis is proposed s follows: “Students who have high frequency in watching English movies getting the better vocabulary mastery than students who have low frequency in watching English movies”.
Population of this research is students the eleventh year of SMA Negeri 01 Larangan Brebes which is totally 245 students. Then, the writer selected students who have high and low frequency in watching English movies to be sample of research by score of questioner that consists of the questions that ask about the students’ frequency of watching English movies.. The writer has used stratified random sampling technique to take the sample of research. There are two groups, each group consists of 30 students. First group is the students who have high score of questioner as the experiment group, while second group is the students who have low score of questioner as the controlling group. The numbers of the sample is 60 students.
The writer has used questioner and test as the instrument of the research. Before the writer uses the instrument to get data of research, validity and reliability of instruments have to be measured first. The writer has measured the validity and reliability of test only, because questioner is not used to collect the data, but to group the sample only. Questioner consists of 6 multiple choice questions. The questioners functions to collect the information about students who have high frequency in watching English movies and students who have low frequency in watching English movies. The second instrument is test about vocabulary materials. Vocabulary test consists of 40 multiple choice questions. Vocabulary test is used to measure the vocabulary mastery of students of the sample.
Based on the results that have been tested by using T-test formula, T0 is 4,235. The level of significance 5%, on the degree of freedom 58 is 2,021, T0 is higher than Ttable (4,235>2,021), H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. It means that there is significant effect between students whose high frequency in watching English movies and students whose low frequency in watching English movies. Students who have high frequency in watching English movies have a positive influence to their vocabulary mastery better than students who have low frequency in watching English movies.
ERHICE PONDIDI. 2010. “Pengaruh Keseringan dalam Menonton Film Berbahasa Inggris terhadap Kemampuan Kosakata Bahasa Inggris pada Siswa Kelas XI di SMA Negeri 01 Larangan Brebes Tahun Ajaran 2009/2010”. Program Sarjana. Fakultas Kegururan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Pancasakti, Tegal.
Kata Kunci: Keseringan menonton film berbahasa Inggris, kemampuan kosakata bahasa Inggris.
Sasaran penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah keseringan menonton film berbahasa Inggris memiliki pengaruh terhadap kemampuan kosakata bahasa Inggris pada siswa kelas XI di SMA Negeri 01 Larangan Brebes.
Berdasarkan teori dan kerangka berfikir, hipotesis yang telah disusun adalah sebagai berikut: “Siswa yang memiliki tingkat keseringan tinggi dalam menonton film berbahasa Inggris, memiliki kemampuan kosakata bahasa Inggris yang lebih baik dari pada siswa yang memiliki tingkat keseringan rendah dalam menonton film berbahasa Inggris”.
Populasi penelitian ini adalah para siswa kelas XI SMA Negeri 01 Larangan Brebes yang berjumlah 245 siswa. Selanjutnya, peneliti menyeleksi siswa yang memiliki tingkat keseringan tinggi dan rendah dalam menononton film berbahasa Inggris untuk dijadikan sampel penelitian dengan menggunakan angket yang berisi tentang pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang menyakan tentang tingakt keseringan siswa salam menonto film berbahasa Inggris. Peneliti telah menggunakan teknik sampel bertingkat dalam pengambilan sampel penelitian. Sampel terbagi 2 kelompok, masing-masing berjumlah 30 siswa. Kelompok pertama adalah para siswa yang memiliki tingkat keseringan tinggi dalam menonton film berbahasa Inggris, kelompok ini sebagai kelompok uji coba, sedangkan kelompok kedua adalah para siswa yang memiliki tingkat keseringan rendah dalam menonton film berbahasa Inggris, kelompok ini sebagai kelompok control. Jumlah keseluruhan sampel adalah 60 siswa.
Peneliti menggunakan angket dan tes sebagai instrumen penelitian. Sebelum peneliti menggunakan instrumen untuk mendapatkan data penelitian, validitas dan reliabilitas dari instrument harus diukur terlebih dahulu. Peneliti hanya mengukur validitas dan dan reliabilitas pada instrumen tes, karena angket digunakan tidak untuk mengumpulkan data, tetapi hanya untuk mengelompokan sampel. Angket terdiri dari 6 pertanyaan pilihan ganda. Angket digunakan berfungsi untuk mendapatkan informasi manakah siswa yag memiliki tingkat keseringan tinggi dalam menonton film berbahasa Inggris dan siswa yang memiliki tingkat keseringan rendah dalam menonton film berbahasa Inggris. Instrumen yang selanjutnya adalah test tentang meteri kosakata bahasa Inggris. Tes kosakata terdiri dari 40 pertanyaan pilihan ganda. Tes kosakata digunakan untuk mengukur kemampuan kosakata bahasa Inggris siswa yang telah menjadi sampel.
Berdasarkan perhitungan menggunakan rumus T-tes diketahui T0 (hitung) adalah 4,235. Taraf signifikan 5% dengan derajat kebebasan 58 adalah 2,021, T0 (hitung) bernilai lebih tinggi dari pada Ttable (4,235>2,021), H0 (nol) ditolak dan H1 (penelitian) diterima. Maka, terdapat perbedaan hasil yang signifikan antara siswa yang tingkat keseringannya tinggi dalam menonton film berbahasa Inggris dengan siswa yang tingkat keseringannya rendah dalam menonton film berbahasa Inggris. Siswa yang memiliki tingkat keseringan menonton film berbahasa Inggris tinggi memiliki pengaruh yang positif terhadap pengusaan kosakata bahasa Inggris dari pada siswa yang tingkat keseringan rendah dalam menonton film berbahasa Inggris.
Key words: The frequency of watching English movies, the vocabulary mastery.
The objective of this research is to find out whether the frequency watching English movies influences the vocabulary mastery of students grade XI SMA Negeri 01 Larangan Brebes.
Based on the theory and frame of thinking the research hypothesis is proposed s follows: “Students who have high frequency in watching English movies getting the better vocabulary mastery than students who have low frequency in watching English movies”.
Population of this research is students the eleventh year of SMA Negeri 01 Larangan Brebes which is totally 245 students. Then, the writer selected students who have high and low frequency in watching English movies to be sample of research by score of questioner that consists of the questions that ask about the students’ frequency of watching English movies.. The writer has used stratified random sampling technique to take the sample of research. There are two groups, each group consists of 30 students. First group is the students who have high score of questioner as the experiment group, while second group is the students who have low score of questioner as the controlling group. The numbers of the sample is 60 students.
The writer has used questioner and test as the instrument of the research. Before the writer uses the instrument to get data of research, validity and reliability of instruments have to be measured first. The writer has measured the validity and reliability of test only, because questioner is not used to collect the data, but to group the sample only. Questioner consists of 6 multiple choice questions. The questioners functions to collect the information about students who have high frequency in watching English movies and students who have low frequency in watching English movies. The second instrument is test about vocabulary materials. Vocabulary test consists of 40 multiple choice questions. Vocabulary test is used to measure the vocabulary mastery of students of the sample.
Based on the results that have been tested by using T-test formula, T0 is 4,235. The level of significance 5%, on the degree of freedom 58 is 2,021, T0 is higher than Ttable (4,235>2,021), H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. It means that there is significant effect between students whose high frequency in watching English movies and students whose low frequency in watching English movies. Students who have high frequency in watching English movies have a positive influence to their vocabulary mastery better than students who have low frequency in watching English movies.
ERHICE PONDIDI. 2010. “Pengaruh Keseringan dalam Menonton Film Berbahasa Inggris terhadap Kemampuan Kosakata Bahasa Inggris pada Siswa Kelas XI di SMA Negeri 01 Larangan Brebes Tahun Ajaran 2009/2010”. Program Sarjana. Fakultas Kegururan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Pancasakti, Tegal.
Kata Kunci: Keseringan menonton film berbahasa Inggris, kemampuan kosakata bahasa Inggris.
Sasaran penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah keseringan menonton film berbahasa Inggris memiliki pengaruh terhadap kemampuan kosakata bahasa Inggris pada siswa kelas XI di SMA Negeri 01 Larangan Brebes.
Berdasarkan teori dan kerangka berfikir, hipotesis yang telah disusun adalah sebagai berikut: “Siswa yang memiliki tingkat keseringan tinggi dalam menonton film berbahasa Inggris, memiliki kemampuan kosakata bahasa Inggris yang lebih baik dari pada siswa yang memiliki tingkat keseringan rendah dalam menonton film berbahasa Inggris”.
Populasi penelitian ini adalah para siswa kelas XI SMA Negeri 01 Larangan Brebes yang berjumlah 245 siswa. Selanjutnya, peneliti menyeleksi siswa yang memiliki tingkat keseringan tinggi dan rendah dalam menononton film berbahasa Inggris untuk dijadikan sampel penelitian dengan menggunakan angket yang berisi tentang pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang menyakan tentang tingakt keseringan siswa salam menonto film berbahasa Inggris. Peneliti telah menggunakan teknik sampel bertingkat dalam pengambilan sampel penelitian. Sampel terbagi 2 kelompok, masing-masing berjumlah 30 siswa. Kelompok pertama adalah para siswa yang memiliki tingkat keseringan tinggi dalam menonton film berbahasa Inggris, kelompok ini sebagai kelompok uji coba, sedangkan kelompok kedua adalah para siswa yang memiliki tingkat keseringan rendah dalam menonton film berbahasa Inggris, kelompok ini sebagai kelompok control. Jumlah keseluruhan sampel adalah 60 siswa.
Peneliti menggunakan angket dan tes sebagai instrumen penelitian. Sebelum peneliti menggunakan instrumen untuk mendapatkan data penelitian, validitas dan reliabilitas dari instrument harus diukur terlebih dahulu. Peneliti hanya mengukur validitas dan dan reliabilitas pada instrumen tes, karena angket digunakan tidak untuk mengumpulkan data, tetapi hanya untuk mengelompokan sampel. Angket terdiri dari 6 pertanyaan pilihan ganda. Angket digunakan berfungsi untuk mendapatkan informasi manakah siswa yag memiliki tingkat keseringan tinggi dalam menonton film berbahasa Inggris dan siswa yang memiliki tingkat keseringan rendah dalam menonton film berbahasa Inggris. Instrumen yang selanjutnya adalah test tentang meteri kosakata bahasa Inggris. Tes kosakata terdiri dari 40 pertanyaan pilihan ganda. Tes kosakata digunakan untuk mengukur kemampuan kosakata bahasa Inggris siswa yang telah menjadi sampel.
Berdasarkan perhitungan menggunakan rumus T-tes diketahui T0 (hitung) adalah 4,235. Taraf signifikan 5% dengan derajat kebebasan 58 adalah 2,021, T0 (hitung) bernilai lebih tinggi dari pada Ttable (4,235>2,021), H0 (nol) ditolak dan H1 (penelitian) diterima. Maka, terdapat perbedaan hasil yang signifikan antara siswa yang tingkat keseringannya tinggi dalam menonton film berbahasa Inggris dengan siswa yang tingkat keseringannya rendah dalam menonton film berbahasa Inggris. Siswa yang memiliki tingkat keseringan menonton film berbahasa Inggris tinggi memiliki pengaruh yang positif terhadap pengusaan kosakata bahasa Inggris dari pada siswa yang tingkat keseringan rendah dalam menonton film berbahasa Inggris.
A. Background of the Problem 1
B. Identification of the Problem 3
C. Limitation of the Problem 4
D. Formulation of the Problem 4
E. Objectives of the Study 4
F. Significance of the Study 5
A. Review of Related Literature 7
1. Definition of English Movie 7
1.1 Role of Movie in Education of Indonesia 8
1.2 The Benefits of Watching English Movie 9
1.3 The schedule of Broadcasting English Movie in TV Stations of Indonesia 10
2. General Concept of Vocabulary 12
2.1 Definition of Vocabulary 13
2.2 The Types of Vocabulary 15
2.3 The Parts of Vocabulary 20
3. General Concept of Vocabulary Mastery 21
3.1 The Kinds of Vocabulary Mastery 22
3.2 The Techniques of Vocabulary Mastery 23
4. Types of Vocabulary Form in English Movie 24
5. Student’s Frequency in Watching English Movie 25
B. Logical Frame 26
C. Hypothesis 26
A. Place and Time 27
B. Population and Sample 27
C. Variable of the Research 29
D. Instrument of the Research 29
E. Design of the Research 32
F. Technique of Collecting Data 32
G. Technique of Analyzing Data 33
A. Description of the Data 42
B. The Result of Data Analysis and Explanation 51
C. Discussion 51
A. Conclusion 52
B. Suggestion 52
A. Background of the Problem 1
B. Identification of the Problem 3
C. Limitation of the Problem 4
D. Formulation of the Problem 4
E. Objectives of the Study 4
F. Significance of the Study 5
A. Review of Related Literature 7
1. Definition of English Movie 7
1.1 Role of Movie in Education of Indonesia 8
1.2 The Benefits of Watching English Movie 9
1.3 The schedule of Broadcasting English Movie in TV Stations of Indonesia 10
2. General Concept of Vocabulary 12
2.1 Definition of Vocabulary 13
2.2 The Types of Vocabulary 15
2.3 The Parts of Vocabulary 20
3. General Concept of Vocabulary Mastery 21
3.1 The Kinds of Vocabulary Mastery 22
3.2 The Techniques of Vocabulary Mastery 23
4. Types of Vocabulary Form in English Movie 24
5. Student’s Frequency in Watching English Movie 25
B. Logical Frame 26
C. Hypothesis 26
A. Place and Time 27
B. Population and Sample 27
C. Variable of the Research 29
D. Instrument of the Research 29
E. Design of the Research 32
F. Technique of Collecting Data 32
G. Technique of Analyzing Data 33
A. Description of the Data 42
B. The Result of Data Analysis and Explanation 51
C. Discussion 51
A. Conclusion 52
B. Suggestion 52
Table 1. The Validity of Vocabulary Table 32
Table 2. The Analysis of Question Items of Vocabulary Test Instrument Table [the first split (x) & the second split (y)] 35
Table 3. The The Students’ Score of Try Out Vocabulary (The Analysis of Vocabulary Reliability Instrument) 36
Table 4. The Score of Vocabulary Test Of Students Who Have High Frequency in Watching English Movies 43
Table 5. The Analysis’s Score of Vocabulary Test of Students Who Have High Frequency in Watching English Movies 44
Table 6. The Score of Vocabulary Test Of Students Who Have Low Frequency in Watching English Movies 43
Table 7. The Analysis’s Score of Vocabulary Test of Students Who Have High Frequency in Watching English Movies 44
Table 2. The Analysis of Question Items of Vocabulary Test Instrument Table [the first split (x) & the second split (y)] 35
Table 3. The The Students’ Score of Try Out Vocabulary (The Analysis of Vocabulary Reliability Instrument) 36
Table 4. The Score of Vocabulary Test Of Students Who Have High Frequency in Watching English Movies 43
Table 5. The Analysis’s Score of Vocabulary Test of Students Who Have High Frequency in Watching English Movies 44
Table 6. The Score of Vocabulary Test Of Students Who Have Low Frequency in Watching English Movies 43
Table 7. The Analysis’s Score of Vocabulary Test of Students Who Have High Frequency in Watching English Movies 44
Appendix 1. Questioner
Appendix 2. Scoring of Questioner
Appendix 3. Vocabulary Test
Appendix 4. Key of Vocabulary Test
Appendix 5. List of Population of the Research
Appendix 6. List of Score’s Population Who Got High Score of Questioner (the first strata)
Appendix 7. List of Score’s Population Who Got Middle Score of Questioner (the second strata)
Appendix 8. List of Score’s Population Who Got Low Score of Questioner (the third strata)
Appendix 9. List of Sample of the Research
Appendix 10. List of the Questioner Score of the Sample of Experiment Group
Appendix 11. List of the Questioner Score of the Sample of Control Group
Appendix 12. List of Population’s English Final Test Score
Appendix 13. Product Moment Table
Appendix 14. T-Score Table
Appendix 15. Research License Letter of Pancasakti University for the Leader of Education Agency in Brebes
Appendix 16. Research License Letter of Pancasakti University for the Head Master of SMA Negeri 01 Larangan Brebes
Appendix 17. Research License Letter of KESBANG, POL. DAN LIMAS for the Leader of BAPPEDA Brebes
Appendix 18. Research License Letter of BAPPEDA for the Leader of Education Agency in Brebes
Appendix 19. Research License Letter of Agency Education in Brebes
Appendix 20. Information Letter of Doing the Reserch in SMA Negeri 01 Larangan Brebes
Appendix 2. Scoring of Questioner
Appendix 3. Vocabulary Test
Appendix 4. Key of Vocabulary Test
Appendix 5. List of Population of the Research
Appendix 6. List of Score’s Population Who Got High Score of Questioner (the first strata)
Appendix 7. List of Score’s Population Who Got Middle Score of Questioner (the second strata)
Appendix 8. List of Score’s Population Who Got Low Score of Questioner (the third strata)
Appendix 9. List of Sample of the Research
Appendix 10. List of the Questioner Score of the Sample of Experiment Group
Appendix 11. List of the Questioner Score of the Sample of Control Group
Appendix 12. List of Population’s English Final Test Score
Appendix 13. Product Moment Table
Appendix 14. T-Score Table
Appendix 15. Research License Letter of Pancasakti University for the Leader of Education Agency in Brebes
Appendix 16. Research License Letter of Pancasakti University for the Head Master of SMA Negeri 01 Larangan Brebes
Appendix 17. Research License Letter of KESBANG, POL. DAN LIMAS for the Leader of BAPPEDA Brebes
Appendix 18. Research License Letter of BAPPEDA for the Leader of Education Agency in Brebes
Appendix 19. Research License Letter of Agency Education in Brebes
Appendix 20. Information Letter of Doing the Reserch in SMA Negeri 01 Larangan Brebes
A. Background of the Problem
Television is one of modern technology that has given many advantages for human life. Almost every family has a television as entertainment media in their home. By watching television people can know everything about news, entertainments, etc. Television also has become an effective medium to transfer knowledge, information, and culture.
