Tanggapan kritik dan saran dari murid2 aku yang pinter2, baik, cantik2, ganteng2,

Sebelumnya, thank U so much buat anak didik aku,,dah mau ngasih pesan dan kesan sama pa Guru yang galak ini,,hehehe

Yeah,,dari semua pesan dan kesan yang mereak tulis,, kebanyakan ngomong kalo Pa. eric itu Galak orangnya. Kata mereka “jangan galak2 loh,,ntar cepet tua,,kaya mbah surip”,,hehehe
Siiip banget pesan & kesanny,,dari semenjak SD sampai Kuliah,, aku suka guru2 & dosen2 yang galak & disiplin,, cita2 aku juga pengen jadi guru yang galak,,tapi menyenangkan buat murid2. Aku cuman pengen murid2 aku bisa disiplin. Karena disiplin merupakan kunci untuk menuju sukses, jadi pengen melatih sedisiplin mungkin sama anak2 didik aku. Tetep memperhatikan kemana arah keinginan anak2 & selalu bisa membimbing mereka. Buat anak2 kelas X.1,, Pa. Guru galak bukan berarti itu ingin membuat kalian tidak nyaman,,tapi menurut Pa. Guru kemasin Pa. Guru ngga galak deh,,cuman Tegas,,cieey,,ngalem dewek.hehehehe. Pa. Guru cuman Ngga pengen kalian bisa ngerti & paham apa yang Pa. Guru ajarin,,jadi,,musti kalian musti mempertahtiklan sungguh2. Pa. Guru juga ngga mau jadi Guru B. Inggris yang gagal.Pa. Guru cuman pengen membantu kalian buat sukses menghadapi soal2 ujian UAN, nanti kelas 3.
Tapi ngomong2 soal Galak,, kalo aku nglatih Marching Band,,lebih galak lagi,,tapi Galaknya juga tergantung,, Aku Galak cuman sama anak yang badung, nyrenges, ngga mau diatur,. Walopun ada anak yang bodo yang ngga bisa,,tapi kalo dia mau berusaha,,aku ngga bakal bisa galak. Malahg lebih semangat buat membimbingnya.

“Pa. Guru,,kadang ngajarnya buat boring”,,ada beberapa juga yang ngasih kesan seperti itu,,,
Yah,, Pa Eric kan baru latiahan ngajar Bahasa Inggris, jadi belum bisa bener2 adaptasi sama trik2 pengajaran dalam Bahasa Inggris. Jadi mohon maaf yah,,kalo mungkin ada beberapa yang kalo diajar Pa. Guru,,jadi boring..

Ada yang kasih pesan “Pa. eric sering2 berenang pasti oke,,”
Answer :
Hehehe,,dari SMA kelas 1 sampe kelas 3,,rutin berenang 1 minggu 2 X. Waktu itu juga belum bisa renang,,sampai bisa renang. Tapi mungkin dah keturunan mungkin yah,,Tinggi cuman 160 cm. kanyanya dah mentok deh,,, ngga bakal nambah lagi.hehehe. jadi waktu lulus dah mulia berhenti renang deh,,coz useless. Yah,,syukuri apa yang ad awes,,bahasa Inggrisnya “Let Well Enough Alone”.. waktu SMA memang bener2 mikirin perforamance,, tapi setelah kuliah,,hemth,, malah ngga bisa fashion,, dandanan kekampus pun Jadul,,hehehe. Yeah,,it’s me. hehehe. Tapi BTW thanks baget yah buat pesannya,,siip pokoknya.

Ada yang bilang “Pa. Erhizzzz kalo ngajar jangan kebanyakan,,yach, yach, yach,”
Answer :
Oke,,deh ntar tak kuranginnn yach,,yachnya. Dah kebiasan mungkin,, or mungkin jadi cirri khas,,hehehe.

“Pa. Erhic terlalu baik kalo ngajar”
Answer :
Iya dong Pa. Eric sebenernya baik hati , dan todak sombong loh,,rajin menabung lagi,,

“Pa. Erhic,,sangat sabar menghadapi kita semua, kalo mengajar harus jelas dong!!”
Answer :
Sabar lah,,masa ngga sabar,,jadi guru kan musti sabar,, biar ngga pada bubar,,. Ngga jelas yah,, ntar kalo sempet ngajar lagi tak perjelas deh,,sejelas2nya,,sampai mudeng banget. Tapi ngajarnya sampe bisa mudeng, sebelum mudeng, ngga boleh pulang,, heheheh,,yang ada bukan bukan mudeng,,,tapi mubeeng,,hihihihi

“Sebenernya cara mengajarnya enak tapi membosankan soalnya suka menceritakan tentang Marching Band”
Answer :
Iya, yah,, tapi ngga selalu deh,,kadang2 ajah,,hehehe. Mungkin ngga punya cerita lagi sih,,,heheh. Ntar kalo sempet ngajar lagi,,Pa. Guru mau cerita Sikancil Nyolong Timun yah,,hehehe. Psti ngga mbosenin..

“Pa. eric ngajarnya enak suka ke Lab.”
Answer :
Seandainya Pa. Guru punya lab sendiri di rumah,,,pasti kalo ngajar tak bawa terus kalo ngajar,,jadi bisa ke Lab terus. Hehehe. Pengenya ntar juga kalo dah jadi guru beneran and ngajar Bahasa Inggris di Lab. Terus,,coz enak ada ACnya & tempatnya juga nyaman..

