A. Review of Related Literature
1. Definition of English Movie
Movie is one of entertainment which can not be separated in our life now. It also becomes a medium to describe about human life and all aspect of problem, and it can retell a story or event in the last time. By watching English movie, we can know about habit, culture, and language in the world. Many people spend their time in front of television just to watch movie, entertainment, news, etc. The reality, movie has great influence on audience’s life. It can be said because movie is universal form for communication.
According to Professor Sir Randolph Quirk (1987; 380) in Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English said that:
“Movie is a story, play etc recorded on film to be showed in the cinema, on television etc”

According to Muhamad Agus Salim El Bahri in his paper scientific that title The Role of Watching English Movie in Learning English ( explained that:
“Movie or film is the story which usually fiction, and sometimes it can be non-fiction that broadcast in TV or cinema”
According to Hornby (1995; 434) in Oxford Advanced learner’s Dictionary of Current English, said that:
“Film is a story etc recorded as set of moving pictures to be shown on television or at cinema”.

Based on the definitions, it can be concluded that movie is a story etc recorded that sometimes can be fiction or non-fiction which is done by people and to be presented on television or at cinema. So, English movie is a story of western life (European or American) which has been presented on television or at cinema, and tell about fiction story or non-fiction story, and become entertainment
To know clearer about the essence of English movie; it will be explained about the role of movie in education of Indonesia, the benefits of watching English movie, and the kinds of English Movie TV station of Indonesia. These points will be explained as follows:
1.1 Role of Movie in Education of Indonesia
Besides movie as a medium of entertainment, movie also has the important role in education. It is appropriate with Indonesia ordinance no. 8 year 1992 Section 5 that explain movie as a medium of communication people and has role in education. It can be explained that when a movie is playing the education process happens. Education which happen through the characters that played by actors and actress. By watching the events which happen and the plot in the story of movie, the students will be able to get conclusion which appropriate with their opinion.
Through showing movie, there are some education processes which the students get. The explanation as follows:
a. Cognitive development
When the student is watching movie, the cognitive development happens in the students self. It is the development of understanding and thinking. The student can follow the story and understand the main of story, then think to guess what will happen in next story. It happens as a respond of the events that happen in the story of movie.
b. Affective development
Emotional that felt by the actor and actress in a movie as causes of the event which felt by them can influence the student’s emotional. By the events that happen in a movie the student can get imaginations. They will think that “if I was in the story I would get attitude,” The student also can differ the bad and good thing so they can determine their attitude.
1.2 The Benefits of Watching English Movie
There are many benefits that can be achieved through watching movie. The first, watching is something enjoyable, moreover if we understand about it. By watching, people can know the current things. English movie are very develop nowadays and known in Indonesia because of the effect of globalization era on information sector.
The second, watching English movie is very advantages for English students. Micheal McCarthy & Felity O’Dell (1999; 3) in book title English Vocabulary in Use explained that learning English vocabulary not only by studying book but also by reading and listening English, there are some medias to develop your vocabulary such as, newspaper, TV (cable/subtitled), cinema, magazine, video, radio, etc. This opinion shows that TV, cinema, video can improve vocabulary mastery.
English movie is not only as something enjoyable but also as motivation to learn English. Finally, the students can also learn a lot of things from watching English movie such as – pronunciation, vocabulary, style, intonation even western culture, habit etc.