Most people in our environment think that development technology have brought more negative effect than the positive such as, television, internet, and VCD/DVD player. Actually there are many positive effects of development technology, for example television can be used as a media in learning English language. One of program that has many benefits in English language skill is English movie or western movie.
Look in the language case, there are two kinds of English movie that show in the television station of Indonesia, the first English movie that use English language (original language of movie) and the second English movie that use Indonesia language (English language have edited into Indonesia language). Of course, English movie that have many benefits in English language skill is English movie that use original language of movie.
Every television stations show English movie everyday. Usually the television station show English movie in the night, start at nine o’clock until midnight. It is the specific time for English students to watch English movie program. After they study usually they watch English movie to refresh their brain.
According to Muhamad Agus Salim El Bahri in his paper scientific that title The Role of Watching English Movie in Learning English (http://www.scribd.com/doc/9639852/The-Role-of-Watching-English-Movie-in-Learning-English) explained that:
“There are many benefits that can be achieved through watching movie. The first, watching is something enjoyable, moreover if we understand about it. By watching people can know the current things. English movie are very develop nowadays and known in Indonesia because of the effect of globalization era on information sector. The second, watching English movie is very advantages for English students, not only as something enjoyable but also as motivation to learn English. Finally, the students can also learn a lot of things from watching English movie such as – pronunciation, vocabulary, style, intonation even western culture, habit etc”.
English movie is very effective to improve English skill for English student. By watching English movie they can study some aspect of English skill such as, listening, pronunciation, vocabulary skill. The threes skill mentioned have correlation that when the students watching English movie of course they listen the conversation that happen in the English movie and directly they look how the foreigners pronounce the words, beside it they also look the translation in the screen of television to know the meaning of the words or sentences that the foreigners speak. So it means that when they watching English movie there are three studying process of English language skill, listening, pronunciation and, vocabulary skill.
There are some English language skills that students get in the school such as, listening, reading, speaking, writing, and vocabulary skill. But, the main skill of English language of senior high student is vocabulary. It can be explained that vocabulary skill is the key to mastery English language. It’s impossible for English student to get listening, reading, speaking, and writing skill if they don’t have vocabulary skill. It means the English students have to get vocabulary skill first to get the others skill of English language.
Based on the explaining in the previous paragraph that English student can improve their vocabulary skill by watching English movie, the writer interests to make the research about “The effect of frequency of watching English movie in the vocabulary mastery of student grade XI SMA Negeri 01 Larangan Brebes 2009/2010”.
B. Identification of the Problem
Based on the background of the study explained previously, the writer can identify some problems. The identified problems are as follows:
1. What does vocabulary and vocabulary mastery mean?
2. What does English movie mean?
3. Does frequency of watching English movie give the positive effect in vocabulary mastery of the students?
C. Limitation of the Problem
It is impossible to the writer to research the entire problems. It will need more time, energy, and finance. Therefore, the writer limits the problems only on:
1. A student’s frequency in watching English movie is indicated by the score of the questionnaires concerning the student’s activity in doing it.
2. A student’s mastery of vocabulary is indicated by the score of vocabulary test.
D. Formulation of the Problem
Problem formulation explains about the entire variables which are observed based on the background of the study, identification of the problem, and limitation of the problem. So, the writer formulates a problem in term of question as follows: “Does frequency of watching English movie give a positive effect to improve vocabulary mastery of students grade XI of SMA Negeri 01 Larangan Brebes academic year 2009/2010?”
E. Objectives of the Study
The objectives of this research are:
1. To know the effect of frequency of watching English movie in the vocabulary mastery of the student grade XI SMA Negeri 01 Larangan Brebes.
2. To know that there are many benefits of watching English movie to improve English skill.
3. To know how far the students mastering vocabulary.
4. To know the differences of the student’s vocabulary mastery between the student who likes to watching English movie and the student who doesn’t like to watching English movie.
F. Significance of the Study
The result of the research is expected to give the significances in theorist and practice as follows:
1. Theoretical significances
a. For English development, this research is useful for English theories development in the future.
b. For learning methodology, the result of this thesis will support and strengthen theory and concept in learning English methodology. It can improve English learning achievement.
2. Practical significances
a. The result of this study will be useful for the readers, especially the students of English department of Pancasakti University Tegal. It may provide useful information for them in conducting such as research. In addition, this information can contribute to their knowledge of language research.
b. This study may be helpful for the students grade XI of SMA Negeri 01 Larangan Brebes. It helps them to be more alert in their vocabulary mastery. Furthermore, it may help them to understand that vocabulary mastery is an important aspect in language learning, it is a key for them to get a success in their learning language process.
c. For the writer, this thesis gives awareness that vocabulary is important aspect in language learning. Beside that, this thesis gives the writer a view that learning English out of campus is very important to the students of English department.
Television is one of modern technology that has given many advantages for human life. Almost every family has a television as entertainment media in their home. By watching television people can know everything about news, entertainments, etc. Television also has become an effective medium to transfer knowledge, information, and culture.
Most people in our environment think that development technology have brought more negative effect than the positive such as, television, internet, and VCD/DVD player. Actually there are many positive effects of development technology, for example television can be used as a media in learning English language. One of program that has many benefits in English language skill is English movie or western movie.
Look in the language case, there are two kinds of English movie that show in the television station of Indonesia, the first English movie that use English language (original language of movie) and the second English movie that use Indonesia language (English language have edited into Indonesia language). Of course, English movie that have many benefits in English language skill is English movie that use original language of movie.
Every television stations show English movie everyday. Usually the television station show English movie in the night, start at nine o’clock until midnight. It is the specific time for English students to watch English movie program. After they study usually they watch English movie to refresh their brain.
According to Muhamad Agus Salim El Bahri in his paper scientific that title The Role of Watching English Movie in Learning English (http://www.scribd.com/doc/9639852/The-Role-of-Watching-English-Movie-in-Learning-English) explained that:
“There are many benefits that can be achieved through watching movie. The first, watching is something enjoyable, moreover if we understand about it. By watching people can know the current things. English movie are very develop nowadays and known in Indonesia because of the effect of globalization era on information sector. The second, watching English movie is very advantages for English students, not only as something enjoyable but also as motivation to learn English. Finally, the students can also learn a lot of things from watching English movie such as – pronunciation, vocabulary, style, intonation even western culture, habit etc”.
English movie is very effective to improve English skill for English student. By watching English movie they can study some aspect of English skill such as, listening, pronunciation, vocabulary skill. The threes skill mentioned have correlation that when the students watching English movie of course they listen the conversation that happen in the English movie and directly they look how the foreigners pronounce the words, beside it they also look the translation in the screen of television to know the meaning of the words or sentences that the foreigners speak. So it means that when they watching English movie there are three studying process of English language skill, listening, pronunciation and, vocabulary skill.
There are some English language skills that students get in the school such as, listening, reading, speaking, writing, and vocabulary skill. But, the main skill of English language of senior high student is vocabulary. It can be explained that vocabulary skill is the key to mastery English language. It’s impossible for English student to get listening, reading, speaking, and writing skill if they don’t have vocabulary skill. It means the English students have to get vocabulary skill first to get the others skill of English language.
Based on the explaining in the previous paragraph that English student can improve their vocabulary skill by watching English movie, the writer interests to make the research about “The effect of frequency of watching English movie in the vocabulary mastery of student grade XI SMA Negeri 01 Larangan Brebes 2009/2010”.
B. Identification of the Problem
Based on the background of the study explained previously, the writer can identify some problems. The identified problems are as follows:
1. What does vocabulary and vocabulary mastery mean?
2. What does English movie mean?
3. Does frequency of watching English movie give the positive effect in vocabulary mastery of the students?
C. Limitation of the Problem
It is impossible to the writer to research the entire problems. It will need more time, energy, and finance. Therefore, the writer limits the problems only on:
1. A student’s frequency in watching English movie is indicated by the score of the questionnaires concerning the student’s activity in doing it.
2. A student’s mastery of vocabulary is indicated by the score of vocabulary test.
D. Formulation of the Problem
Problem formulation explains about the entire variables which are observed based on the background of the study, identification of the problem, and limitation of the problem. So, the writer formulates a problem in term of question as follows: “Does frequency of watching English movie give a positive effect to improve vocabulary mastery of students grade XI of SMA Negeri 01 Larangan Brebes academic year 2009/2010?”
E. Objectives of the Study
The objectives of this research are:
1. To know the effect of frequency of watching English movie in the vocabulary mastery of the student grade XI SMA Negeri 01 Larangan Brebes.
2. To know that there are many benefits of watching English movie to improve English skill.
3. To know how far the students mastering vocabulary.
4. To know the differences of the student’s vocabulary mastery between the student who likes to watching English movie and the student who doesn’t like to watching English movie.
F. Significance of the Study
The result of the research is expected to give the significances in theorist and practice as follows:
1. Theoretical significances
a. For English development, this research is useful for English theories development in the future.
b. For learning methodology, the result of this thesis will support and strengthen theory and concept in learning English methodology. It can improve English learning achievement.
2. Practical significances
a. The result of this study will be useful for the readers, especially the students of English department of Pancasakti University Tegal. It may provide useful information for them in conducting such as research. In addition, this information can contribute to their knowledge of language research.
b. This study may be helpful for the students grade XI of SMA Negeri 01 Larangan Brebes. It helps them to be more alert in their vocabulary mastery. Furthermore, it may help them to understand that vocabulary mastery is an important aspect in language learning, it is a key for them to get a success in their learning language process.
c. For the writer, this thesis gives awareness that vocabulary is important aspect in language learning. Beside that, this thesis gives the writer a view that learning English out of campus is very important to the students of English department.
A. Review of Related Literature
1. Definition of English Movie
Movie is one of entertainment which can not be separated in our life now. It also becomes a medium to describe about human life and all aspect of problem, and it can retell a story or event in the last time. By watching English movie, we can know about habit, culture, and language in the world. Many people spend their time in front of television just to watch movie, entertainment, news, etc. The reality, movie has great influence on audience’s life. It can be said because movie is universal form for communication.
According to Professor Sir Randolph Quirk (1987; 380) in Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English said that:
“Movie is a story, play etc recorded on film to be showed in the cinema, on television etc”
According to Muhamad Agus Salim El Bahri in his paper scientific that title The Role of Watching English Movie in Learning English (http://www.scribd.com/doc/9639852/The-Role-of-Watching-English-Movie-in-Learning-English) explained that:
“Movie or film is the story which usually fiction, and sometimes it can be non-fiction that broadcast in TV or cinema”
According to Hornby (1995; 434) in Oxford Advanced learner’s Dictionary of Current English, said that:
“Film is a story etc recorded as set of moving pictures to be shown on television or at cinema”.
Based on the definitions, it can be concluded that movie is a story etc recorded that sometimes can be fiction or non-fiction which is done by people and to be presented on television or at cinema. So, English movie is a story of western life (European or American) which has been presented on television or at cinema, and tell about fiction story or non-fiction story, and become entertainment
To know clearer about the essence of English movie; it will be explained about the role of movie in education of Indonesia, the benefits of watching English movie, and the kinds of English Movie TV station of Indonesia. These points will be explained as follows:
1.1 Role of Movie in Education of Indonesia
Besides movie as a medium of entertainment, movie also has the important role in education. It is appropriate with Indonesia ordinance no. 8 year 1992 Section 5 that explain movie as a medium of communication people and has role in education. It can be explained that when a movie is playing the education process happens. Education which happen through the characters that played by actors and actress. By watching the events which happen and the plot in the story of movie, the students will be able to get conclusion which appropriate with their opinion.