“You are the best. Aku suka cara ngajarnya Pa. Eric, karena orangnya tegas and bijaksana and juga mengajrnya jelas, nggak mbosenin lagi”
“Selama diajar oleh pak guru erhicesssss saya selalu mengerti apa yang pak guru ajarkan dan ngajarnya juga asyik banget, and aku pengen yang ngajar pelajaran B. Ingrgris, Pak Erhice terusss,,,!!!!”
Answer :
Thank U so much,,, sempet melayang juga nih,,hapir sampe ke Awan..hehehe. kalo masalah yang ngajar maunya Pa. Guru terus,,, Pa. Guru juga mau,,heheh,,tapi yang mau diajar sama Pa. Guru kan cuman kamu,,yang lain ngga,,hehehe. Yowes mudah2an kita tetep bisa salaing berbagi Ilmu. Once agai tahnak yah,,,

Kurang lebihnya itu lah,,coz aku ngga bisa nulis semunya,,hehehe,,banyak bnaget..tapi setidaknya tulisan diatas sudah mewakili jawaban kesan & pesan yang lain.
Tapi ada satu pesen penting buat murid aku yang satu ini,,
“Buat Ifa Saniyah yang ngomongya sopan sekali,,hehehe,,coba lebih dewas yah,,dah kelas 1 SMA loch,,jangan suka ngomel2 mulu,,ngga baik anak cewe gitu,. Pa. Guru juga ngga bermaksud marah2in/ngomongin kamu mulu,,cuman kamu memang anaknya rame sendiri,,kaya pasar,hehehe. Saran Pa.Guru kurangin nyrengesnya yah,,lebih dewasa lagi”
“Buat the leader,,HUsen,,thanks bro,,dah bisa diajak kerja sama,, Pa. Guru percaya sama kamu Sen,,pimpin anak buahmu agar salalu bisa kompak. Key,,”
“Say Hai,,,,juga buat murid2 Pa. Guru yang pinter2, ganteng2, cantik2,, Gilang, Adi, Husen. Terus yang ca’emnya minta ampun; Dwi devijanti (terus cintai bahasa inggris yah,,bawa temen2 kamu juga buat suak sama bahasa inggri), Citraningrum (suaranya khas banget, bikin Pa. guru,, keinget terus,,hehehe ), Anggiani (be more active,,acung jempol sama kamu), Puji Ningsih (hehehe, kau ngingetin murid Marching Band Pa guru yang di SMA Cirebon)

Sorry yach Mr. baru sempet posting sekarang,,Coz kemarin2 Sibuk banget
Jadi gag sempet,,,
silakan kalo mau komentar di ShoutChat Ajjah yach,,,
Mr. tunggu Loch,,


Akhirnya semester 7 juga, setelah melewati semester 6 yang begitu berat, tugas numpuk, presentasi setiap hari, ada Kegiatan KKN (Kuliah Kerja Nyata) yang sudah bikin aku dirawat 2 hari di RS (asam lambung kumat). Sekarang semester 7 cuman ambil 2 Matkul (Language Testing & CMD2). Agak nyante tapi tetep mikir (pusing), soalnya harus think about PPL and Thesis. Hemth,,disini aku mau tell about my experience in PPL (SMA AL-IRSYAD TEGAL).
Pake bahasa informal aja akh,,,biar ceritanya lebih enak,,,,
Yeah,, PPL itu kegiatan yang musti ditempuh disemester 7. Abis ndaftar PPL 2 minggunya langsung pembekalan. Waktu itu di papan pengumuman aku dapet di SMA AL-IRSYAD TEGAL,,,hemth sempet kaget juga siy,,soalnya aku penginya dapet di Brebes yang deket rumah. Tapi abis itu mikir,,hemth,,ngga papa deh,, SMA AL-IRSYAD juga, sekalian berangkat kuliah. Kebetulan dulu My Sister juga PPL di SMA Al-IRSYAD, jadi binsa nanya2 sama her.
Sebelum PPL kita para peserta PPL musti ujian Micro Teaching dulu, yang di uji sam DPL (Dosen Pembimbing Lapangan),, Kita disuruh buat RPP yang bener dulu abis itu bisa ujian Micro Teaching. Alkhamdulilah,, aku lulus ujian Micro Teaching, dapet A uey,,,,,,
Setelah Ujian Micro Teaching,langsung penerjunan ke Sekolahan. Hemth,,padahal cuman pengen nguruusin ngajar ajjah, ngga pengen ngurusi kepanitiaan. Ehh,,malah ditunjuk disuruh jadi kordinator progdi. Mau ngga mau musti mau,,salnya dari progdi Bahasa Inggris ada 14 Mahasiswa, tapi yang Cowo cuman 2 tok. Yoweslah dah terlanjur temen2 nunjuk aku, aku mau nolak juga ngga bisa,,wong dah dicatet,,
Waktu itu aku dapet Guru Pamong yang bener2 baik hati, santai, tapi bisa slalu membimbing & mengarahkan, namanya Mss. Citra. Beliau guru baru disitu, kataya sih baru a year. Tapi semangatnya menjadi seorang guru Bahasa Inggris begitu terlihat. Pokoknya I’m so comfortable dapet Guru Pamong Mrs. Citra. Pas itu aku dikasih bagian ngajar kelas X.1.
Lah disini nih mulai cerita pengalaman ngajar dikelas X.I,,,
Mrs. Citra sih bilangnya kelas X.1 pendiem, ngga banyak omong, tapi setealh aku masuk ngga juga. Ngomong dikelas musti ati2,, soalnya ngomong apa ajah,,anak2 siap menanggapi dengan clemongan yang dikait2kan agar clemongan mereka menjadi lucu.hehehe.. misalnya waktu aku perkenalan aku suruh mereka panggir aku Sir or Mr,,eh mereka malah ngomong oke Seeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrr. Hehehe lucu juga sih,,,,
Biar urut aku critanya dari pertemuan awal wes,,jadi ngga semrawud,,,

