A. Conclusion
Based on the discussion before, the theories, framework, hypothesis, validity, reliability and research the field of population, it shows there is deep significant effect between the students who have high frequency in watching English movies and the students who have low frequency in watching English movies. Students who have belong the first group who have high frequency in watching English movies getting better than the students who belong the second group who have low frequency in watching English movies. So the conclusion of the research as follows:
“There is positive of frequency in watching English movies to improve vocabulary mastery of students grade XI of SMA N 01 Larangan Brebes academic year 2009/2010”

B. Suggestion
Based on the result of the research, the writer would like to offer some suggestions to be consider enlarging the students’ vocabulary mastery.
The Suggestions are:
1. The students of senior high school should increase their frequency in watching English movies in their spare time, because by watching English movie they will know English words that they have not known before, they can hear the words and also can see the meaning of the words in the translation which shows in the screen of TV.
2. The students should watch English movies from beginning until the end so that can follow the story of the movie, and then they can know the culture of English people. It helps them to make easy the culture English people in learning English language.
3. For the students who don’t like English subject in their school, they can watch English movies to make themselves to be familiar in English vocabulary. So, it can be said that English movie can be used as media to help the students who don’t like English movie. In other words English movie can be as media entertainment and learning.
4. For the English teacher, English movie can be used as a media to teaching vocabulary. The students will interest more when the teacher teaches English vocabulary by watching English movies.
5. For the others researcher, this result of research should be as input and considering for the next research.

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