Through showing movie, there are some education processes which the students get. The explanation as follows:
a. Cognitive development
When the student is watching movie, the cognitive development happens in the students self. It is the development of understanding and thinking. The student can follow the story and understand the main of story, then think to guess what will happen in next story. It happens as a respond of the events that happen in the story of movie.
b. Affective development
Emotional that felt by the actor and actress in a movie as causes of the event which felt by them can influence the student’s emotional. By the events that happen in a movie the student can get imaginations. They will think that “if I was in the story I would get attitude,” The student also can differ the bad and good thing so they can determine their attitude.
1.2 The Benefits of Watching English Movie
There are many benefits that can be achieved through watching movie. The first, watching is something enjoyable, moreover if we understand about it. By watching, people can know the current things. English movie are very develop nowadays and known in Indonesia because of the effect of globalization era on information sector.
The second, watching English movie is very advantages for English students. Micheal McCarthy & Felity O’Dell (1999; 3) in book title English Vocabulary in Use explained that learning English vocabulary not only by studying book but also by reading and listening English, there are some medias to develop your vocabulary such as, newspaper, TV (cable/subtitled), cinema, magazine, video, radio, etc. This opinion shows that TV, cinema, video can improve vocabulary mastery.
English movie is not only as something enjoyable but also as motivation to learn English. Finally, the students can also learn a lot of things from watching English movie such as – pronunciation, vocabulary, style, intonation even western culture, habit etc.
1.3 The Schedule of Broadcasting of English Movie in TV stations of Indonesia
Almost all television channels of Indonesia have program of broadcasting English movie. Those television channels are TRANS TV, TRANS 7, GLOBAL TV, ANTV, TPI, RCTI, SCTV, and INDOSIAR.
According to the website of TRANS TV (http://www.transtv.co.id) that the program of broadcasting English movie is named “BIOSKOP TRANS TV”. This TV channel broadcast two English movies every night. The first English movie broadcast at 20.00 and the second English movie broadcast at 00.00.
According to the broadcasting schedule of programs that is announced in the website of TRANS 7 (http://www.trans7.co.id) explains that English movie is broadcasted on Monday and Sunday at 15.00.
According to the broadcasting schedule of program that is announced in the website of GLOBAL TV (http://www.global.co.id) explains that the program of broadcasting English movie is named “BIG MOVIES”. This program broadcast two English movies in the night. The first English movie is broadcasted at 20.00 and the second English movie broadcasted at 00.00.
The website of ANTV (http://www.an.tv) in page of the broadcasting schedule of program announces that the broadcasting of English movie is every Friday at 21.30 and every Friday at 13.00.
The website of TPI (http://www.tpi.tv) in page of the broadcasting schedule of program announces that the program of broadcasting English movie is named “SINEMA MALAM”. This program just broadcast one English movie. The schedule of broadcasting is every night at 22.30.
The website of RCTI (http://www.rcti.tv) in page of the broadcasting schedule of program announces that the schedule of broadcasting English movie is every Wednesday at 23.30.
According to the broadcasting schedule of program that is announced in the website of SCTV (http://www.sctv.co.id) explains that the program of broadcasting English movie is named “SCTV SINEMA”. The schedule of broadcasting English movie is everyday at 23.30.
The website of INDOSIAR (http://www.indosiar.com) in page of the broadcasting schedule of program announces that the broadcasting of English movie is every night at 23.00. INDOSIAR also broadcasts English movies in the holiday. Its schedule is irregularly.
Based on the explaining above about the schedule of broadcasting English movie, there is broadcasting of English movies in the television channel of Indonesia. It is also can be conclude that there are two television channels that have agreeable time of broadcasting English movie with the free time of students, they are TRANS TV and GLOBAL TV. Those television channels broadcast two English movies every night. The first English movie start at 20.00 until 23.00 and the second English movie start at 23.00 until 00.00. It’s very possible if the student watch English movie every night in those television channel after they have studied.
2. General Concept of Vocabulary
Vocabulary is one of material which is studied by the students of all levels of schools in Indonesia. In another words, vocabulary also is one of important components in achieving English skills. It is impossible to be successful in studying language without mastery vocabulary. There are four language skills; Reading, Listening, Writing, and Speaking. All of these skills need vocabulary. However, reading is more emphasized, although the four language skills should be taught in an integrated manner. With a view to support the development of the four skills, English language components: Vocabulary, Structure, and Pronunciation (in speech or Spelling (in writing) are also important to be taught.
People live in their societies because they cannot live in isolation. They need other people to survive. Language as a means of communication becomes a very important part in their interaction. Ramlan (2000:14) language is said to be social groups involves at least two persons, the speaker and the hearer. The use of language enables the members of social group to cooperate with another for their own benefits. Language has to be learned and used in a social community.
Learning language cannot to be separated from learning vocabulary. Whenever and wherever we want to communicate with other people using a language, we should master a stock of words (vocabulary) related to the topic spoken. So, vocabulary is one of the language components to sports its speakers in their communication to express their ideas.
2.1 Definition of Vocabulary
In Oxford Advanced Learner Dictionary of Current English by As Hornby AS (1990: 1462) explains that:
“Vocabulary is the total number of word which (with rules for combining them make up a language”
“Vocabulary is range or words know to, or used by or person, in trade profession, etc”
“Vocabulary is the book which containing of list of words with definition or translation”
Based by Nurgianto (1987:218) Vocabulary is the wealth word which it has by language. While the definition of vocabulary according by Turley had copied by Tarigan (1984:117) Vocabulary can be classification into four part, those are:
a. Reading Vocabulary is the word which is found when we read literature.
b. Listening Vocabulary is the word which is heard when we speaking to the others.
c. Speaking Vocabulary is the word which is used in daily conversation.
d. Writing Vocabulary is the word which is used in writing activity.
Coline Cobluild English Language Dictionary (1987:162) defines vocabulary as follows:
“Vocabulary is the total number of words in a language that he or she knows”
“The vocabulary of a language is the total number of words in it”
“The vocabulary of a subject is the group of words that are typically used when discussing it”
“A list words and sometimes: phrases, usually arranged in alphabetical order and defined, a dictionary, glossary or lexicon.
‘All the words of language”
“All the words used by a particular, class, profession, etc. Sometimes all the words recognized and understood by a particular person, although not necessary used by him 9in full, passive vocabulary)
From the above definitions, the writer comes to conclusion that vocabulary is words, written or spoken that have meaning and used by people in particular are for communication.
The students of Indonesia usually can not speak English well because they are weak in their vocabulary acquisition since for much on this century, the principal focus language teaching has been on the grammar of language. While they want to speak, on their brain there are many formulas related to the grammar. In fact, maybe their vocabulary is not enough as a based to speak.
These days then, the consensus of opinion seems to be that the development of rich vocabulary as an important element in the acquisition of a second language.
2.2 The Types of Vocabulary
There are two types of vocabulary; those are active vocabulary and passive vocabulary.
a. Active vocabulary is words that learners are able to use in their speech and writing.
b. Passive vocabulary is words only understand or recognized by learners, not used in their speech and writing.
The other classifies vocabulary are:
a. Working vocabulary consist of the words that people use in writing and speaking.
b. Recognition vocabulary consists of words that people recognize in the context of reading material but does not actually use in daily life (Butlet, 1987:70).
Based on the explanation in book “The key to English Vocabulary”, vocabulary can be divided into two kinds, those are:
a. Content words
These words name and describe the definite number of things, persons, events, and processes that speakers of English want to talk about.
Content words can be divided into there general classes:
1) Nouns
Words naming things, ideas and entities
2) Verbs
Verb is words that are used to express experience, condition, and conduct.
3) Adjective
Adjective is words which marking the adjective.
Adjective divided in to eight part, they are:
1. Possessive Adjective is an adjective which marking property.
For example: my, your, our, her, his, etc.
2. Proper Adjective is an adjective which making name in fact.
For example: Chinese food, etc
3. Descriptive Adjective is an adjective which explaining noun.
For example: Grass, Grosse, etc.
4. Numeral Adjective is an adjective which replacing noun/pronoun.
For example: Cardinal (one, two, three…), Ordinal (first, second, third…)
5. Quantitative Adjective is an adjective which explaining the number.
For example: much, many, etc.
6. Distributive Adjective is an adjective which change the noun.
For example: each, other, every, etc.
7. Integrative Adjective is an adjective which used to the question.
For example: which film do you like?
8. Demonstrative Adjective is an adjective which used to show something.
For example: I like these (shoes)
4) Adverb
Words or phrases which explain or added the meaning of verb, adjective, adverbs, or the entire sentence:
Kinds of adverb are:
1. Adverb of time, such as: yesterday, tomorrow, etc.
2. Adverb of place, such as: in Surabaya, above, etc.
3. Adverb of frequency, such as: usually, always, etc.
4. Adverb of degree, such as: very quite, faster, etc.
5. Adverb is the part of the sentences which related with the function, such as: correctly, fortunately, etc.
6. Conjunction adverb, such as: even through, therefore, etc.
7. Adverb of manner, such as: well, better, etc
b. Function words
Function words are those that often have little meaning in the dictionary sense but which serve important function in relating other words in the language to each other.
1) Article
Article is an adjective which used to the noun to show the word have especially meaning or no.
Article divide into two parts, they are:
1. Indefinite Article (a, an) is used in front noun, a used to the word which began with consonant letter and used to the word which began with vowel.
2. Definite Article is used to show the noun fixed, such as: The Sun, The President, etc.
2) Auxiliary Verbs
These are the “helping” verbs that can combine with various parts of other verbs to make verb phrases. The most common are be, have, and do.
3) Conjunctions
A conjunction is used to the relation word other, clause, and phrase.
For example: Or, But, While, etc.
4) Prepositions
These words make up an extremely important class of function words. They are always followed by nouns, or nouns constructions, and the whole phrases thus form modifies some other word in the sentence.
For example: Appointment with, approach to, cause of, etc
5) Pronouns
These words take the place of nouns. The meaning they have depends on the noun they replace, called the antecedent.
6) Noun determiners
These are the expressions that signal the presence or the possibility of the presence of a following noun.
7) Substitute nouns
These the expressions resemble the pronouns in that they echo, or replace, a noun in a context, but for grammatical reasons in it convenient to separate them from the pronoun.
8) Intensifiers
These are traditionally called adverbs, but they behave in special ways and are better treated separately. They come just before adjectives and adverbs and express a degree of the quality named by the letter word.
2.3 The Parts of Vocabulary
According to Sabroni Rachmadie in lexical adjustment of learner classified the vocabulary in three parts, they are:
1) Blending
Blending is the function of two words into one, usually the first part of one word with the last part of the other.
For example: Brunch = Breakfast + Lunch
Motel = Motor + Hotel
Smog = Smoke + Fog
2) Clipping
Clipping is process in which a word is formed by shortening of longer word.
For example: Lab = Laboratory
Exam = Examination
3) Acronym
Acronym is the result of forming or word form the first letter or letter of each word formation are not only founded in English but also in Indonesia. Acronym also can be meant a word formed from the first letter in each word of a name organization, place, object, position.
For example: VIP = Very Important Person
WHO = World Health Organization
3. General Concept of Vocabulary Mastery
Everyday the domination of vocabulary mastery has very important role because someone mind will only comprehend by other people if the idea can be gasped with selected vocabulary precisely. Alisjahban (1983:71) assumed that the vocabulary mastery is interconnected with understanding of sentence meaning as a smallest language form and has some idea; at last the communication among people who speak or write the sentence with the hearer or reader can be executed.
Lado (1964:13) also explains that the core vocabulary of the first language is learned at home in the children’s struggle to communicate their needs. They learn words from the situation at their surroundings, for the things their needs, for the action they wants to do, and they also learns the function words, which enable them to construct sentence in speaking. At school, they learn to write and speak the words they know.
Sometimes a student has a certain motivation to master certain vocabulary, and usually in relation to his or her need. For example, when a student wants express their feelings, as asking the difficult in learning process, and so on.
Finally, it is conclude from the previous information an interpretation about their vocabulary mastery that the learners’ mastery of vocabulary can be developed naturally following his growth of experience and progress in education. The teacher can only stimulate the learners’ progress by giving the suitable material and guidance.
3.1 The Kinds of Vocabulary Mastery
Vocabulary mastery can be meant the skill of person to understand and use all of words which he or she knows. According to Nurgiantoro (1989: 210) vocabulary mastery is divided into two parts, they are:
1) Receptive Vocabulary Mastery
It is the mastery to understand vocabulary in reading and listening
2) Productive Vocabulary Mastery
It is the mastery to use vocabulary in writing and speaking
Meanwhile NAPA (1991: 6) divides the vocabulary mastery into three parts, they are:
1) Lexical Meaning (dictionary skill)
Lexical skill is the skill in using the dictionary for vocabulary building.
2) Contextual Clues
Contextual clues skill is skill in identifying the meaning of words by examining the words around it.
3) Structure Analysis
Structural analysis skill is skill in breaking a word into its element: root, perfect, and affixation.
3.2 The Techniques of Vocabulary Mastery
According to Tarigan (1993:79-91) the techniques which used in learning vocabulary, they are:
a. Synonym
Synonym is the words which have same meaning. By learning synonym words the students can memorize many words easily.
b. Antonym
Antonym is the words which have opposite meaning. By learning antonym words the students can memorize many words easily.
c. Paraphrase
Paraphrase is explanations which use other words. By learning paraphrase the student can development their vocabulary more effective.
d. Association
Association is a number of meanings which thinking by someone if he or she hears a word.
e. Translation
Translation is translating a word but mightn’t by literally and has to according to the language function or meaning which is had been said.
f. Application
Application is the applying vocabulary at the language situation in fact.
g. Practice
The teacher has to give some vocabulary practice in the situations, which emphasizing that a word (language function) can be more than vocabulary (sentence phrase)
4. Types of Vocabulary Form in English Movie
Based on the types of vocabulary that has been discussed in section two (the types of vocabulary), the writer considers that the vocabulary which are found in English movie are included into active or working vocabulary. The vocabularies that appear in English movie are the vocabularies that people uses in their daily of speaking and writing. The words such as, “keep your eyes”, “stay with me”, “wait a minute”, “take around”, “welcome back in school”, “my father will discipline me…”, “help me”, “keep on morning”, and the others are the words that are familiar with the people in communication. They use the words in their daily life, both in oral and writing communication. The audience will not get a difficulty to understand those words because the speakers on English movie (actors and actresses) speak in interesting and right expression and interaction. So they will know about how to pronounce the words in a right and good pronunciation. Moreover, they will learn to determine appropriate meaning of words by seeing the list of the words translation in the screen of television.