Pertemuan pertama :
Pertemuan pertama waktu itu buat perkenalan. Thursday, di jam pertama. Begitu masuk tadarusan dulu,, hemth,,pertama kali masuk kelas,,langsung diliat2n mulu uey,,mungkin karna wajah baru. Tapi ngga aku ngga gentar kok saolnya biasa ngadepin anak 80, 90, sampe 100 lebih kalo nglatih Marching Band. Biasa baru pertama, jadi masih agak nerves juga,, yah beitulah namanya SMA kelas 1 anak2 kota lagi,,jadi perkenalan banyak yang ngledekin. Dihari itu, aku ngenalin diri, sama cerita pengalaman mengajar Marching Band., terus nyingung2 masalah English Language. Sudah cuman itu ajjah jga mau nyampe 2 jam.

Pertemuan kedua :
Pertemuan kedua ini sudah mbaha tentang pelajaran. Waktu itu aku ngajar reading & writing skill dengan mengapliksikan materi Procedure Text. Rencana sih mau di Lab. Cos aku ngajar pake Power Point. Eh,, Labnya eror,,ada something wrong katanya. Ya sudah deh,,nagajar di ruangan kelas ajjah, padahal waktu itu anak2 dah pada duduk di ruang Language Lab. Hehehe,,tapi akhirnya mereka balik lagi. Untungnya ada LCD sama Laptonya Mss. Citra,,, jadi bahan ajar yang dah aku buat di file power point ngga sia2 deh. Yoyoi,, Lecture begins,,anak2 dikelas tertarik juga sih sama bahan ajar aku yang dibuat power point, soalnya ada gambar2nya. Yah,, hari pertama ngajar,,Alkhamdulilah sukses, walopun jam terakhir.

Pertemuan Ketiga :
Pertemuan ketiga akhirnya bisa make Language Lab. Berjalan dengan lancar. Anak2 juga seneng kalo diajak belajar di Lab,, coz mungkin ada AC nya walopun ngga terlalu dingin juga, trus bisa lebih nyante ajjah kalo di Lab and suasnanya mungkin baru, jadi lebih bisa dapet mood.

Pertemuan Keempat :
Waktu itu aku mau ngajar dengan teaching target Speaking. Sebenernya masih tetep make power point,, tapi ngga ke lab bahas,,coz waktu itu juga aku bawa property (kettle, teapot, cup, etc) buat mraktekin cara membuat a cup of tea. Tapi unfortunately, ada Laptop tapi LCDnya ngga ada. Ya,,sudah,,akhirnya ngajar di ruang kelas pake whiteboard & board marker ajjah, tapi untungya aku bawa property (teko, ketel, cangkir, gula, dll) jadi anak2 masih tetep teratrik sama pengajaran yang aku sampaikan. Pertama aku mraktekin how to make a cup of tea,, setelah perwakilan dari group masing2 disuruh maju, terus mempraktekan dengan berbicara Inggris sambil bersimulasi membuat secangkir teh.. Walopun jam terakhir,,anak2 ngga ngantuk suasana kelas,,rame tapi tetep terkodusif,, cos lucu juga seh,,waktu anak2 ngomong Inggris sambil praktek buat secagkir teh.

Pertemuan Kelima :
Dipertemuan kelima aku ngajar dengan Teaching Target Listening skill,,jadi musti di Lab. Hemth,,sempet
Sebel juga sih sama salah satu anak (naughty girl)..wadoh2,,,dia tuh??? Baru pertama kali deh,,ketemu anak cewe yang kaya gitu. Biasanya yang badung anak cowo. Yah mungkin dah bawaaan dari sononya. Tapi berhubung aku guru sementara disitu,,ya aku sabarin ajjah.. seandainya ajjah aku guru disitu,,dah aku keluarin dari kelas..gara2 omongan dia yang kaya bukan anak sekolah (ikh,,jangan ditiru yah!!!).

Pertemuan keenam:
Saatnya evaluasi,,dipertemuan keenam ini aku disuruh kasih evaluasi sama anak2. Jadi aku tau,,kemampuan mereka sejauh mana menguasai materi yang aku dah ajarin.. waktu itu,,sekalian perpisahan juga,, coz memang ketentuan kegiatan PPL di SMA AL-IRSYAD buat progdi PBI itu suman ada 5 pertemuan, 4 pertemuan untuk penyampaian materi, yang satunya lagi untuk evaluasi. Dipertemuan terkhair di kelas itu,,aku ngucapin trimakasih sama Mss. Citra & My students,, dan meminta maaf sebesar2nya sama mereka. Oia dipertemuan keenam itu juga,,aku ngasih bingkisan buat the best group.. group yang dari awal memang ngga ngeremehin (memperhatikan) perintah sang guru. Isi bingkisan itu sih bukan apa2 sih,,tapi aku cuman pengen nunjukin kalo aku pengen jadi guru yang bisa ngasih perhatian lebih sama my students, khususnya siswa yang selalu memperhatikan apa yang diomongin sama gurunya. Aku juga minta anak buat ngasih Pesan & kesan sama di sesobek kertas,,buat kemajuan aku kedepannya lagi. Tulisan mereka bener2 memotivasi aku untuk jadi the best. Kesan pesanya unik2 banget,,hehehe
Yah begitulah kira2,,cerita mengenai PPL disemester 7.
Buat anak kelas X.1 SMA AL-IRSYAD,,you are my first English student,, yah aku juga dah sering ngajar,,murid2 ku juga banyak. Tapi bukan murid English,,melainkan murid Marching Band..jadi anak2 kelas X.1 itu,,anak didik aku yang pertama dalam pelajaran Bahasa Inggris.