1.3 The Schedule of Broadcasting of English Movie in TV stations of Indonesia
Almost all television channels of Indonesia have program of broadcasting English movie. Those television channels are TRANS TV, TRANS 7, GLOBAL TV, ANTV, TPI, RCTI, SCTV, and INDOSIAR.
According to the website of TRANS TV ( that the program of broadcasting English movie is named “BIOSKOP TRANS TV”. This TV channel broadcast two English movies every night. The first English movie broadcast at 20.00 and the second English movie broadcast at 00.00.
According to the broadcasting schedule of programs that is announced in the website of TRANS 7 ( explains that English movie is broadcasted on Monday and Sunday at 15.00.
According to the broadcasting schedule of program that is announced in the website of GLOBAL TV ( explains that the program of broadcasting English movie is named “BIG MOVIES”. This program broadcast two English movies in the night. The first English movie is broadcasted at 20.00 and the second English movie broadcasted at 00.00.
The website of ANTV ( in page of the broadcasting schedule of program announces that the broadcasting of English movie is every Friday at 21.30 and every Friday at 13.00.
The website of TPI ( in page of the broadcasting schedule of program announces that the program of broadcasting English movie is named “SINEMA MALAM”. This program just broadcast one English movie. The schedule of broadcasting is every night at 22.30.
The website of RCTI ( in page of the broadcasting schedule of program announces that the schedule of broadcasting English movie is every Wednesday at 23.30.
According to the broadcasting schedule of program that is announced in the website of SCTV ( explains that the program of broadcasting English movie is named “SCTV SINEMA”. The schedule of broadcasting English movie is everyday at 23.30.
The website of INDOSIAR ( in page of the broadcasting schedule of program announces that the broadcasting of English movie is every night at 23.00. INDOSIAR also broadcasts English movies in the holiday. Its schedule is irregularly.
Based on the explaining above about the schedule of broadcasting English movie, there is broadcasting of English movies in the television channel of Indonesia. It is also can be conclude that there are two television channels that have agreeable time of broadcasting English movie with the free time of students, they are TRANS TV and GLOBAL TV. Those television channels broadcast two English movies every night. The first English movie start at 20.00 until 23.00 and the second English movie start at 23.00 until 00.00. It’s very possible if the student watch English movie every night in those television channel after they have studied.
2. General Concept of Vocabulary
Vocabulary is one of material which is studied by the students of all levels of schools in Indonesia. In another words, vocabulary also is one of important components in achieving English skills. It is impossible to be successful in studying language without mastery vocabulary. There are four language skills; Reading, Listening, Writing, and Speaking. All of these skills need vocabulary. However, reading is more emphasized, although the four language skills should be taught in an integrated manner. With a view to support the development of the four skills, English language components: Vocabulary, Structure, and Pronunciation (in speech or Spelling (in writing) are also important to be taught.
People live in their societies because they cannot live in isolation. They need other people to survive. Language as a means of communication becomes a very important part in their interaction. Ramlan (2000:14) language is said to be social groups involves at least two persons, the speaker and the hearer. The use of language enables the members of social group to cooperate with another for their own benefits. Language has to be learned and used in a social community.
Learning language cannot to be separated from learning vocabulary. Whenever and wherever we want to communicate with other people using a language, we should master a stock of words (vocabulary) related to the topic spoken. So, vocabulary is one of the language components to sports its speakers in their communication to express their ideas.
2.1 Definition of Vocabulary
In Oxford Advanced Learner Dictionary of Current English by As Hornby AS (1990: 1462) explains that:
“Vocabulary is the total number of word which (with rules for combining them make up a language”