5. Student’s Frequency in Watching English Movie
Students’ frequency in watching English movie that the writer mentions in this proposal of final project is the daily activity which is done by the eleventh year students of SMA Negeri 01 Larangan Brebes in watching English movie. Watching in this context does not mean watching English only, but also cover the activities such as; thinking, writing, and discussing that are done by them after watching English movie. Their frequency of watching English movie is expressed by their responses to the statements on the questioners concerning with the matter.
B. Logical Frame Work
Based on the theories that have been explained above, so it can be put logical frame work, as follows:
1. The students’ frequency in watching English movie can enrich their word in communication.
2. By watching English movie the students can get many kinds of knowledge.
3. By watching English movie the students can learn a foreign language.
4. By watching English movie the student can learn anything that they have not known before they watching English movie.
C. Hypothesis
Based on the description of the related literature and the logical frame work, the writer concludes a hypothesis as follow: “Students who have high frequency in watching English movies getting the better vocabulary mastery than students who have low frequency in watching English movies”.
1. Definition of English Movie
Movie is one of entertainment which can not be separated in our life now. It also becomes a medium to describe about human life and all aspect of problem, and it can retell a story or event in the last time. By watching English movie, we can know about habit, culture, and language in the world. Many people spend their time in front of television just to watch movie, entertainment, news, etc. The reality, movie has great influence on audience’s life. It can be said because movie is universal form for communication.
According to Professor Sir Randolph Quirk (1987; 380) in Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English said that:
“Movie is a story, play etc recorded on film to be showed in the cinema, on television etc”
According to Muhamad Agus Salim El Bahri in his paper scientific that title The Role of Watching English Movie in Learning English (http://www.scribd.com/doc/9639852/The-Role-of-Watching-English-Movie-in-Learning-English) explained that:
“Movie or film is the story which usually fiction, and sometimes it can be non-fiction that broadcast in TV or cinema”
According to Hornby (1995; 434) in Oxford Advanced learner’s Dictionary of Current English, said that:
“Film is a story etc recorded as set of moving pictures to be shown on television or at cinema”.
Based on the definitions, it can be concluded that movie is a story etc recorded that sometimes can be fiction or non-fiction which is done by people and to be presented on television or at cinema. So, English movie is a story of western life (European or American) which has been presented on television or at cinema, and tell about fiction story or non-fiction story, and become entertainment
To know clearer about the essence of English movie; it will be explained about the role of movie in education of Indonesia, the benefits of watching English movie, and the kinds of English Movie TV station of Indonesia. These points will be explained as follows:
1.1 Role of Movie in Education of Indonesia
Besides movie as a medium of entertainment, movie also has the important role in education. It is appropriate with Indonesia ordinance no. 8 year 1992 Section 5 that explain movie as a medium of communication people and has role in education. It can be explained that when a movie is playing the education process happens. Education which happen through the characters that played by actors and actress. By watching the events which happen and the plot in the story of movie, the students will be able to get conclusion which appropriate with their opinion.
Through showing movie, there are some education processes which the students get. The explanation as follows:
a. Cognitive development
When the student is watching movie, the cognitive development happens in the students self. It is the development of understanding and thinking. The student can follow the story and understand the main of story, then think to guess what will happen in next story. It happens as a respond of the events that happen in the story of movie.
b. Affective development
Emotional that felt by the actor and actress in a movie as causes of the event which felt by them can influence the student’s emotional. By the events that happen in a movie the student can get imaginations. They will think that “if I was in the story I would get attitude,” The student also can differ the bad and good thing so they can determine their attitude.
1.2 The Benefits of Watching English Movie
There are many benefits that can be achieved through watching movie. The first, watching is something enjoyable, moreover if we understand about it. By watching, people can know the current things. English movie are very develop nowadays and known in Indonesia because of the effect of globalization era on information sector.
The second, watching English movie is very advantages for English students. Micheal McCarthy & Felity O’Dell (1999; 3) in book title English Vocabulary in Use explained that learning English vocabulary not only by studying book but also by reading and listening English, there are some medias to develop your vocabulary such as, newspaper, TV (cable/subtitled), cinema, magazine, video, radio, etc. This opinion shows that TV, cinema, video can improve vocabulary mastery.
English movie is not only as something enjoyable but also as motivation to learn English. Finally, the students can also learn a lot of things from watching English movie such as – pronunciation, vocabulary, style, intonation even western culture, habit etc.
1.3 The Schedule of Broadcasting of English Movie in TV stations of Indonesia
Almost all television channels of Indonesia have program of broadcasting English movie. Those television channels are TRANS TV, TRANS 7, GLOBAL TV, ANTV, TPI, RCTI, SCTV, and INDOSIAR.
According to the website of TRANS TV (http://www.transtv.co.id) that the program of broadcasting English movie is named “BIOSKOP TRANS TV”. This TV channel broadcast two English movies every night. The first English movie broadcast at 20.00 and the second English movie broadcast at 00.00.
According to the broadcasting schedule of programs that is announced in the website of TRANS 7 (http://www.trans7.co.id) explains that English movie is broadcasted on Monday and Sunday at 15.00.
According to the broadcasting schedule of program that is announced in the website of GLOBAL TV (http://www.global.co.id) explains that the program of broadcasting English movie is named “BIG MOVIES”. This program broadcast two English movies in the night. The first English movie is broadcasted at 20.00 and the second English movie broadcasted at 00.00.
The website of ANTV (http://www.an.tv) in page of the broadcasting schedule of program announces that the broadcasting of English movie is every Friday at 21.30 and every Friday at 13.00.
The website of TPI (http://www.tpi.tv) in page of the broadcasting schedule of program announces that the program of broadcasting English movie is named “SINEMA MALAM”. This program just broadcast one English movie. The schedule of broadcasting is every night at 22.30.
The website of RCTI (http://www.rcti.tv) in page of the broadcasting schedule of program announces that the schedule of broadcasting English movie is every Wednesday at 23.30.
According to the broadcasting schedule of program that is announced in the website of SCTV (http://www.sctv.co.id) explains that the program of broadcasting English movie is named “SCTV SINEMA”. The schedule of broadcasting English movie is everyday at 23.30.
The website of INDOSIAR (http://www.indosiar.com) in page of the broadcasting schedule of program announces that the broadcasting of English movie is every night at 23.00. INDOSIAR also broadcasts English movies in the holiday. Its schedule is irregularly.
Based on the explaining above about the schedule of broadcasting English movie, there is broadcasting of English movies in the television channel of Indonesia. It is also can be conclude that there are two television channels that have agreeable time of broadcasting English movie with the free time of students, they are TRANS TV and GLOBAL TV. Those television channels broadcast two English movies every night. The first English movie start at 20.00 until 23.00 and the second English movie start at 23.00 until 00.00. It’s very possible if the student watch English movie every night in those television channel after they have studied.
2. General Concept of Vocabulary
Vocabulary is one of material which is studied by the students of all levels of schools in Indonesia. In another words, vocabulary also is one of important components in achieving English skills. It is impossible to be successful in studying language without mastery vocabulary. There are four language skills; Reading, Listening, Writing, and Speaking. All of these skills need vocabulary. However, reading is more emphasized, although the four language skills should be taught in an integrated manner. With a view to support the development of the four skills, English language components: Vocabulary, Structure, and Pronunciation (in speech or Spelling (in writing) are also important to be taught.
People live in their societies because they cannot live in isolation. They need other people to survive. Language as a means of communication becomes a very important part in their interaction. Ramlan (2000:14) language is said to be social groups involves at least two persons, the speaker and the hearer. The use of language enables the members of social group to cooperate with another for their own benefits. Language has to be learned and used in a social community.
Learning language cannot to be separated from learning vocabulary. Whenever and wherever we want to communicate with other people using a language, we should master a stock of words (vocabulary) related to the topic spoken. So, vocabulary is one of the language components to sports its speakers in their communication to express their ideas.
2.1 Definition of Vocabulary
In Oxford Advanced Learner Dictionary of Current English by As Hornby AS (1990: 1462) explains that:
“Vocabulary is the total number of word which (with rules for combining them make up a language”
“Vocabulary is range or words know to, or used by or person, in trade profession, etc”
“Vocabulary is the book which containing of list of words with definition or translation”
Based by Nurgianto (1987:218) Vocabulary is the wealth word which it has by language. While the definition of vocabulary according by Turley had copied by Tarigan (1984:117) Vocabulary can be classification into four part, those are:
a. Reading Vocabulary is the word which is found when we read literature.
b. Listening Vocabulary is the word which is heard when we speaking to the others.
c. Speaking Vocabulary is the word which is used in daily conversation.
d. Writing Vocabulary is the word which is used in writing activity.
Coline Cobluild English Language Dictionary (1987:162) defines vocabulary as follows:
“Vocabulary is the total number of words in a language that he or she knows”
“The vocabulary of a language is the total number of words in it”
“The vocabulary of a subject is the group of words that are typically used when discussing it”
“A list words and sometimes: phrases, usually arranged in alphabetical order and defined, a dictionary, glossary or lexicon.
‘All the words of language”
“All the words used by a particular, class, profession, etc. Sometimes all the words recognized and understood by a particular person, although not necessary used by him 9in full, passive vocabulary)
From the above definitions, the writer comes to conclusion that vocabulary is words, written or spoken that have meaning and used by people in particular are for communication.
The students of Indonesia usually can not speak English well because they are weak in their vocabulary acquisition since for much on this century, the principal focus language teaching has been on the grammar of language. While they want to speak, on their brain there are many formulas related to the grammar. In fact, maybe their vocabulary is not enough as a based to speak.
These days then, the consensus of opinion seems to be that the development of rich vocabulary as an important element in the acquisition of a second language.
2.2 The Types of Vocabulary
There are two types of vocabulary; those are active vocabulary and passive vocabulary.
a. Active vocabulary is words that learners are able to use in their speech and writing.
b. Passive vocabulary is words only understand or recognized by learners, not used in their speech and writing.
The other classifies vocabulary are:
a. Working vocabulary consist of the words that people use in writing and speaking.
b. Recognition vocabulary consists of words that people recognize in the context of reading material but does not actually use in daily life (Butlet, 1987:70).
Based on the explanation in book “The key to English Vocabulary”, vocabulary can be divided into two kinds, those are:
a. Content words
These words name and describe the definite number of things, persons, events, and processes that speakers of English want to talk about.
Content words can be divided into there general classes:
1) Nouns
Words naming things, ideas and entities
2) Verbs
Verb is words that are used to express experience, condition, and conduct.
3) Adjective
Adjective is words which marking the adjective.
Adjective divided in to eight part, they are:
1. Possessive Adjective is an adjective which marking property.
For example: my, your, our, her, his, etc.
2. Proper Adjective is an adjective which making name in fact.
For example: Chinese food, etc
3. Descriptive Adjective is an adjective which explaining noun.
For example: Grass, Grosse, etc.
4. Numeral Adjective is an adjective which replacing noun/pronoun.
For example: Cardinal (one, two, three…), Ordinal (first, second, third…)
5. Quantitative Adjective is an adjective which explaining the number.
For example: much, many, etc.
6. Distributive Adjective is an adjective which change the noun.
For example: each, other, every, etc.
7. Integrative Adjective is an adjective which used to the question.
For example: which film do you like?
8. Demonstrative Adjective is an adjective which used to show something.
For example: I like these (shoes)
4) Adverb
Words or phrases which explain or added the meaning of verb, adjective, adverbs, or the entire sentence:
Kinds of adverb are:
1. Adverb of time, such as: yesterday, tomorrow, etc.
2. Adverb of place, such as: in Surabaya, above, etc.
3. Adverb of frequency, such as: usually, always, etc.
4. Adverb of degree, such as: very quite, faster, etc.
5. Adverb is the part of the sentences which related with the function, such as: correctly, fortunately, etc.
6. Conjunction adverb, such as: even through, therefore, etc.
7. Adverb of manner, such as: well, better, etc
b. Function words
Function words are those that often have little meaning in the dictionary sense but which serve important function in relating other words in the language to each other.
1) Article
Article is an adjective which used to the noun to show the word have especially meaning or no.
Article divide into two parts, they are:
1. Indefinite Article (a, an) is used in front noun, a used to the word which began with consonant letter and used to the word which began with vowel.
2. Definite Article is used to show the noun fixed, such as: The Sun, The President, etc.
2) Auxiliary Verbs
These are the “helping” verbs that can combine with various parts of other verbs to make verb phrases. The most common are be, have, and do.
3) Conjunctions
A conjunction is used to the relation word other, clause, and phrase.
For example: Or, But, While, etc.
4) Prepositions
These words make up an extremely important class of function words. They are always followed by nouns, or nouns constructions, and the whole phrases thus form modifies some other word in the sentence.
For example: Appointment with, approach to, cause of, etc
5) Pronouns
These words take the place of nouns. The meaning they have depends on the noun they replace, called the antecedent.
6) Noun determiners
These are the expressions that signal the presence or the possibility of the presence of a following noun.
7) Substitute nouns
These the expressions resemble the pronouns in that they echo, or replace, a noun in a context, but for grammatical reasons in it convenient to separate them from the pronoun.
8) Intensifiers
These are traditionally called adverbs, but they behave in special ways and are better treated separately. They come just before adjectives and adverbs and express a degree of the quality named by the letter word.
2.3 The Parts of Vocabulary
According to Sabroni Rachmadie in lexical adjustment of learner classified the vocabulary in three parts, they are:
1) Blending
Blending is the function of two words into one, usually the first part of one word with the last part of the other.
For example: Brunch = Breakfast + Lunch
Motel = Motor + Hotel
Smog = Smoke + Fog
2) Clipping
Clipping is process in which a word is formed by shortening of longer word.
For example: Lab = Laboratory
Exam = Examination
3) Acronym
Acronym is the result of forming or word form the first letter or letter of each word formation are not only founded in English but also in Indonesia. Acronym also can be meant a word formed from the first letter in each word of a name organization, place, object, position.
For example: VIP = Very Important Person
WHO = World Health Organization
3. General Concept of Vocabulary Mastery
Everyday the domination of vocabulary mastery has very important role because someone mind will only comprehend by other people if the idea can be gasped with selected vocabulary precisely. Alisjahban (1983:71) assumed that the vocabulary mastery is interconnected with understanding of sentence meaning as a smallest language form and has some idea; at last the communication among people who speak or write the sentence with the hearer or reader can be executed.
Lado (1964:13) also explains that the core vocabulary of the first language is learned at home in the children’s struggle to communicate their needs. They learn words from the situation at their surroundings, for the things their needs, for the action they wants to do, and they also learns the function words, which enable them to construct sentence in speaking. At school, they learn to write and speak the words they know.
Sometimes a student has a certain motivation to master certain vocabulary, and usually in relation to his or her need. For example, when a student wants express their feelings, as asking the difficult in learning process, and so on.