I will always remember you...
I will never forget you…
I love you full,,,
See U next time,,,

Makalah Audio Lingual Method


A. Background
The Audio Lingual Method (ALM) is a method which was introduced in the United States of America (USA) in 1940s. Even though the method is considered very old, many language teachers still like it and believe that it is a powerful method. The emergence of the method was a response to the need for a radical change of foreign language teaching due to the unfriendly relationship between USA and Russia, which lunched its first satellite in 1957. The United States prevented from its people from becoming isolates people from scientific advances made in other countries. The method was much influenced by a method called Army Specialized Training Program (ATSP). The ATSP was triggered by the condition from which USA entered World War II and tried to send its army to take up positions in other countries. USA government found itself in a need of personnel trained in a large number and wide variety of language, and the audio-lingual method could be the answer. The method was also a response to the Reading Method and the Grammar Translation Method. At that time many Americans felt unsatisfied with the reading aim and they thought that speaking was more important then reading.
The method was finally developed from the combination of the principles of structural linguistic theory, contrastive analysis, aura-oral procedures, and behaviorist psychology (Richard and Rodgers, 2001: 54-55). The method was accepted by people in other countries and introduced in Indonesia in 1960’s. Not much literature on the audio-lingual method is now available and most of the ideas in this part have been adapted from how to Teach Foreign Languages Effectively (Huebener, 1969).

B. Problems
There are some problems that will be explained in this report paper, as follows:
1. What is the definition of Audio Lingual Method (ALM)
2. What are the principles of Audio Lingual Method (ALM)
3. What are the techniques of Audio Lingual Method (ALM)
4. What are the types of patterns drills of audio Lingual Method (ALM)
5. What are the strongest and weakness of Audio Lingual Method (ALM)


1. The definition of Audio Lingual Method (ALM)
Technically, the Audio Lingual Method (ALM) was supported by the appearance on the market of a large variety of mechanical aids, such as tape recorder and language laboratories. Theoretically, the Audio Lingual Method (ALM) was based on the findings of the structural linguists, who developed a psychology of language learning different from traditional methods.
In Audio Lingual Method language learners are equipped with the knowledge and skill required for effective communication in a foreign language. The language learners also required to understand the foreign people whose language they are learning and the culture of the foreign people. The language learners have to understand everyday life of the people, history of the people and their social life.
The advocates of the ALM believe that learning is essentially the process of change in mental and physic behavior induced in a living organism by experience. This principle was much influenced by a theory of psychology known as behaviorism. Formal experience can be gained at formal schools and the aim of learning is habit. Learning is simply habit formation. To learn a new language means to acquire another set of habits. The speech habit can be formulated through the observance of rules. Therefore, successful language learners are those who finally become spontaneous in communication and the rules have been forgotten.
The method, which was originally introduced to prepare people to master foreign language orally in a short time, emphasizes oral forms of language. However, the method still considers the other language skills. The method considers that the oral forms: speaking and listening should come first, and reading and writing come later. The advocates of the method believe that language learners learn foreign language as a child learns his/her mother tongue. First, he hears sound and tries to understand the sound; he/she then attempts to reproduce the sounds. Next, he/she learns to read the written forms. The phases can be described that learning a foreign language there are the passive or receptive phase and the active or reproductive phase.

2. The principles of Audio Lingual Method (ALM)
The principles of the method derive from the aims of learning a foreign language. The aims of method include some aspects of language learning. The linguistic aims of the ALM are:
1. Language learners are able to comprehend the foreign language when it is spoken at normal speed and concerned with ordinary matters,
2. Language learners are able to speak in acceptable pronunciation and grammatical correctness,
3. Language learners have no difficulties in comprehending printers materials,
4. Language learners are able to write with acceptable standards of correctness on topics within their experience.

Besides the linguistics aims above the method also has culture aims. The cultural aims of the method are:
1. Language learners understand daily life of the people, including customs, works, sports, play, etc,
2. Language learners know the main facts concerning the geography, history, social and political life of the people,
3. Language learners appreciate the art and science of the people,
4. Language learners understand the value of the language as the main factor in their culture.
These cultural aims will accompany the linguistics aims and these will motivate language learners to learn the target language. By knowing all aspect of the people, language learners will have better understanding of the language used by the people and increase their motivation. Motivation is important in learning the target language since effective learning will take place when language learners are eager to acquire the target language.
In short, Johnson (1968) states that the principles of the ALM are:
1. Language is system arbitrary vocal symbol used for oral communication,
2. Writing and printing are graphic representations of the spoken language,
3. Language can be broken down into there major component parts: the sound system, the structure, and the vocabulary,
4. The only authority for correctness is actual use of native speakers,
5. One can learn to speak and understand a language only being exposed to the spoken language and by using the spoken language,
6. Language can be learned inductively far more easily than deductively,
7. Grammar should never be thought as an end itself, but only as a means to the end of learning the language,
8. Use of the students’ native language in class should be avoided or kept to a minimum in second language teaching,
9. The structures to which the students are exposed to should always sound natural to native speakers,
10. All structural material should be presented and practiced in class before the students attempt to study it at home.
The principles above are only some of the principles that people may believe to belong to the ALM. The principles of the ALM also deal with the theories of languages and language learning, which will presented below.