“Vocabulary is range or words know to, or used by or person, in trade profession, etc”

“Vocabulary is the book which containing of list of words with definition or translation”

Based by Nurgianto (1987:218) Vocabulary is the wealth word which it has by language. While the definition of vocabulary according by Turley had copied by Tarigan (1984:117) Vocabulary can be classification into four part, those are:
a. Reading Vocabulary is the word which is found when we read literature.
b. Listening Vocabulary is the word which is heard when we speaking to the others.
c. Speaking Vocabulary is the word which is used in daily conversation.
d. Writing Vocabulary is the word which is used in writing activity.
Coline Cobluild English Language Dictionary (1987:162) defines vocabulary as follows:
“Vocabulary is the total number of words in a language that he or she knows”
“The vocabulary of a language is the total number of words in it”
“The vocabulary of a subject is the group of words that are typically used when discussing it”
“A list words and sometimes: phrases, usually arranged in alphabetical order and defined, a dictionary, glossary or lexicon.
‘All the words of language”
“All the words used by a particular, class, profession, etc. Sometimes all the words recognized and understood by a particular person, although not necessary used by him 9in full, passive vocabulary)

From the above definitions, the writer comes to conclusion that vocabulary is words, written or spoken that have meaning and used by people in particular are for communication.
The students of Indonesia usually can not speak English well because they are weak in their vocabulary acquisition since for much on this century, the principal focus language teaching has been on the grammar of language. While they want to speak, on their brain there are many formulas related to the grammar. In fact, maybe their vocabulary is not enough as a based to speak.
These days then, the consensus of opinion seems to be that the development of rich vocabulary as an important element in the acquisition of a second language.
2.2 The Types of Vocabulary
There are two types of vocabulary; those are active vocabulary and passive vocabulary.
a. Active vocabulary is words that learners are able to use in their speech and writing.
b. Passive vocabulary is words only understand or recognized by learners, not used in their speech and writing.
The other classifies vocabulary are:
a. Working vocabulary consist of the words that people use in writing and speaking.
b. Recognition vocabulary consists of words that people recognize in the context of reading material but does not actually use in daily life (Butlet, 1987:70).
Based on the explanation in book “The key to English Vocabulary”, vocabulary can be divided into two kinds, those are:
a. Content words
These words name and describe the definite number of things, persons, events, and processes that speakers of English want to talk about.
Content words can be divided into there general classes:
1) Nouns
Words naming things, ideas and entities
2) Verbs
Verb is words that are used to express experience, condition, and conduct.
3) Adjective
Adjective is words which marking the adjective.
Adjective divided in to eight part, they are:
1. Possessive Adjective is an adjective which marking property.
For example: my, your, our, her, his, etc.
2. Proper Adjective is an adjective which making name in fact.
For example: Chinese food, etc
3. Descriptive Adjective is an adjective which explaining noun.
For example: Grass, Grosse, etc.
4. Numeral Adjective is an adjective which replacing noun/pronoun.
For example: Cardinal (one, two, three…), Ordinal (first, second, third…)
5. Quantitative Adjective is an adjective which explaining the number.
For example: much, many, etc.
6. Distributive Adjective is an adjective which change the noun.
For example: each, other, every, etc.
7. Integrative Adjective is an adjective which used to the question.
For example: which film do you like?
8. Demonstrative Adjective is an adjective which used to show something.
For example: I like these (shoes)
4) Adverb
Words or phrases which explain or added the meaning of verb, adjective, adverbs, or the entire sentence:
Kinds of adverb are:
1. Adverb of time, such as: yesterday, tomorrow, etc.
2. Adverb of place, such as: in Surabaya, above, etc.
3. Adverb of frequency, such as: usually, always, etc.
4. Adverb of degree, such as: very quite, faster, etc.
5. Adverb is the part of the sentences which related with the function, such as: correctly, fortunately, etc.
6. Conjunction adverb, such as: even through, therefore, etc.
7. Adverb of manner, such as: well, better, etc
b. Function words
Function words are those that often have little meaning in the dictionary sense but which serve important function in relating other words in the language to each other.
1) Article
Article is an adjective which used to the noun to show the word have especially meaning or no.
Article divide into two parts, they are:
1. Indefinite Article (a, an) is used in front noun, a used to the word which began with consonant letter and used to the word which began with vowel.
2. Definite Article is used to show the noun fixed, such as: The Sun, The President, etc.
2) Auxiliary Verbs
These are the “helping” verbs that can combine with various parts of other verbs to make verb phrases. The most common are be, have, and do.
3) Conjunctions
A conjunction is used to the relation word other, clause, and phrase.
For example: Or, But, While, etc.
4) Prepositions
These words make up an extremely important class of function words. They are always followed by nouns, or nouns constructions, and the whole phrases thus form modifies some other word in the sentence.
For example: Appointment with, approach to, cause of, etc
5) Pronouns
These words take the place of nouns. The meaning they have depends on the noun they replace, called the antecedent.

6) Noun determiners
These are the expressions that signal the presence or the possibility of the presence of a following noun.
7) Substitute nouns
These the expressions resemble the pronouns in that they echo, or replace, a noun in a context, but for grammatical reasons in it convenient to separate them from the pronoun.
8) Intensifiers
These are traditionally called adverbs, but they behave in special ways and are better treated separately. They come just before adjectives and adverbs and express a degree of the quality named by the letter word.
2.3 The Parts of Vocabulary
According to Sabroni Rachmadie in lexical adjustment of learner classified the vocabulary in three parts, they are:
1) Blending
Blending is the function of two words into one, usually the first part of one word with the last part of the other.
For example: Brunch = Breakfast + Lunch
Motel = Motor + Hotel
Smog = Smoke + Fog