Finally, it is conclude from the previous information an interpretation about their vocabulary mastery that the learners’ mastery of vocabulary can be developed naturally following his growth of experience and progress in education. The teacher can only stimulate the learners’ progress by giving the suitable material and guidance.
3.1 The Kinds of Vocabulary Mastery
Vocabulary mastery can be meant the skill of person to understand and use all of words which he or she knows. According to Nurgiantoro (1989: 210) vocabulary mastery is divided into two parts, they are:
1) Receptive Vocabulary Mastery
It is the mastery to understand vocabulary in reading and listening
2) Productive Vocabulary Mastery
It is the mastery to use vocabulary in writing and speaking
Meanwhile NAPA (1991: 6) divides the vocabulary mastery into three parts, they are:
1) Lexical Meaning (dictionary skill)
Lexical skill is the skill in using the dictionary for vocabulary building.
2) Contextual Clues
Contextual clues skill is skill in identifying the meaning of words by examining the words around it.
3) Structure Analysis
Structural analysis skill is skill in breaking a word into its element: root, perfect, and affixation.
3.2 The Techniques of Vocabulary Mastery
According to Tarigan (1993:79-91) the techniques which used in learning vocabulary, they are:
a. Synonym
Synonym is the words which have same meaning. By learning synonym words the students can memorize many words easily.
b. Antonym
Antonym is the words which have opposite meaning. By learning antonym words the students can memorize many words easily.
c. Paraphrase
Paraphrase is explanations which use other words. By learning paraphrase the student can development their vocabulary more effective.
d. Association
Association is a number of meanings which thinking by someone if he or she hears a word.
e. Translation
Translation is translating a word but mightn’t by literally and has to according to the language function or meaning which is had been said.
f. Application
Application is the applying vocabulary at the language situation in fact.
g. Practice
The teacher has to give some vocabulary practice in the situations, which emphasizing that a word (language function) can be more than vocabulary (sentence phrase)
4. Types of Vocabulary Form in English Movie
Based on the types of vocabulary that has been discussed in section two (the types of vocabulary), the writer considers that the vocabulary which are found in English movie are included into active or working vocabulary. The vocabularies that appear in English movie are the vocabularies that people uses in their daily of speaking and writing. The words such as, “keep your eyes”, “stay with me”, “wait a minute”, “take around”, “welcome back in school”, “my father will discipline me…”, “help me”, “keep on morning”, and the others are the words that are familiar with the people in communication. They use the words in their daily life, both in oral and writing communication. The audience will not get a difficulty to understand those words because the speakers on English movie (actors and actresses) speak in interesting and right expression and interaction. So they will know about how to pronounce the words in a right and good pronunciation. Moreover, they will learn to determine appropriate meaning of words by seeing the list of the words translation in the screen of television.
5. Student’s Frequency in Watching English Movie
Students’ frequency in watching English movie that the writer mentions in this proposal of final project is the daily activity which is done by the eleventh year students of SMA Negeri 01 Larangan Brebes in watching English movie. Watching in this context does not mean watching English only, but also cover the activities such as; thinking, writing, and discussing that are done by them after watching English movie. Their frequency of watching English movie is expressed by their responses to the statements on the questioners concerning with the matter.
B. Logical Frame Work
Based on the theories that have been explained above, so it can be put logical frame work, as follows:
1. The students’ frequency in watching English movie can enrich their word in communication.
2. By watching English movie the students can get many kinds of knowledge.
3. By watching English movie the students can learn a foreign language.
4. By watching English movie the student can learn anything that they have not known before they watching English movie.
C. Hypothesis
Based on the description of the related literature and the logical frame work, the writer concludes a hypothesis as follow: “Students who have high frequency in watching English movies getting the better vocabulary mastery than students who have low frequency in watching English movies”.
A.Place and Time
1. Place of Research : The research was taken in SMA N 01 LARANGAN-BREBES
2. Time of Research : This research held on May, on the eleventh year students of second semester in academic year 2009/2010.
B. Population and Sample
1. Population
Population means all the sources of the research, unlimited and largest (Sudjana, 2006:71). According to Suharsini (2006:102), population can be defined as sources of the research consisting of people, animals, plants and objects that have common characteristics.
The population in this research is all students on eleventh year of SMA N 01 Larangan Brebes, in academic year 2009/2010 which totally 245. They are:
Class IPA 1 consist of 33 students
Class IPA 2 consist of 37 students
Class IPA 3 consist of 36 students
Class IPS 1 consist of 36 students
Class IPS 2 consist of 34 students
Class IPS 3 consist of 37 students
Class IPS 4 consist of 32 students
2. Sample
Sample is subjects chosen from a population for investigation (Sudjana, 2006:71).
Types of taking samples:
A random sample is all samples have same size, an equal chance of being selected from the population and chosen by a method involving an unpredictable component.
Stratified random sampling involves selecting independent samples from a number of subpopulations, group or strata within the population.
Cluster sampling involves selecting the sample units in groups. For example, a sample of telephone calls may be collected by first taking a collecting of telephone lines and collecting all the calls on the samples lines.
In this research, the writer take stratified random sampling method. Stratified random sampling is done by making the strata. Then from all of the strata are got a number of subjects randomly. A number of subjects of each stratum are sample of research. In this technique the population divided into three strata, the first is the students who have high score, the second is the students who have middle score, and the last is the students who have low score. To get the sample of research the writer gets the sample in the high strata and the low strata. The high strata are got by randomly, and also the low strata are got by randomly.
The writer took sample based on the score of questioner which given to the population. The writer selected the population into three strata, they are the students who have high frequency in watching English movies as high strata, and the student who have middle frequency in watching English movies as middle strata, and then the last is the students who have low frequency in watching English movies as low strata.
Then, the writer just took two group sample, they are the students who have high frequency in watching English movies, and the students who have low frequency in watching English movies. The writer took the sample in the high strata and the low strata randomly to get 30 students who have high frequency in watching English movies and 30 students who have low frequency in watching English movie. So it can be known that there are 60 students as samples of the research.
C. Variable of the Research
Variable is condition of characteristics that the experimenter manipulated and control of observer (Suharsini Arikunto, 2006:115)
According to the title of the writer has taken, there are two kinds of variables, independent and dependent variable. The two variables are:
Independent variable is student’s frequency watching English movie.
Dependent variable is student’s vocabulary mastery.
D. Instrument of the Research
There are two kinds of instrument that will be used in this research, the first instrument is questioner. According to Suharsini Arikunto (2006:151) questioner is a number of written used in the sense of personal reports or other matters known to the researchers. Questioner is a list of written questions submitted to the research subjects and to be answered in writing as well. The writer in this case uses a questioner directly covered with the type of items that provide a choice of five alternative answers (multiple choices) that there are for possible answer, namely A, B, C, D, and E. The questioner contained 5 questions. The scoring positive values of the answer options are; A values 5, B values 4, C values 3, and D values 1. The writer makes a questioner based on the indicators on student’s frequency that related with English movie.
The second instrument is test. According to Arikunto Suharsimi (2006:150) test is a series of questions or exercise, other tools used to measure the skills, knowledge, intelligence, ability, or talent possessed by individuals or groups. The second instrument in this research is the test that contains the 40 questions that measure of vocabulary mastery. The time of doing the test is 60 minutes. The type of the questions is multiple choices with four options A, B, C, and D.
The instrument must have the compatibility, efficiency, and steadiness. So, before the instrument is tested to collecting data, the validity and reliability of the instrument have to be test first.
In this research, there are two kinds of instrument, questioner and vocabulary test. The instrument that will be test the validity and reliability is only vocabulary test. The reason that why the questioner is not tested is that questioner is used only to group the samples not to collect the data of research.
So, vocabulary test will be test to know the validity and reliability. The instrument will be tried out by giving questioner and test to 30 students who have the same competence with the same the sample of this research.
Validity of Vocabulary Test
According to Arikunto Suharsimi (2006:168), Validity is a measure which shows levels of validity in the instrument. A test can be called as a valid test when it can measure what to be measured. A test has validity if it has correlation between the test results with criteria.
Validity can be measured by using the product moment as follows:
rxy = (N∑▒〖XY - (∑▒X)(∑▒Y) 〗)/√({N∑▒〖X^2-├ (∑▒X)^2 } 〗 ├ {∑▒〖Y^2-(∑▒Y)^2 〗┤ } ┤ )
Notes, rxy : The correlation coefficient of variable X and variable Y N : The sum of respondent ∑▒xy : The sum of multiplying of variable x and y ∑▒x : The sum of variable X ∑▒y : The sum of variable Y ∑▒x^2 : The square sum of variable X ∑▒y^2 : The square sum of variable Y
The Validity of Vocabulary Test Table
No Respondents X Y X2 Y2 XY
1 Aisyatun 72 67 5184 4489 4824
2 Alif Kudin 72 70 5184 4900 5040
3 Ayu Fatmala 67 65 4489 4225 4355
4 Ayu Nurul Amalia 72 77 5184 5929 5544
5 Aziz Amrullah 77 80 5929 6400 6160
6 Dede Sofyan Rizki H 75 62 5625 3844 4650
7 Diah Astuti 70 68 4900 4624 4760
8 Dwi Aziz Prasetyo 80 78 6400 6084 6240
9 Dwi Malinda 77 72 5929 5184 5544
10 Echa Larasati 67 70 4489 4900 4690
11 Ekawati 65 70 4225 4900 4550
12 Esty Nur Aulia Rahma 67 78 4489 6084 5226
13 Faizal Okie Prabowo 77 75 5929 5625 5775
14 Fella Rizki Halaliyah 80 77 6400 5929 6160
15 Ida Widya Ningrum 77 70 5929 4900 5390
16 Intan Puspitasari 67 68 4489 4624 4556
17 Isnaeni Farikha 77 75 5929 5625 5775
18 Isni Nurhayati 67 65 4489 4225 4355
19 Kurnia Dwie Saria Rini 72 75 5184 5625 5400
20 Laela Indriyani 70 72 4900 5184 5040
21 Ma'muroh 80 75 6400 5625 6000
22 Mitha Anggitha K 67 75 4489 5625 5025
23 Nazilatulrohmah 72 67 5184 4489 4824
24 Putri Indah Mutiara D 77 80 5929 6400 6160
25 Siti Masuti Suryanah 77 72 5929 5184 5544
26 Siti Nuratika 70 73 4900 5329 5110
27 Surkim 72 65 5184 4225 4680
28 Tatih Susanti 70 75 4900 5625 5250
29 Tresnawati 72 77 5184 5929 5544
30 Vivi Nurbaeti 80 75 6400 5625 6000
2185 2168 159775 157356 158171
Based on that table, the data are followed below:
N = 30 ∑▒x^2 = 159775
∑▒x = 2185 ∑▒y^2 = 157356
∑▒y = 2168 ∑▒xy = 158171
These data then applied to product moment formula as follow:
rxy = (N∑▒〖XY - (∑▒X)(∑▒Y) 〗)/√({N∑▒〖X^2-├ (∑▒X)^2 } 〗 ├ {N∑▒〖Y^2-(∑▒Y)^2 〗┤ } ┤ )
rxy = ((30)(158171)- (2185)(2168))/√({(30)(├ ├ 159775) - 〖(2185)〗^2 } {(30)(157356┤)- 〖(2168)〗^2 } ┤ )
rxy = (4745130-4737080)/√({├ ├ 4793250-4774225} {4720680-4700224┤ } ┤ )
rxy = 8050/√((19025)(20456) )
rxy = 8050/√389175400
rxy = 8050/19727.528
rxy = 0.408
From the calculation above, the writer obtained rxy = 0.408. Based on the result on the consultation with rtable with N = 30 and significance of 5%, it shows that rtable is 0.361. It means that rxy = 0.408> rtable = 0.361. It means that there is connectivity between the variable X as the score of try out of vocabulary and variable Y as the score of final test semester. Based on those, the instrument of vocabulary is valid.
Reliability of Vocabulary Test
Reliability is used to know the degree of stability of the instrument. A test reliable if the tool of measurement can give an illustration that can show the consistency and stability of the characteristics from the experiment (Arikunto Suharsimi, (2006:178).
The writer used Spearman Brown formula to get reliability of the vocabulary test. In this technique, the writer has to make analysis table of question items. From the analysis, the scores are grouped into 2 split of questions part. There are two ways to split the questions part, the first is the odd and even split, and the second is the first and the second split. In this case the writer used the second way, it is the first and the second split.
After the score have been grouped into two split, the next steps is counting the correlation of the first score and the last score (rxy) by using this formula:
rxy = (N∑▒〖XY - (∑▒X)(∑▒Y) 〗)/√({N∑▒〖X^2-├ (∑▒X)^2 } 〗 ├ {∑▒〖Y^2-(∑▒Y)^2 〗┤ } ┤ )
Notes, X : First spilt score Y : Final split score rxy : The correlation coefficient of X and Y
Then, to get the index of question reliability the result of rxy is applied in Spearman-Brown formula. The formula is as follow:
r11 = (2r_xy )/((1 +〖 r〗_xy))
Notes, r11 : reliability of instrument r_(1⁄2 1⁄2) : rxy ( index correlation the first split between the second
The Analysis of Question Items (The First Split/X and The Second Split/Y)
The Students’ Score of Try Out Vocabulary
(The Analysis of Vocabulary Reliability Instrument)
No Respondents Total Score Mark X Y X2 Y2 XY
1 Aisyatun 29 72 15 14 225 196 210
2 Alif Kudin 29 72 15 14 225 196 210
3 Ayu Fatmala 27 67 15 12 225 144 180
4 Ayu Nurul Amalia 29 72 15 14 225 196 210
5 Aziz Amrullah 31 77 16 15 256 225 240
6 Dede Sofyan Rizki H 30 75 15 15 225 225 225
7 Diah Astuti 28 70 14 14 196 196 196
8 Dwi Aziz Prasetyo 32 80 16 16 256 256 256
9 Dwi Malinda 31 77 16 15 256 225 240
10 Echa Larasati 27 67 13 14 169 196 182
11 Ekawati 26 65 13 13 169 169 169
12 Esty Nur Aulia Rahma 27 67 13 14 169 196 182
13 Faizal Okie Prabowo 31 77 16 15 256 225 240
14 Fella Rizki Halaliyah 32 80 16 16 256 256 256
15 Ida Widya Ningrum 31 77 16 15 256 225 240
16 Intan Puspitasari 27 67 13 14 169 196 182
17 Isnaeni Farikha 31 77 16 15 256 225 240
18 Isni Nurhayati 27 67 13 14 169 196 182
19 Kurnia Dwie Saria Rini 29 72 14 15 196 225 210
20 Laela Indriyani 28 70 14 14 196 196 196
21 Ma'muroh 32 80 16 16 256 256 256
22 Mitha Anggitha K 27 67 13 14 169 196 182
23 Nazilatulrohmah 29 72 15 14 225 196 210
24 Putri Indah Mutiara D 31 77 15 16 225 256 240
25 Siti Masuti Suryanah 31 77 15 16 225 256 240
26 Siti Nuratika 28 70 13 15 169 225 195
27 Surkim 29 72 16 13 256 169 208
28 Tatih Susanti 28 70 13 15 169 225 195
29 Tresnawati 29 72 14 15 196 225 210
30 Vivi Nurbaeti 32 80 14 18 196 324 252
438 440 6436 6492 6434
Based on that table, the data are followed below:
N = 40 ∑▒x^2 = 6436
∑▒x = 438 ∑▒y^2 = 6492
∑▒y = 440 ∑▒xy = 6434
These data then applied to produt moment formula as follow:
rxy = (N∑▒〖XY - (∑▒X)(∑▒Y) 〗)/√({N∑▒〖X^2-├ (∑▒X)^2 } 〗 ├ {N∑▒〖Y^2-(∑▒Y)^2 〗┤ } ┤ )
rxy = ((30)(6434)- (438)(440))/√({(30)(├ ├ 6436) - 〖(438)〗^2 } {(30)(6492┤)- 〖(440)〗^2 } ┤ )
rxy = (193020-192720)/√({├ ├ 193080-191844} {194760-193600┤ } ┤ )
rxy = 300/√((1236)(1160) )
rxy = 300/√1433760
rxy = 300/1197.397
rxy = 0.2505
In order to obtain reliability of whole students we use Spearman-Brown formula as follow:
r11 = (2 x r_(1⁄2 1⁄2) )/((1 +〖 r〗_(1⁄2 1⁄2)))
r11 = (2 x 0.2505 )/((1 +0.2505))
r11 = 0.501/1.2505
r11 = 0.4006
From the calculation above, the writer obtained r11 = 0.4006. Based on the result on the consultation with rtable with N = 30 and significance of 5%, rtable is 0.361. It shows that r11 = 0.4006 > rtable is 0.361, it means there is significant relation between X as the first split score and Y as the second split score. Furthermore, the instrument of vocabulary test is reliable.