3. The techniques of the Audio Lingual Method (ALM)
The ALM has a relatively complete procedure of presenting language materials. The method has a set of procedures of teaching each language skill. The following is the first produce of teaching the target language. This procedure is a set of the typical steps in teaching the target language through the ALM. Since the listening and speaking ability is the first skill to consider, the first procedure of teaching is more related to listening and speaking ability (Huebener, 1969: 17). The procedure can be as follows:
1. The language teacher gives a brief summary of the content of the dialogue. The dialogue is not translated but equivalent translation of key phrases should be given in order for the language learners to comprehend the dialogue.
2. The language learners listen attentively while the teacher reads or recites the dialogue at normal speed several times. Gestures and facial expressions or dramatized actions should accompany the presentation.
3. Repetition of each line by the language learners in chorus is the next step. Each sentence may be repeated a half dozens of times, depending on its length and on the alertness of the language learners. If the teacher detects an error, the offending learner is corrected and is asked to repeat the sentence. If many learners make the same errors, chorus repetition and drill will be necessary.
4. Repetition is continued with groups decreasing in size, that is, first the two halves of the class, then thirds, and then single rows or smaller groups. Groups can assume the speaker’s roles.
5. Pairs of individual learners now go to the front of the classroom to act out of the dialogue. By this time they should have memorized the text.

4. Types of pattern drills of Audio Lingual Teaching Method (ALM)
In order for language learners to practice listening and speaking, there are a number of different types of pattern drills that can be used. Language teachers may use one or more than one pattern drill, depending on what patterns learners have to learn. In the following session “T” represents teacher and “S” represent students.
1. Repetition drill. This drill is the simplest drill used in learning language patterns. It is used at the very beginning of language class. Language learners merely repeat what the teacher says or the tape recorder produces. This may be used for the presentation of new vocabulary and will be useful for pronunciation class.
T : I’m going to the post office
S1 : I’m going to the post office
T : I’m going to the market
S2 : I’m going to the market
T : I’m going to the bank
S3 : I’m going to the bank
2. Substitution Drill. Language learners are required to replace one word with another. The may replaced a word on the model sentence with a pronoun, number, or gender and make some the necessary change.

T : I’m going to the office
T : market
S1 : I’m going to the market
T : bank
S2 : I’m going to the bank
T : restaurant
S3 : I’m going to the restaurant
3. Transformation Drill. Language learners are required to change sentence from negative to positive, from positive to interrogative, or from simple present tense to simple past tense, depending on the instruction from the teacher.
T : The book is new
S1 : Is the book new?
T : We are in the class.
S2 : are we in the class?

5. The strengths and weaknesses of Audio Lingual Method (ALM)
The Audio Lingual Method is not perfect method. The strengths and weaknesses of Audio Lingual method will be explained as follows:

1. The strengths of Audio Lingual Method (ALM)
1) All the students are actives in the class
2) The circumstance class are more interesting and life
3) The speaking and listening skill are more drilled, so the pronunciation skill and listening skill are more controlled
2. The weaknesses of Audio Lingual Method (ALM)
1) For the smart students this method is bored, because the procedure of the ALM method is majority repeat the sentence.
2) Sometimes the students are confused because the teacher explain the material in simple way not in detail way.
3) The grammar skill is not more drilled


The Audio Lingual Method has been explained in detail. The Audio Lingual Method (ALM) is a method which was introduced in the United States of America (USA) in 1940s. The method was accepted by people in other countries and introduced in Indonesia in 1960’s.
Form the explaining in the first chapter until second chapter it can be concluded that the Audio Lingual Method is the teaching method which emphasize the speaking and listening skill. It makes the students can pronoun and listen well. The Audio Lingual Method can make circumstance of teaching in the class more life. The Audio Lingual Method is more effective to make pronunciation and listening skill. However, this method does not emphasize grammar in detail.


1. Setiyadi, Bambang ag Teaching English as a foreign language (the fifth semester book of TEFL1)
2. Diane Larsen – freeman. Techniques and principles in language teaching (the sixth semester book of TEFL2)

Definition Of Language Production


In linguistics, language production means the production of spoken or written language. It describes all of the stages between having a concept, and translating that concept into language form (spoken).
Someone can produce the language when they have an idea she or he puts into words and utterances, then someone else hears the sound, recognize the words, and understand the speaker’s intent.

The event cycle in the creation of language consist of / the form of language:
1. Message
2. Encode message into linguistic form
3. Encode linguistics form into speech
4. Sound goes from speaker’s mouth the hearer’s ear (auditory system)
5. Speech is decoded into linguistics form
6. Linguistics form is decoded into meaning.

The study of how human beings produce language is called Articulatory Phonetics. Talk about language production, certainly we know that we speak in language by producing the sound which have meaning. The tolls of produce sound are called speech organs. It will explain more as follows;
Speech Organs
There are three kinds of speech organs, they are;

 Initiator
Initiator is the speech organ that sets the air into motion for the production of speech sound; the main initiator is the lungs, because most speech sounds are produced by pulmonic air.
 Phonator
Phonator refers to the vocal cords in the larynx, which are used to produce speech sound called ‘voice’ The vocal cords are two elastic membranes situated horizontally in the larynx which can be made to assume various positions.
 Articulator
The speech organs that are used to obstruct the out-going air in the production of speech sound are called ‘articulators’. There are two kinds of articulators; they are movable and unmovable articulators.
The movable articulators are, for instance, the lips, the tongue, the uvula, and the vocal cords. While the unmovable articulators are, for instance the teeth, the teeth ridge, and the hard palate.