2) Clipping
Clipping is process in which a word is formed by shortening of longer word.
For example: Lab = Laboratory
Exam = Examination
3) Acronym
Acronym is the result of forming or word form the first letter or letter of each word formation are not only founded in English but also in Indonesia. Acronym also can be meant a word formed from the first letter in each word of a name organization, place, object, position.
For example: VIP = Very Important Person
WHO = World Health Organization
3. General Concept of Vocabulary Mastery
Everyday the domination of vocabulary mastery has very important role because someone mind will only comprehend by other people if the idea can be gasped with selected vocabulary precisely. Alisjahban (1983:71) assumed that the vocabulary mastery is interconnected with understanding of sentence meaning as a smallest language form and has some idea; at last the communication among people who speak or write the sentence with the hearer or reader can be executed.
Lado (1964:13) also explains that the core vocabulary of the first language is learned at home in the children’s struggle to communicate their needs. They learn words from the situation at their surroundings, for the things their needs, for the action they wants to do, and they also learns the function words, which enable them to construct sentence in speaking. At school, they learn to write and speak the words they know.
Sometimes a student has a certain motivation to master certain vocabulary, and usually in relation to his or her need. For example, when a student wants express their feelings, as asking the difficult in learning process, and so on.
Finally, it is conclude from the previous information an interpretation about their vocabulary mastery that the learners’ mastery of vocabulary can be developed naturally following his growth of experience and progress in education. The teacher can only stimulate the learners’ progress by giving the suitable material and guidance.
3.1 The Kinds of Vocabulary Mastery
Vocabulary mastery can be meant the skill of person to understand and use all of words which he or she knows. According to Nurgiantoro (1989: 210) vocabulary mastery is divided into two parts, they are:
1) Receptive Vocabulary Mastery
It is the mastery to understand vocabulary in reading and listening
2) Productive Vocabulary Mastery
It is the mastery to use vocabulary in writing and speaking
Meanwhile NAPA (1991: 6) divides the vocabulary mastery into three parts, they are:
1) Lexical Meaning (dictionary skill)
Lexical skill is the skill in using the dictionary for vocabulary building.
2) Contextual Clues
Contextual clues skill is skill in identifying the meaning of words by examining the words around it.
3) Structure Analysis
Structural analysis skill is skill in breaking a word into its element: root, perfect, and affixation.
3.2 The Techniques of Vocabulary Mastery
According to Tarigan (1993:79-91) the techniques which used in learning vocabulary, they are:
a. Synonym
Synonym is the words which have same meaning. By learning synonym words the students can memorize many words easily.
b. Antonym
Antonym is the words which have opposite meaning. By learning antonym words the students can memorize many words easily.

c. Paraphrase
Paraphrase is explanations which use other words. By learning paraphrase the student can development their vocabulary more effective.
d. Association
Association is a number of meanings which thinking by someone if he or she hears a word.
e. Translation
Translation is translating a word but mightn’t by literally and has to according to the language function or meaning which is had been said.
f. Application
Application is the applying vocabulary at the language situation in fact.
g. Practice
The teacher has to give some vocabulary practice in the situations, which emphasizing that a word (language function) can be more than vocabulary (sentence phrase)
4. Types of Vocabulary Form in English Movie
Based on the types of vocabulary that has been discussed in section two (the types of vocabulary), the writer considers that the vocabulary which are found in English movie are included into active or working vocabulary. The vocabularies that appear in English movie are the vocabularies that people uses in their daily of speaking and writing. The words such as, “keep your eyes”, “stay with me”, “wait a minute”, “take around”, “welcome back in school”, “my father will discipline me…”, “help me”, “keep on morning”, and the others are the words that are familiar with the people in communication. They use the words in their daily life, both in oral and writing communication. The audience will not get a difficulty to understand those words because the speakers on English movie (actors and actresses) speak in interesting and right expression and interaction. So they will know about how to pronounce the words in a right and good pronunciation. Moreover, they will learn to determine appropriate meaning of words by seeing the list of the words translation in the screen of television.
5. Student’s Frequency in Watching English Movie
Students’ frequency in watching English movie that the writer mentions in this proposal of final project is the daily activity which is done by the eleventh year students of SMA Negeri 01 Larangan Brebes in watching English movie. Watching in this context does not mean watching English only, but also cover the activities such as; thinking, writing, and discussing that are done by them after watching English movie. Their frequency of watching English movie is expressed by their responses to the statements on the questioners concerning with the matter.

B. Logical Frame Work
Based on the theories that have been explained above, so it can be put logical frame work, as follows:
1. The students’ frequency in watching English movie can enrich their word in communication.
2. By watching English movie the students can get many kinds of knowledge.
3. By watching English movie the students can learn a foreign language.
4. By watching English movie the student can learn anything that they have not known before they watching English movie.

C. Hypothesis
Based on the description of the related literature and the logical frame work, the writer concludes a hypothesis as follow: “Students who have high frequency in watching English movies getting the better vocabulary mastery than students who have low frequency in watching English movies”.

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