E. Design of the Research
Based on the score of questioner which is given the population, the writer took sample. The writer selects who have high and low frequency in watching English movie. Then, they are divided into two groups, the first group contains students who have high frequency in watching English movie, and the second is the group which consists of students who have low frequency in watching English movie. Each group numbered 30 students. So, there are 60 students as the sample.
F. Technique of Collecting Data
This research uses questioners and test methods. The data is collected as follows:
1. Questioner
The writer gives questioners to all population of all second semester, all eleventh classes. They need to answer the questioner directly and give it back to the author. Furthermore, the author takes samples based on the answer given respondent.
2. Test
The instrument test is vocabulary test. After all populations have answered the questioner, they need to answer the vocabulary test. Then the results of the vocabulary test are calculated by using T-test.
G. Technique of Analyzing Data
The writer uses comparison technique to find out the data about the students who have high frequency in watching English movie and the students who have low frequency in watching English movie. Then the score compared between first group and second group by calculating the mean of each group. After the data is gained, then it is calculated by using T-test analysis.
Mean analysis
x ̅= (∑▒x)/N
Notes, x ̅ : Mean
∑▒x : Total score
N : Amount of sample
Standard analysis
SD=√((∑▒(x_1- x ̅ )^2 )/(N-1))
Notes, SD : Standard Deviation ∑▒(x_1- x ̅ )^2 : Sum of mean square N : Amount of sample
United variant
S2 = ((n_1-1) S_1^2+ (n_2-1) S_2^2)/(n_1+ n_2-2)
Notes, S^1 : United variant S_1 : Standard Deviation group 1 S_2 : Standard Deviation group 2 n_1 : Sample of group 1 n_2 : Sample of group 2
t=(x ̅_1-x ̅_2)/(S √(1⁄n_1 + 1⁄n_2 ))
Notes, n_1 : Amount sample of group I
n_2 : Amount sample of group II
x ̅_1 : Mean score of group I
x ̅_2 : Mean score of group II
S : Standard Deviation
H. Statistic Hypothesis of Research
After getting the data by taking t–test, the data must be compared with t table for having knows the hypothesis accepted or refused.
If mark t-test lower than t-table, it means that zero hypothesis (h0) is accepted and hypothesis of the research (h1) is not accepted by editorial words, there is no positive effect between the students’ frequency of watching English movie in vocabulary mastery. Otherwise, if mark t-test higher than t-table, it means that zero hypothesis (h0) is not accepted and hypothesis of the research (h1) is accepted by editorial words, there is positive effect between the student’s frequency of watching English movie in vocabulary mastery.
1. Place of Research : The research was taken in SMA N 01 LARANGAN-BREBES
2. Time of Research : This research held on May, on the eleventh year students of second semester in academic year 2009/2010.
B. Population and Sample
1. Population
Population means all the sources of the research, unlimited and largest (Sudjana, 2006:71). According to Suharsini (2006:102), population can be defined as sources of the research consisting of people, animals, plants and objects that have common characteristics.
The population in this research is all students on eleventh year of SMA N 01 Larangan Brebes, in academic year 2009/2010 which totally 245. They are:
Class IPA 1 consist of 33 students
Class IPA 2 consist of 37 students
Class IPA 3 consist of 36 students
Class IPS 1 consist of 36 students
Class IPS 2 consist of 34 students
Class IPS 3 consist of 37 students
Class IPS 4 consist of 32 students
2. Sample
Sample is subjects chosen from a population for investigation (Sudjana, 2006:71).
Types of taking samples:
A random sample is all samples have same size, an equal chance of being selected from the population and chosen by a method involving an unpredictable component.
Stratified random sampling involves selecting independent samples from a number of subpopulations, group or strata within the population.
Cluster sampling involves selecting the sample units in groups. For example, a sample of telephone calls may be collected by first taking a collecting of telephone lines and collecting all the calls on the samples lines.
In this research, the writer take stratified random sampling method. Stratified random sampling is done by making the strata. Then from all of the strata are got a number of subjects randomly. A number of subjects of each stratum are sample of research. In this technique the population divided into three strata, the first is the students who have high score, the second is the students who have middle score, and the last is the students who have low score. To get the sample of research the writer gets the sample in the high strata and the low strata. The high strata are got by randomly, and also the low strata are got by randomly.
The writer took sample based on the score of questioner which given to the population. The writer selected the population into three strata, they are the students who have high frequency in watching English movies as high strata, and the student who have middle frequency in watching English movies as middle strata, and then the last is the students who have low frequency in watching English movies as low strata.
Then, the writer just took two group sample, they are the students who have high frequency in watching English movies, and the students who have low frequency in watching English movies. The writer took the sample in the high strata and the low strata randomly to get 30 students who have high frequency in watching English movies and 30 students who have low frequency in watching English movie. So it can be known that there are 60 students as samples of the research.
C. Variable of the Research
Variable is condition of characteristics that the experimenter manipulated and control of observer (Suharsini Arikunto, 2006:115)
According to the title of the writer has taken, there are two kinds of variables, independent and dependent variable. The two variables are:
Independent variable is student’s frequency watching English movie.
Dependent variable is student’s vocabulary mastery.
D. Instrument of the Research
There are two kinds of instrument that will be used in this research, the first instrument is questioner. According to Suharsini Arikunto (2006:151) questioner is a number of written used in the sense of personal reports or other matters known to the researchers. Questioner is a list of written questions submitted to the research subjects and to be answered in writing as well. The writer in this case uses a questioner directly covered with the type of items that provide a choice of five alternative answers (multiple choices) that there are for possible answer, namely A, B, C, D, and E. The questioner contained 5 questions. The scoring positive values of the answer options are; A values 5, B values 4, C values 3, and D values 1. The writer makes a questioner based on the indicators on student’s frequency that related with English movie.
The second instrument is test. According to Arikunto Suharsimi (2006:150) test is a series of questions or exercise, other tools used to measure the skills, knowledge, intelligence, ability, or talent possessed by individuals or groups. The second instrument in this research is the test that contains the 40 questions that measure of vocabulary mastery. The time of doing the test is 60 minutes. The type of the questions is multiple choices with four options A, B, C, and D.
The instrument must have the compatibility, efficiency, and steadiness. So, before the instrument is tested to collecting data, the validity and reliability of the instrument have to be test first.
In this research, there are two kinds of instrument, questioner and vocabulary test. The instrument that will be test the validity and reliability is only vocabulary test. The reason that why the questioner is not tested is that questioner is used only to group the samples not to collect the data of research.
So, vocabulary test will be test to know the validity and reliability. The instrument will be tried out by giving questioner and test to 30 students who have the same competence with the same the sample of this research.
Validity of Vocabulary Test
According to Arikunto Suharsimi (2006:168), Validity is a measure which shows levels of validity in the instrument. A test can be called as a valid test when it can measure what to be measured. A test has validity if it has correlation between the test results with criteria.
Validity can be measured by using the product moment as follows:
rxy = (N∑▒〖XY - (∑▒X)(∑▒Y) 〗)/√({N∑▒〖X^2-├ (∑▒X)^2 } 〗 ├ {∑▒〖Y^2-(∑▒Y)^2 〗┤ } ┤ )
Notes, rxy : The correlation coefficient of variable X and variable Y N : The sum of respondent ∑▒xy : The sum of multiplying of variable x and y ∑▒x : The sum of variable X ∑▒y : The sum of variable Y ∑▒x^2 : The square sum of variable X ∑▒y^2 : The square sum of variable Y
The Validity of Vocabulary Test Table
No Respondents X Y X2 Y2 XY
1 Aisyatun 72 67 5184 4489 4824
2 Alif Kudin 72 70 5184 4900 5040
3 Ayu Fatmala 67 65 4489 4225 4355
4 Ayu Nurul Amalia 72 77 5184 5929 5544
5 Aziz Amrullah 77 80 5929 6400 6160
6 Dede Sofyan Rizki H 75 62 5625 3844 4650
7 Diah Astuti 70 68 4900 4624 4760
8 Dwi Aziz Prasetyo 80 78 6400 6084 6240
9 Dwi Malinda 77 72 5929 5184 5544
10 Echa Larasati 67 70 4489 4900 4690
11 Ekawati 65 70 4225 4900 4550
12 Esty Nur Aulia Rahma 67 78 4489 6084 5226
13 Faizal Okie Prabowo 77 75 5929 5625 5775
14 Fella Rizki Halaliyah 80 77 6400 5929 6160
15 Ida Widya Ningrum 77 70 5929 4900 5390
16 Intan Puspitasari 67 68 4489 4624 4556
17 Isnaeni Farikha 77 75 5929 5625 5775
18 Isni Nurhayati 67 65 4489 4225 4355
19 Kurnia Dwie Saria Rini 72 75 5184 5625 5400
20 Laela Indriyani 70 72 4900 5184 5040
21 Ma'muroh 80 75 6400 5625 6000
22 Mitha Anggitha K 67 75 4489 5625 5025
23 Nazilatulrohmah 72 67 5184 4489 4824
24 Putri Indah Mutiara D 77 80 5929 6400 6160
25 Siti Masuti Suryanah 77 72 5929 5184 5544
26 Siti Nuratika 70 73 4900 5329 5110
27 Surkim 72 65 5184 4225 4680
28 Tatih Susanti 70 75 4900 5625 5250
29 Tresnawati 72 77 5184 5929 5544
30 Vivi Nurbaeti 80 75 6400 5625 6000
2185 2168 159775 157356 158171
Based on that table, the data are followed below:
N = 30 ∑▒x^2 = 159775
∑▒x = 2185 ∑▒y^2 = 157356
∑▒y = 2168 ∑▒xy = 158171
These data then applied to product moment formula as follow:
rxy = (N∑▒〖XY - (∑▒X)(∑▒Y) 〗)/√({N∑▒〖X^2-├ (∑▒X)^2 } 〗 ├ {N∑▒〖Y^2-(∑▒Y)^2 〗┤ } ┤ )
rxy = ((30)(158171)- (2185)(2168))/√({(30)(├ ├ 159775) - 〖(2185)〗^2 } {(30)(157356┤)- 〖(2168)〗^2 } ┤ )
rxy = (4745130-4737080)/√({├ ├ 4793250-4774225} {4720680-4700224┤ } ┤ )
rxy = 8050/√((19025)(20456) )
rxy = 8050/√389175400
rxy = 8050/19727.528
rxy = 0.408
From the calculation above, the writer obtained rxy = 0.408. Based on the result on the consultation with rtable with N = 30 and significance of 5%, it shows that rtable is 0.361. It means that rxy = 0.408> rtable = 0.361. It means that there is connectivity between the variable X as the score of try out of vocabulary and variable Y as the score of final test semester. Based on those, the instrument of vocabulary is valid.
Reliability of Vocabulary Test
Reliability is used to know the degree of stability of the instrument. A test reliable if the tool of measurement can give an illustration that can show the consistency and stability of the characteristics from the experiment (Arikunto Suharsimi, (2006:178).
The writer used Spearman Brown formula to get reliability of the vocabulary test. In this technique, the writer has to make analysis table of question items. From the analysis, the scores are grouped into 2 split of questions part. There are two ways to split the questions part, the first is the odd and even split, and the second is the first and the second split. In this case the writer used the second way, it is the first and the second split.