The main thing to produce the speech sound is oxygen. It’s impossible if we don’t have oxygen, we will not breathe and it means we are death. As a student who get a language as the main study object, we have to know that how the language is produced.
Generally, producing language is concerned with the transformation of aerodynamic energy into acoustics energy. Aerodynamic energy refers to the airflow through the vocal tract. In vocal tract does kinetic form, it produces air pressure that can be represented as sound waves.
The way of producing language will explain more, as follows;

1. The brain process the message that we will say,
Message can be get from the other speaker (bottom up), and can be get from our self/our main (top down)

2. The speech organs produce the sound;
Oxygen is main thing to produce the speech sound. It can be explained that we need oxygen to breath every time to biological needs.
When we breathe restfully, the air goes in and out uninterruptedly, there is no speech sound is produced. Speech sound produced only when there are some interruptions of the out-going air.

The series of producing language will explain as follows;
1. The first step
The lung takes in air through nose,

2. The second step
The lung restrains air to take out through nose.

3. The third step
When the lung is restraining air to take out through nose, the articulators work to make certain sound that we want to sound (the process of the working articulators to produce the certain speech sound is explained in “phonology”)

4. The fourth step
After the articulators produce the sound, the lung take out air through nose, then back to the first step.

Fluency is the aspect in producing language. It can be defined in part by prosody, which is shown by a smooth intonation contour, and a number of other elements: control of speech rate, relative timing of stressed and unstressed syllables, changes in amplitude, and changes in fundamental frequency.

There are two main types of research into speech production. One type focuses on using the analysis of speech errors. The other looks at reaction-time data from picture-naming latencies. Although originally disparate, these two methodologies are generally looking at the same underlying processes of speech production.
Speech errors
Analysis of speech errors has found that not all are random, but rather systematic and fall into several categories. Speech errors are relatively infrequent in occurrence (around 1 / 1000 words) and are categorized as follows:
1. Anticipation: The word is in the speaker's mind and ready to be spoken, but the speaker says it too quickly. This could be because the speaker is planning and holding words in their mind.
2. Preservation: The word retains characteristics of a word said previously in a sentence:
Taddle Tennis (instead of Paddle Tennis)
3. Blending: More than one word is being considered and the two intended items "blend" into a single item, perhaps implying the speaker is waffling between a few word options.
The child is looking to be spaddled (instead of spanked or paddled)
4. Addition: adding of linguistics material, resulting in words like immpossible.
5. Substitution: a whole word of related meaning is replacing another. These errors can be far apart from another, or target words, and are generally grammatically consistent and accurate.
at low speed it's too light (instead of heavy)
6. Spoonerism: switching the letters from words.
For example, the phrase slips of the tongue could become tips of the slung.

Managing Very Young Learners


It can be very daunting going into a class of 20 or 30 five-year-olds when you have little teaching experience. How do you react when three of them are crying and don’t want to be there? What do you do when they start crawling under tables or throwing bits of paper? How do you deal with the children who don’t want to say or do anything? And how do you organise trips to the toilet without finding yourself with an empty classroom? Here are a few ideas which will hopefully help you to deal with these situations as easily and efficiently as possible so you can still teach some English!

Teddy bears or puppets
Red and yellow card
Board pens

In the beginning
You are a new person in their lives and quite possibly in a new environment with new rules. All of this can be very destabilising for very young children who are used to being around their parents and people they know. You really need to build up their trust before they can learn anything.
When they come into the classroom be there to welcome them and use their names as much as possible.
Have three or four teddy bears lined up on your table and ask the tearful looking children to look after ‘Snoopy’ as he is very shy. They will love the responsibility and this will act as a distraction.
You should always have the same teddies, or puppets at every lesson as they can serve to introduce new language or explain rules to games etc.
Have some quiet children’s music playing while they come into the classroom to make the environment more welcoming.

When one child says he wants to go to the toilet suddenly everyone will want to go. You’ll quickly get to know those who ask to go just as an excuse to leave the classroom.
You should establish toilet or drinking water rules in the first few lessons.
If you have the teacher with you in the room then halfway through your lesson, at a convenient time for what you’re all doing, you should organise a toilet run with either of you taking a handful of children at a time until everyone has been.
If your lesson is shorter than an hour it might be more practical to arrange with their teacher for them to do a toilet run before the class starts.
Have some tissue in the classroom for blowing noses!

