Definition Of Language Production


In linguistics, language production means the production of spoken or written language. It describes all of the stages between having a concept, and translating that concept into language form (spoken).
Someone can produce the language when they have an idea she or he puts into words and utterances, then someone else hears the sound, recognize the words, and understand the speaker’s intent.

The event cycle in the creation of language consist of / the form of language:
1. Message
2. Encode message into linguistic form
3. Encode linguistics form into speech
4. Sound goes from speaker’s mouth the hearer’s ear (auditory system)
5. Speech is decoded into linguistics form
6. Linguistics form is decoded into meaning.

The study of how human beings produce language is called Articulatory Phonetics. Talk about language production, certainly we know that we speak in language by producing the sound which have meaning. The tolls of produce sound are called speech organs. It will explain more as follows;
Speech Organs
There are three kinds of speech organs, they are;

 Initiator
Initiator is the speech organ that sets the air into motion for the production of speech sound; the main initiator is the lungs, because most speech sounds are produced by pulmonic air.
 Phonator
Phonator refers to the vocal cords in the larynx, which are used to produce speech sound called ‘voice’ The vocal cords are two elastic membranes situated horizontally in the larynx which can be made to assume various positions.
 Articulator
The speech organs that are used to obstruct the out-going air in the production of speech sound are called ‘articulators’. There are two kinds of articulators; they are movable and unmovable articulators.
The movable articulators are, for instance, the lips, the tongue, the uvula, and the vocal cords. While the unmovable articulators are, for instance the teeth, the teeth ridge, and the hard palate.

The main thing to produce the speech sound is oxygen. It’s impossible if we don’t have oxygen, we will not breathe and it means we are death. As a student who get a language as the main study object, we have to know that how the language is produced.
Generally, producing language is concerned with the transformation of aerodynamic energy into acoustics energy. Aerodynamic energy refers to the airflow through the vocal tract. In vocal tract does kinetic form, it produces air pressure that can be represented as sound waves.
The way of producing language will explain more, as follows;

1. The brain process the message that we will say,
Message can be get from the other speaker (bottom up), and can be get from our self/our main (top down)

2. The speech organs produce the sound;
Oxygen is main thing to produce the speech sound. It can be explained that we need oxygen to breath every time to biological needs.
When we breathe restfully, the air goes in and out uninterruptedly, there is no speech sound is produced. Speech sound produced only when there are some interruptions of the out-going air.

The series of producing language will explain as follows;
1. The first step
The lung takes in air through nose,

2. The second step
The lung restrains air to take out through nose.

3. The third step
When the lung is restraining air to take out through nose, the articulators work to make certain sound that we want to sound (the process of the working articulators to produce the certain speech sound is explained in “phonology”)

4. The fourth step
After the articulators produce the sound, the lung take out air through nose, then back to the first step.

Fluency is the aspect in producing language. It can be defined in part by prosody, which is shown by a smooth intonation contour, and a number of other elements: control of speech rate, relative timing of stressed and unstressed syllables, changes in amplitude, and changes in fundamental frequency.

There are two main types of research into speech production. One type focuses on using the analysis of speech errors. The other looks at reaction-time data from picture-naming latencies. Although originally disparate, these two methodologies are generally looking at the same underlying processes of speech production.
Speech errors
Analysis of speech errors has found that not all are random, but rather systematic and fall into several categories. Speech errors are relatively infrequent in occurrence (around 1 / 1000 words) and are categorized as follows:
1. Anticipation: The word is in the speaker's mind and ready to be spoken, but the speaker says it too quickly. This could be because the speaker is planning and holding words in their mind.
2. Preservation: The word retains characteristics of a word said previously in a sentence:
Taddle Tennis (instead of Paddle Tennis)
3. Blending: More than one word is being considered and the two intended items "blend" into a single item, perhaps implying the speaker is waffling between a few word options.
The child is looking to be spaddled (instead of spanked or paddled)
4. Addition: adding of linguistics material, resulting in words like immpossible.
5. Substitution: a whole word of related meaning is replacing another. These errors can be far apart from another, or target words, and are generally grammatically consistent and accurate.
at low speed it's too light (instead of heavy)
6. Spoonerism: switching the letters from words.
For example, the phrase slips of the tongue could become tips of the slung.

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