After the score have been grouped into two split, the next steps is counting the correlation of the first score and the last score (rxy) by using this formula:
rxy = (N∑▒〖XY - (∑▒X)(∑▒Y) 〗)/√({N∑▒〖X^2-├ (∑▒X)^2 } 〗 ├ {∑▒〖Y^2-(∑▒Y)^2 〗┤ } ┤ )
Notes, X : First spilt score Y : Final split score rxy : The correlation coefficient of X and Y
Then, to get the index of question reliability the result of rxy is applied in Spearman-Brown formula. The formula is as follow:
r11 = (2r_xy )/((1 +〖 r〗_xy))
Notes, r11 : reliability of instrument r_(1⁄2 1⁄2) : rxy ( index correlation the first split between the second
The Analysis of Question Items (The First Split/X and The Second Split/Y)
The Students’ Score of Try Out Vocabulary
(The Analysis of Vocabulary Reliability Instrument)
No Respondents Total Score Mark X Y X2 Y2 XY
1 Aisyatun 29 72 15 14 225 196 210
2 Alif Kudin 29 72 15 14 225 196 210
3 Ayu Fatmala 27 67 15 12 225 144 180
4 Ayu Nurul Amalia 29 72 15 14 225 196 210
5 Aziz Amrullah 31 77 16 15 256 225 240
6 Dede Sofyan Rizki H 30 75 15 15 225 225 225
7 Diah Astuti 28 70 14 14 196 196 196
8 Dwi Aziz Prasetyo 32 80 16 16 256 256 256
9 Dwi Malinda 31 77 16 15 256 225 240
10 Echa Larasati 27 67 13 14 169 196 182
11 Ekawati 26 65 13 13 169 169 169
12 Esty Nur Aulia Rahma 27 67 13 14 169 196 182
13 Faizal Okie Prabowo 31 77 16 15 256 225 240
14 Fella Rizki Halaliyah 32 80 16 16 256 256 256
15 Ida Widya Ningrum 31 77 16 15 256 225 240
16 Intan Puspitasari 27 67 13 14 169 196 182
17 Isnaeni Farikha 31 77 16 15 256 225 240
18 Isni Nurhayati 27 67 13 14 169 196 182
19 Kurnia Dwie Saria Rini 29 72 14 15 196 225 210
20 Laela Indriyani 28 70 14 14 196 196 196
21 Ma'muroh 32 80 16 16 256 256 256
22 Mitha Anggitha K 27 67 13 14 169 196 182
23 Nazilatulrohmah 29 72 15 14 225 196 210
24 Putri Indah Mutiara D 31 77 15 16 225 256 240
25 Siti Masuti Suryanah 31 77 15 16 225 256 240
26 Siti Nuratika 28 70 13 15 169 225 195
27 Surkim 29 72 16 13 256 169 208
28 Tatih Susanti 28 70 13 15 169 225 195
29 Tresnawati 29 72 14 15 196 225 210
30 Vivi Nurbaeti 32 80 14 18 196 324 252
438 440 6436 6492 6434
Based on that table, the data are followed below:
N = 40 ∑▒x^2 = 6436
∑▒x = 438 ∑▒y^2 = 6492
∑▒y = 440 ∑▒xy = 6434
These data then applied to produt moment formula as follow:
rxy = (N∑▒〖XY - (∑▒X)(∑▒Y) 〗)/√({N∑▒〖X^2-├ (∑▒X)^2 } 〗 ├ {N∑▒〖Y^2-(∑▒Y)^2 〗┤ } ┤ )
rxy = ((30)(6434)- (438)(440))/√({(30)(├ ├ 6436) - 〖(438)〗^2 } {(30)(6492┤)- 〖(440)〗^2 } ┤ )
rxy = (193020-192720)/√({├ ├ 193080-191844} {194760-193600┤ } ┤ )
rxy = 300/√((1236)(1160) )
rxy = 300/√1433760
rxy = 300/1197.397
rxy = 0.2505
In order to obtain reliability of whole students we use Spearman-Brown formula as follow:
r11 = (2 x r_(1⁄2 1⁄2) )/((1 +〖 r〗_(1⁄2 1⁄2)))
r11 = (2 x 0.2505 )/((1 +0.2505))
r11 = 0.501/1.2505
r11 = 0.4006
From the calculation above, the writer obtained r11 = 0.4006. Based on the result on the consultation with rtable with N = 30 and significance of 5%, rtable is 0.361. It shows that r11 = 0.4006 > rtable is 0.361, it means there is significant relation between X as the first split score and Y as the second split score. Furthermore, the instrument of vocabulary test is reliable.
E. Design of the Research
Based on the score of questioner which is given the population, the writer took sample. The writer selects who have high and low frequency in watching English movie. Then, they are divided into two groups, the first group contains students who have high frequency in watching English movie, and the second is the group which consists of students who have low frequency in watching English movie. Each group numbered 30 students. So, there are 60 students as the sample.
F. Technique of Collecting Data
This research uses questioners and test methods. The data is collected as follows:
1. Questioner
The writer gives questioners to all population of all second semester, all eleventh classes. They need to answer the questioner directly and give it back to the author. Furthermore, the author takes samples based on the answer given respondent.
2. Test
The instrument test is vocabulary test. After all populations have answered the questioner, they need to answer the vocabulary test. Then the results of the vocabulary test are calculated by using T-test.
G. Technique of Analyzing Data
The writer uses comparison technique to find out the data about the students who have high frequency in watching English movie and the students who have low frequency in watching English movie. Then the score compared between first group and second group by calculating the mean of each group. After the data is gained, then it is calculated by using T-test analysis.
Mean analysis
x ̅= (∑▒x)/N
Notes, x ̅ : Mean
∑▒x : Total score
N : Amount of sample
Standard analysis
SD=√((∑▒(x_1- x ̅ )^2 )/(N-1))
Notes, SD : Standard Deviation ∑▒(x_1- x ̅ )^2 : Sum of mean square N : Amount of sample
United variant
S2 = ((n_1-1) S_1^2+ (n_2-1) S_2^2)/(n_1+ n_2-2)
Notes, S^1 : United variant S_1 : Standard Deviation group 1 S_2 : Standard Deviation group 2 n_1 : Sample of group 1 n_2 : Sample of group 2
t=(x ̅_1-x ̅_2)/(S √(1⁄n_1 + 1⁄n_2 ))
Notes, n_1 : Amount sample of group I
n_2 : Amount sample of group II
x ̅_1 : Mean score of group I
x ̅_2 : Mean score of group II
S : Standard Deviation
H. Statistic Hypothesis of Research
After getting the data by taking t–test, the data must be compared with t table for having knows the hypothesis accepted or refused.
If mark t-test lower than t-table, it means that zero hypothesis (h0) is accepted and hypothesis of the research (h1) is not accepted by editorial words, there is no positive effect between the students’ frequency of watching English movie in vocabulary mastery. Otherwise, if mark t-test higher than t-table, it means that zero hypothesis (h0) is not accepted and hypothesis of the research (h1) is accepted by editorial words, there is positive effect between the student’s frequency of watching English movie in vocabulary mastery.
A. Description of The Data
In this research the writer used questioners and vocabulary test as the instrument. The questions function to collect the information which students who have high frequency in watching English movies and which the students who have low frequency in watching English movies, while vocabulary test function to measure student’s vocabulary mastery.
Questioner is a number of written questions used in the sense personal report or the other matters known to researchers. The questioners have given to the population which totally 269 students. This questioner consists of 6 multiple choice questions. The score of each question is between 1 until 5. The students who gain score more than 21 are the students who have high frequency in watching English movies, while the students who gain score less than 15 are the students who have low frequency in watching English movies.
Based on the score of questioner which given to the population, the writer selected students who have high and low frequency in watching English movies. Students who have high score as the first group, this is group which have high frequency in watching English movies, they are 30 students. The second group is group the students who have low score, this group is group which have low frequency in watching English movies, they are 30 students. So, there are 60 students as samples of research.
The second instrument was used is vocabulary test. This test consists of 40 multiple choice questions. The vocabulary test was given to the entire sample, the experiment group and the controlling group. The experiment group as the first group is containing the students who have high frequency in watching English movies. The control group as the experiment group containing the students who have low frequency in watching English movies.
The calculation of vocabulary test of each group represented as follows:
The Calculation of Students Who have High Frequency in Watching English Movies (The First Group)
The Score of Vocabulary Test of Students Who Have High Frequency in Watching English Movies (The Experiment Group)
No Name of Students Score
1 Abdul Rokhim 70
2 Ade Bagus Infantri 64
3 Agus Mustofa 72
4 Agus Priyanto A 70
5 Agus Priyanto B 85
6 Ahmad Supandi 70
7 Aiman 73
8 Anggi Susilowati 77
9 Anggun Kritiani 85
10 Apip Royani 75
11 Apriliana R 77
12 Arum Dewi Pradini 60
13 Astuti 77
14 Atus Shobah 72
15 Dwi Amalia P 77
16 Diah Nur Fitri 80
17 Dymas Aliftio Putra 65
18 Fajar Setiawan 77
19 Ferawati 70
20 Iis Sumaine 60
Continuation of table 4
21 Nur Jamilah R 65
22 Nurul Hidayah 73
23 Sokesih 87
24 Sukma A 65
25 Taufik 77
26 Trias Andi Laksono 67
27 Try Sutrisno 65
28 Vina Aenul Fitri 70
29 Wiesmoyo Aries M 80
30 Wigi Saputra 77
The Analysis’s Score of Vocabulary Test of Students Who Have High Frequency in Watching English Movies (The Experiment Group)
No Name of Students Score (X-X ̅ ) (X-X ̅ )^2
1 Arum Dewi Pradini 60 -12.73 162.0529
2 Iis Sumaine 60 -12.73 162.0529
3 Ade Bagus Infantri 64 -8.73 76.2129
4 Dymas Aliftio Putra 65 -7.73 59.7529
5 Nur Jamilah R 65 -7.73 59.7529
6 Sukma A 65 -7.73 59.7529
7 Try Sutrisno 65 -7.73 59.7529
8 Trias Andi Laksono 67 -5.73 32.8329
9 Abdul Rokhim 70 -2.73 7.4529
10 Agus Priyanto A 70 -2.73 7.4529
11 Ahmad Supandi 70 -2.73 7.4529
12 Ferawati 70 -2.73 7.4529
13 Vina Aenul Fitri 70 -2.73 7.4529
14 Agus Mustofa 72 -0.73 0.5329
15 Atus Shobah 72 -0.73 0.5329
16 Aiman 73 0.27 0.0729
17 Nurul Hidayah 73 0.27 0.0729
18 Apip Royani 75 2.27 5.1529
19 Anggi Susilowati 77 4.27 18.2329
20 Apriliana R 77 4.27 18.2329
21 Astuti 77 4.27 18.2329
22 Dwi Amalia P 77 4.27 18.2329
23 Fajar Setiawan 77 4.27 18.2329
24 Taufik 77 4.27 18.2329
Continuation of table 5
25 Wigi Saputra 77 4.27 18.2329
26 Diah Nur Fitri 80 7.27 52.8529
27 Wiesmoyo Aries M 80 7.27 52.8529
28 Agus Priyanto B 85 12.27 150.5529
29 Anggun Kritiani 85 12.27 150.5529
30 Sokesih 87 14.27 203.6329
2182 1453.867
Mean x ̅
x ̅= (∑▒x_i )/N
= 2182/30
= 72,73
Modus (Mo)
Mo = 77
Median (Me)
Me = (72+73)/2
= 72,5
Standard Deviation (SD)
SD=√((∑▒(x_1- x ̅ )^2 )/(N-1))
= √(1453,867/(30-1))
= √50,1333
= 7,0804
Variant of Group I ((S_1 )^2
S_1^2 = (7,0804)^2
= 50,132
The Calculation of Students Who have High Frequency in Watching English Movies (The First Group)
The Score of Vocabulary Test of Students Who Have Low Frequency in Watching English Movies (The Control Group)
No Name of Students Score
1 Abdul Rosid 68
2 Anggun Novitasari 73
3 Anis Kustriowati 67
4 Deni Saputra 68
5 Ferdian Sandi Arista 64
6 Fitri Damayanti 67
7 Hani Fitriyani 72
8 Ika Rahayu 55
9 Irtanti 67
10 Jumiatun 68
11 Koriah 60
12 Korisah Sri Puspita 65
13 Lela Afriana 55
14 Marpuah 57
15 Maulida Irviana Z 67
16 Mella Riskawati 68
17 Moh. Haikal Ulinnuha 65
18 Mohamad Ali Sidik 65
19 Nia Sulistiani S 67
20 Rozalia Indahwati 72
21 Siti Maulindah 70
22 Solikhatun 67
23 Sri Mulyani 65
24 Supriyanto 64
25 Supriyatin 73
26 Try Utami 70
27 Uswatun Khasanah 70
Continuation of table 6
28 Uun Anisah 60
29 Widya Atika 68
30 Zulfatun Ni'mah 68
The Analysis’s Score of Vocabulary Test of Students Who Have Low Frequency in Watching English Movies (The Control Group)
No Name of Students Score (X-X ̅ ) (X-X ̅ )^2
1 Ika Rahayu 55 -11.16 124.5456
2 Lela Afriana 55 -11.16 124.5456
3 Marpuah 57 -9.16 83.9056
4 Koriah 60 -6.16 37.9456
5 Uun Anisah 60 -6.16 37.9456
6 Ferdian Sandi Arista 64 -2.16 4.6656
7 Supriyanto 64 -2.16 4.6656
8 Korisah Sri Puspita 65 -1.16 1.3456
9 Moh. Haikal Ulinnuha 65 -1.16 1.3456
10 Mohamad Ali Sidik 65 -1.16 1.3456
11 Sri Mulyani 65 -1.16 1.3456
12 Anis Kustriowati 67 0.84 0.7056
13 Fitri Damayanti 67 0.84 0.7056
14 Irtanti 67 0.84 0.7056
15 Maulida Irviana Z 67 0.84 0.7056
16 Nia Sulistiani S 67 0.84 0.7056
17 Solikhatun 67 0.84 0.7056
18 Abdul Rosid 68 1.84 3.3856
19 Deni Saputra 68 1.84 3.3856
20 Jumiatun 68 1.84 3.3856
21 Mella Riskawati 68 1.84 3.3856
22 Widya Atika 68 1.84 3.3856
23 Zulfatun Ni'mah 68 1.84 3.3856
24 Siti Maulindah 70 3.84 14.7456
25 Try Utami 70 3.84 14.7456
26 Uswatun Khasanah 70 3.84 14.7456
27 Hani Fitriyani 72 5.84 34.1056
28 Rozalia Indahwati 72 5.84 34.1056
29 Anggun Novitasari 73 6.84 46.7856
30 Supriyatin 73 6.84 46.7856
1985 654.168
Mean x ̅
x ̅= (∑▒x_i )/N
= 1985/30
= 66,16
Modus (Mo)
Mo = 67 & 68
Median (Me)
Me = (67+67)/2
= 67
Standard Deviation (SD)
SD=√((∑▒(x_1- x ̅ )^2 )/(N-1))
= √(654,168/(30-1))
= √22,5575
= 4,7494
Variant of Group I ((S_1 )^2
S_2^2 =(4,794)^2
= 22,556
United Variants
From those data above, then the data combine with the united variant formula as following below:
n_1=30 S_1^2=50,132
n_2=30 S_2^2=22,556
S2 = ((n_1-1) S_1^2+ (n_2-1) S_2^2)/(n_1+ n_2-2)
= ((30-1)50,132+ (30-1)22,556)/(30+30-2)
= ((29)50,132+ (29)22,556)/58
= (1453,828+644,554)/58
= 2098.382/58
The unity of standard deviation (S)
S = √36,176
= 6,014
To know whether there is a significant between the experiment (first group) and the control (second group), the result is tested by using T-test. The following is the calculation:
n_1=30 X ̅=72,73 S = 6,014
n_2=30 X ̅=60,96
The formula:
t=(x ̅_1-x ̅_2)/(S √(1⁄n_1 + 1⁄n_2 ))
=(72,73-66.16)/(6,014 √(1⁄30+ 1⁄30))
=6,57/(6,014 x 0.258)
= 4,235
From the analysis by using t-test (t0), the writer obtained (t0) = 4,235. T table (tt) with dk = 30 + 30 – 2 = 58 and significance () of 5%, obtained (tt) = 2,021.