It’s very important to always begin and end your lesson in the same way each time. The more children are familiar with class routines the easier they are to manage.
At the beginning of your lesson you may have to take a register. This will provide you with a perfect opportunity to install calm before starting the lesson. Otherwise you can make up your own opening routines.
You could have a ‘hello song’ which the teddies sing to the children and then the children sing it to the teddies.
Ask everyone to get their books and a pen out and to put their bags under the table before you start the lesson.
Make sure all your papers are ready before the children come into the classroom so you can properly give them your undivided attention. If they are in the room before you then make your entrance as quickly as possible, lay out your materials without completely turning your back on the class and begin the class always with the same greeting.
At the end of the lesson you could have a ‘goodbye song’ or simply a mini-conversation ‘Thank you. See you next week. Have a good week.’ Where the children repeat what you say. Get them to be quiet before saying this farewell and they will soon understand what they have to do at the end of each lesson. Don’t just run out of a rowdy class at the end!
You need to see what system works for you and the children you teach but you must have a ‘system’! Children need to know what is expected of them rather than be told off and not know why.
Draw two faces in the corner of the board at the start of each lesson, one smiley and the other sad. Write their names onto piece of card that you can keep for the year. Stick them onto the board in-between the two columns. If they do something good like participate, help a friend or tidy up after themselves then you can move their name over to the happy face column. This is great incentive for them and shows that you aren’t just concentrating on the children who misbehave. If a child does misbehave you can move his name card across but give him the chance to move back to the middle and eventually to the smiley face column if during the rest of the lesson he does two good things. At the end of the class make a point of congratulating those who are in the smiley face column.
Like in football you can distribute yellow cards for minor naughtiness and red cards for mores serious misbehaviour. Two yellow cards can be replaced by red cards. Depending on what set up you’re teaching in you can tell the teacher about those with red cards at the end of the lesson or write something in their books or keep a record yourself of how many red cards they get. In any case speak to the teacher of how she disciplines her pupils and you can fit into her system.
Seating arrangements are key to a well-managed class. Make sure you have eye contact with everyone. If they have their backs to you children are more likely to be distracted. If they are sitting in round tables then keep mobile yourself. Don’t hesitate to change where they are sitting if you find they are easily distracted by sitting next to certain children. Shier children might feel more at ease if they can sit next to someone they get on with.
Make sure they only have the bare minimum on their desks. A friend’s pencil case can quickly become far more interesting than the lesson itself!
Ban the use of pencil sharpeners if possible! If pencils break then arrange with the teacher for one of you to fix it otherwise 5 year olds often love to spend hours sharpening a pencil down to the tip and then spilling the contents next to the bin not in it!
In the first lesson you should establish a handful of memorable class rules. These could include, no shouting, no going under or over tables, always listen to the teacher and your classmates, no throwing pencils etc. Explain these rules when you have everyone’s full attention.

Large classes and mixed abilities
The reasons that children can be difficult to manage are often easier to deal with than naughty children themselves.

They should always have something to do.
They should always be challenged. If they are bored then they will soon play up.
Help the children who don’t understand. Use the teacher and the stronger pupils as resources. Children love helping other children even at 5!
Have a reserve of extra activities for those who finish very quickly.
For large classes try to limit activities that are solely teacher-centred where everyone has to listen to you. By the same token 5-year-olds may find pair work difficult and need lots of guidance. You can’t be everywhere at once. So the key is to vary the type of activity and grouping you use.
Lots of children can mean lots of noise. The louder you shout, the louder they will become. If you want their attention then stand at the front of the class and put your hands on your head. It will take a few minute for the whole class to copy you but there will always be a few who are watching you and will be in intrigued by what you’re doing. Slowly the class will become silent.
Teaching speaking and listening skills

In this article you will find a few tips to get you started with teaching speaking and listening skills to young learners. The aims are:
To think about what you say in class and to make your language more accessible to your young learners
To think about how you can make listening fun and easy, not hard and boring

The tips below are for your classes with 5-7 year olds although you can use similar principles when teaching older primary age (8-12).

Listening - Instructions
Remember you are their model so always think about how you are going to introduce an activity before you go to class. Writing out instructions as part of your lesson plan will really help you to notice what language you are using with your young learners. You may find that your language is too complex for the beginner pupils.
Imagine yourself as a beginner learning a new language and see if what you say is too difficult to follow. You may need to modify what you say. Instructions, if well thought out and accompanied always with demonstration, can be communicated purely in English.

Listening - Class management
Don’t panic if you don’t speak the children’s first language. This won’t prevent a bond forming between you and the children. If they know you as the person who only speaks English then they will always want to communicate with you as much as possible in English.
Discipline can be easily understood by young children through your facial expressions and smiley/cross faces drawn on the board.
Feedback can also be understood clearly when you use your face to help express whether or not you are pleased with the work they produce.
Listening - Using a song
Prepare the learners before they listen to anything.
Show them pictures of characters from the song.
If it’s a song about teddy bears then bring in some teddy bears to show them. If the teddy bears sing sections of the song then use them as puppets and make them actually sing the song.
Use actions as much as possible to accompany songs so that the children can participate. This will help build their confidence, increase their enjoyment and give them extra clues as to the meaning of the words they are listening to.
They should predict, ‘imagine’, what they are going to hear. Again, sticking with the teddy bears, ask them if they think the teddy bear is happy or sad.
When they are listening they should always have something to do. They need a reason for listening. You could allocate part of the song to a small cluster of children so they have to listen out for their part and sing along to that part only.
Use the same song again and again. Listening is a difficult skill so building their confidence is vital at all stages of language learning. If they recognize the words they will be much more motivated. This is valid not only from a language point of view but also from a logical point of view. Listening to a song you know and like is always an enjoyable experience. Familiarity helps children feel secure.

Speaking - Songs and chants
Using songs and chants in class gives the children a chance to listen and reproduce the language they hear. They are working on the sounds, rhythm and intonation.
Remember when you speak or sing keep it simple but very importantly, natural so that when they copy what you say they can have a chance of sounding natural.