B. The Result of Data Analysis and Explanation
The test criterion H0 is refused if t0 is lower than ttable. From the result of calculating t-test, t0 is 4,235 and the ttable on the level significance 5% with degree of freedom (df) 58 is 2,021. The result, t0 is higher than t¬table (4,235>2,021). It means H+0 is rejected and H1 accepted. Based on those results, the writer concludes that there is deep significant effect between students who have high frequency in watching English movies (the first group) and the students who have low frequency in watching English movies (the second group).
Further more, the calculation shows t0 is higher than ttable. Then the hypothesis says:
“Students who have high frequency in watching English movies getting better vocabulary mastery than students who have low frequency in watching English movies”.
C. Discussion
Based on the result of data analysis, t0 is 4,235 with the degree of freedom (dk) is 58 on the level significance 5%, t0 is 2,021. The result, t0 higher than ttable (4,235>2,021). It means there is deep significant effect between the students who have high frequency in watching English movies (the first group) and the students who have low frequency in watching English movies (second group). It ca be concluded that high frequency in watching English movies give a positive influence for the students’ vocabulary mastery. Finally, H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted.
In this research the writer used questioners and vocabulary test as the instrument. The questions function to collect the information which students who have high frequency in watching English movies and which the students who have low frequency in watching English movies, while vocabulary test function to measure student’s vocabulary mastery.
Questioner is a number of written questions used in the sense personal report or the other matters known to researchers. The questioners have given to the population which totally 269 students. This questioner consists of 6 multiple choice questions. The score of each question is between 1 until 5. The students who gain score more than 21 are the students who have high frequency in watching English movies, while the students who gain score less than 15 are the students who have low frequency in watching English movies.
Based on the score of questioner which given to the population, the writer selected students who have high and low frequency in watching English movies. Students who have high score as the first group, this is group which have high frequency in watching English movies, they are 30 students. The second group is group the students who have low score, this group is group which have low frequency in watching English movies, they are 30 students. So, there are 60 students as samples of research.
The second instrument was used is vocabulary test. This test consists of 40 multiple choice questions. The vocabulary test was given to the entire sample, the experiment group and the controlling group. The experiment group as the first group is containing the students who have high frequency in watching English movies. The control group as the experiment group containing the students who have low frequency in watching English movies.
The calculation of vocabulary test of each group represented as follows:
The Calculation of Students Who have High Frequency in Watching English Movies (The First Group)
The Score of Vocabulary Test of Students Who Have High Frequency in Watching English Movies (The Experiment Group)
No Name of Students Score
1 Abdul Rokhim 70
2 Ade Bagus Infantri 64
3 Agus Mustofa 72
4 Agus Priyanto A 70
5 Agus Priyanto B 85
6 Ahmad Supandi 70
7 Aiman 73
8 Anggi Susilowati 77
9 Anggun Kritiani 85
10 Apip Royani 75
11 Apriliana R 77
12 Arum Dewi Pradini 60
13 Astuti 77
14 Atus Shobah 72
15 Dwi Amalia P 77
16 Diah Nur Fitri 80
17 Dymas Aliftio Putra 65
18 Fajar Setiawan 77
19 Ferawati 70
20 Iis Sumaine 60
Continuation of table 4
21 Nur Jamilah R 65
22 Nurul Hidayah 73
23 Sokesih 87
24 Sukma A 65
25 Taufik 77
26 Trias Andi Laksono 67
27 Try Sutrisno 65
28 Vina Aenul Fitri 70
29 Wiesmoyo Aries M 80
30 Wigi Saputra 77
The Analysis’s Score of Vocabulary Test of Students Who Have High Frequency in Watching English Movies (The Experiment Group)
No Name of Students Score (X-X ̅ ) (X-X ̅ )^2
1 Arum Dewi Pradini 60 -12.73 162.0529
2 Iis Sumaine 60 -12.73 162.0529
3 Ade Bagus Infantri 64 -8.73 76.2129
4 Dymas Aliftio Putra 65 -7.73 59.7529
5 Nur Jamilah R 65 -7.73 59.7529
6 Sukma A 65 -7.73 59.7529
7 Try Sutrisno 65 -7.73 59.7529
8 Trias Andi Laksono 67 -5.73 32.8329
9 Abdul Rokhim 70 -2.73 7.4529
10 Agus Priyanto A 70 -2.73 7.4529
11 Ahmad Supandi 70 -2.73 7.4529
12 Ferawati 70 -2.73 7.4529
13 Vina Aenul Fitri 70 -2.73 7.4529
14 Agus Mustofa 72 -0.73 0.5329
15 Atus Shobah 72 -0.73 0.5329
16 Aiman 73 0.27 0.0729
17 Nurul Hidayah 73 0.27 0.0729
18 Apip Royani 75 2.27 5.1529
19 Anggi Susilowati 77 4.27 18.2329
20 Apriliana R 77 4.27 18.2329
21 Astuti 77 4.27 18.2329
22 Dwi Amalia P 77 4.27 18.2329
23 Fajar Setiawan 77 4.27 18.2329
24 Taufik 77 4.27 18.2329
Continuation of table 5
25 Wigi Saputra 77 4.27 18.2329
26 Diah Nur Fitri 80 7.27 52.8529
27 Wiesmoyo Aries M 80 7.27 52.8529
28 Agus Priyanto B 85 12.27 150.5529
29 Anggun Kritiani 85 12.27 150.5529
30 Sokesih 87 14.27 203.6329
2182 1453.867
Mean x ̅
x ̅= (∑▒x_i )/N
= 2182/30
= 72,73
Modus (Mo)
Mo = 77
Median (Me)
Me = (72+73)/2
= 72,5
Standard Deviation (SD)
SD=√((∑▒(x_1- x ̅ )^2 )/(N-1))
= √(1453,867/(30-1))
= √50,1333
= 7,0804
Variant of Group I ((S_1 )^2
S_1^2 = (7,0804)^2
= 50,132
The Calculation of Students Who have High Frequency in Watching English Movies (The First Group)
The Score of Vocabulary Test of Students Who Have Low Frequency in Watching English Movies (The Control Group)
No Name of Students Score
1 Abdul Rosid 68
2 Anggun Novitasari 73
3 Anis Kustriowati 67
4 Deni Saputra 68
5 Ferdian Sandi Arista 64
6 Fitri Damayanti 67
7 Hani Fitriyani 72
8 Ika Rahayu 55
9 Irtanti 67
10 Jumiatun 68
11 Koriah 60
12 Korisah Sri Puspita 65
13 Lela Afriana 55
14 Marpuah 57
15 Maulida Irviana Z 67
16 Mella Riskawati 68
17 Moh. Haikal Ulinnuha 65
18 Mohamad Ali Sidik 65
19 Nia Sulistiani S 67
20 Rozalia Indahwati 72
21 Siti Maulindah 70
22 Solikhatun 67
23 Sri Mulyani 65
24 Supriyanto 64
25 Supriyatin 73
26 Try Utami 70
27 Uswatun Khasanah 70
Continuation of table 6
28 Uun Anisah 60
29 Widya Atika 68
30 Zulfatun Ni'mah 68
The Analysis’s Score of Vocabulary Test of Students Who Have Low Frequency in Watching English Movies (The Control Group)
No Name of Students Score (X-X ̅ ) (X-X ̅ )^2
1 Ika Rahayu 55 -11.16 124.5456
2 Lela Afriana 55 -11.16 124.5456
3 Marpuah 57 -9.16 83.9056
4 Koriah 60 -6.16 37.9456
5 Uun Anisah 60 -6.16 37.9456
6 Ferdian Sandi Arista 64 -2.16 4.6656
7 Supriyanto 64 -2.16 4.6656
8 Korisah Sri Puspita 65 -1.16 1.3456
9 Moh. Haikal Ulinnuha 65 -1.16 1.3456
10 Mohamad Ali Sidik 65 -1.16 1.3456
11 Sri Mulyani 65 -1.16 1.3456
12 Anis Kustriowati 67 0.84 0.7056
13 Fitri Damayanti 67 0.84 0.7056
14 Irtanti 67 0.84 0.7056
15 Maulida Irviana Z 67 0.84 0.7056
16 Nia Sulistiani S 67 0.84 0.7056
17 Solikhatun 67 0.84 0.7056
18 Abdul Rosid 68 1.84 3.3856
19 Deni Saputra 68 1.84 3.3856
20 Jumiatun 68 1.84 3.3856
21 Mella Riskawati 68 1.84 3.3856
22 Widya Atika 68 1.84 3.3856
23 Zulfatun Ni'mah 68 1.84 3.3856
24 Siti Maulindah 70 3.84 14.7456
25 Try Utami 70 3.84 14.7456
26 Uswatun Khasanah 70 3.84 14.7456
27 Hani Fitriyani 72 5.84 34.1056
28 Rozalia Indahwati 72 5.84 34.1056
29 Anggun Novitasari 73 6.84 46.7856
30 Supriyatin 73 6.84 46.7856
1985 654.168
Mean x ̅
x ̅= (∑▒x_i )/N
= 1985/30
= 66,16
Modus (Mo)
Mo = 67 & 68
Median (Me)
Me = (67+67)/2
= 67
Standard Deviation (SD)
SD=√((∑▒(x_1- x ̅ )^2 )/(N-1))
= √(654,168/(30-1))
= √22,5575
= 4,7494
Variant of Group I ((S_1 )^2
S_2^2 =(4,794)^2
= 22,556
United Variants
From those data above, then the data combine with the united variant formula as following below:
n_1=30 S_1^2=50,132
n_2=30 S_2^2=22,556
S2 = ((n_1-1) S_1^2+ (n_2-1) S_2^2)/(n_1+ n_2-2)
= ((30-1)50,132+ (30-1)22,556)/(30+30-2)
= ((29)50,132+ (29)22,556)/58
= (1453,828+644,554)/58
= 2098.382/58
The unity of standard deviation (S)
S = √36,176
= 6,014
To know whether there is a significant between the experiment (first group) and the control (second group), the result is tested by using T-test. The following is the calculation:
n_1=30 X ̅=72,73 S = 6,014
n_2=30 X ̅=60,96
The formula:
t=(x ̅_1-x ̅_2)/(S √(1⁄n_1 + 1⁄n_2 ))
=(72,73-66.16)/(6,014 √(1⁄30+ 1⁄30))
=6,57/(6,014 x 0.258)
= 4,235
From the analysis by using t-test (t0), the writer obtained (t0) = 4,235. T table (tt) with dk = 30 + 30 – 2 = 58 and significance () of 5%, obtained (tt) = 2,021.
B. The Result of Data Analysis and Explanation
The test criterion H0 is refused if t0 is lower than ttable. From the result of calculating t-test, t0 is 4,235 and the ttable on the level significance 5% with degree of freedom (df) 58 is 2,021. The result, t0 is higher than t¬table (4,235>2,021). It means H+0 is rejected and H1 accepted. Based on those results, the writer concludes that there is deep significant effect between students who have high frequency in watching English movies (the first group) and the students who have low frequency in watching English movies (the second group).
Further more, the calculation shows t0 is higher than ttable. Then the hypothesis says:
“Students who have high frequency in watching English movies getting better vocabulary mastery than students who have low frequency in watching English movies”.
C. Discussion
Based on the result of data analysis, t0 is 4,235 with the degree of freedom (dk) is 58 on the level significance 5%, t0 is 2,021. The result, t0 higher than ttable (4,235>2,021). It means there is deep significant effect between the students who have high frequency in watching English movies (the first group) and the students who have low frequency in watching English movies (second group). It ca be concluded that high frequency in watching English movies give a positive influence for the students’ vocabulary mastery. Finally, H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted.
A. Conclusion
Based on the discussion before, the theories, framework, hypothesis, validity, reliability and research the field of population, it shows there is deep significant effect between the students who have high frequency in watching English movies and the students who have low frequency in watching English movies. Students who have belong the first group who have high frequency in watching English movies getting better than the students who belong the second group who have low frequency in watching English movies. So the conclusion of the research as follows:
“There is positive of frequency in watching English movies to improve vocabulary mastery of students grade XI of SMA N 01 Larangan Brebes academic year 2009/2010”
B. Suggestion
Based on the result of the research, the writer would like to offer some suggestions to be consider enlarging the students’ vocabulary mastery.
The Suggestions are:
1. The students of senior high school should increase their frequency in watching English movies in their spare time, because by watching English movie they will know English words that they have not known before, they can hear the words and also can see the meaning of the words in the translation which shows in the screen of TV.
2. The students should watch English movies from beginning until the end so that can follow the story of the movie, and then they can know the culture of English people. It helps them to make easy the culture English people in learning English language.
3. For the students who don’t like English subject in their school, they can watch English movies to make themselves to be familiar in English vocabulary. So, it can be said that English movie can be used as media to help the students who don’t like English movie. In other words English movie can be as media entertainment and learning.
4. For the English teacher, English movie can be used as a media to teaching vocabulary. The students will interest more when the teacher teaches English vocabulary by watching English movies.
5. For the others researcher, this result of research should be as input and considering for the next research.
Based on the discussion before, the theories, framework, hypothesis, validity, reliability and research the field of population, it shows there is deep significant effect between the students who have high frequency in watching English movies and the students who have low frequency in watching English movies. Students who have belong the first group who have high frequency in watching English movies getting better than the students who belong the second group who have low frequency in watching English movies. So the conclusion of the research as follows:
“There is positive of frequency in watching English movies to improve vocabulary mastery of students grade XI of SMA N 01 Larangan Brebes academic year 2009/2010”
B. Suggestion
Based on the result of the research, the writer would like to offer some suggestions to be consider enlarging the students’ vocabulary mastery.
The Suggestions are:
1. The students of senior high school should increase their frequency in watching English movies in their spare time, because by watching English movie they will know English words that they have not known before, they can hear the words and also can see the meaning of the words in the translation which shows in the screen of TV.
2. The students should watch English movies from beginning until the end so that can follow the story of the movie, and then they can know the culture of English people. It helps them to make easy the culture English people in learning English language.
3. For the students who don’t like English subject in their school, they can watch English movies to make themselves to be familiar in English vocabulary. So, it can be said that English movie can be used as media to help the students who don’t like English movie. In other words English movie can be as media entertainment and learning.
4. For the English teacher, English movie can be used as a media to teaching vocabulary. The students will interest more when the teacher teaches English vocabulary by watching English movies.
5. For the others researcher, this result of research should be as input and considering for the next research.
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