Speaking - Whole class chorus drills
If you have a large class make sure the language they produce is not just confined to stilted whole class repetitions of sentences produced by you. If the class tries to speak at the same time they automatically slow down and the intonation and rhythm are lost. Whole class repetition does of course have its advantages as it allows weaker students to build confidence with speaking without being in the limelight. Do chorus drills as described above but limit them and always move on to letting individuals speak.

Speaking - Real language
As with listening, make sure they always have a valid reason for speaking. The more realistic the need for communication, the more effective an activity will be. In other words get them to ask their neighbour ‘Do you prefer chocolate or strawberry ice-cream?’ rather than saying; ‘What’s my favourite food?' This last question is just asking the children to guess rather than think. Avoid getting them to repeat sentences such as; ‘What is my name?’ or ‘Is this a book?’ Not only do you know it’s a book, so the interaction isn’t very interesting, unless the book is hidden in a bag and they are having to work out the contents, but also the response is limited to a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer. Closed questions are ok to lead onto something more with low level learners but be aware of not using them too often.

Speaking - Further suggestions
Vary the types of speaking and listening activities you do. Keep them interested by introducing new approaches to speaking in class. This could mean talking to different people, talking to different numbers of people, speaking as a whole class, half a class or in small groups.
For different levels in the same class you can ask them to listen for different things. Ask the weaker ones to tell you how many teddy bears there are in the song and the stronger ones to tell you what the teddy bears are doing in the song.
To make one activity suit all levels ask them to practice saying between five and ten sentences. This way the quick finishers have more to do and the weaker pupils still feel they have achieved the task if they have practiced only a few sentences.

The reference: http://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/

Makalah Deksis And Distance


1. The Background
The university students of English department study or investigate the language as the main object. English language is the foreign language especially for the university student of Indonesia who takes English department of education faculty. Certainly, they must know well about the theories of language. It can be said because they study English language in order to be the teacher. It means that they will teach the students of elementary school, junior school or senior high school.
Study of language means study what are the rules of language, how the language is used, how the language is processed, how the language is produced. The students of English language investigate the language as the main object, so in study of language the will study about the discipline of language such as, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics and pragmatics.
In this working paper will discuss about the one of material which studies in pragmatics. There are some definitions of pragmatics as pragmatics is the study of the meaning according the context, pragmatics also can be defined the study of how the meaning of sentence (or other linguistics unit) changes depending on how and where it is expressed, or of the structural ambiguity in language. The university students who get language faculty must study about pragmatics. It can be said because pragmatics is the one of discipline linguistics. Indeed, it happens in the university student of English language. They must know well about pragmatics in order to be able teach their student in good way especially for English department of education faculty.
There are some materials in pragmatics such us, deixis and distance, reference and in reference, presupposition and entailment, cooperation and implicature, speech acts and events, politeness and interaction, discourse and culture, and conversation and analysis. But in this working paper will investigate about deixis and distance only as the object explaining.

2. The Problems
Some of the problems that will explain in this working paper, as follows:
1. What is the meaning of deixis?
2. How many kinds of deixis?
3. What is the correlation deixis and grammar?


1. The meaning of deixis
Deixis term is formed from Greek’s words which mean “pointing” or “referring”. According to Lyons (1977:677), deixis can be meant as location, people identification, object, event, process, or the activities which are being talked or referred by speaker and hearer or addresser. Nababan (1987:40), explained that in linguistics there are reference term as word or phrase which show word and phrase or utterance when be talked. The reference is called deixis. According Bambang Kaswanti Purwo (1984:1), a word will be meant deixis if the reference is not absolute or can be changed depend on who is speaker, when and where the words are uttered.
Based on some arguments, it can be conclude that deixis is semantics indication which is in words or the contractions which its references can be explained by the situation of the speaker. Clearly, deixis is pragmatics initiative to understand semantics meaning.
The kinds of deictic words are I, we, you, they, this, that, here, and there. The meaning of these deictic expressions depend the interpretation of the speaker and hearer or addresser.
Lavinson (1983) gave the example to explain how important the information of deixis. The example is if you find a bottle in beach which has content a letter which messages as follow:
“Meet me here a week from now with a stick about this big”
This message doesn’t have the contextual background, so it’s not very informative. It can be said because deixis expression will have the meaning when it can be explained by reader. Actually, the deixis expression includes in pragmatics domain. But, because the finding this meaning is very important to understand the purpose and the condition which really happen, so in the same time deixis include in semantics domain. Generally, we can say that deixis expression is the part which references in the utterances which correlates with the situation of context, expression in advance, indication, etc.

2. The kinds of deixis
Person deixis, spatial deixis, and temporal deixis, they are kinds of deixis in English language. Actually, there are other kinds of deixis such as social deixis. But, it will not explain more in this working paper. In this working paper just will explain about three kinds of deixis only.

a) Person deixis

Person deixis indicates the role of the participants in the conversation such as, speaker, hearer, and the other entities. To learn this deictic expression discovers that each person in the conversation shifts from being “I” to being “you” constantly.
Person deixis is determined by the role of the participants in the conversation. The participant role can be divided in three parts, the first person, the second person, and the third person.
The first person is the speaker references category to him or her self or the group which involve him or her self; the words are “I” and “we”.
The second person is the speaker references category to hearer or the other person which is together with the first speaker; the word is “you”.
The third person is the speaker references category to who is not the speaker or hearer the utterance, neither present or not; the words are “she”, “he”, “they”, and “it”.
 Communicating distance in the person deixis
There is the communicating distance happens in the person deixis person especially in third person. In deictic terms, third person is not a direct participant in basic (I-you) interaction. It is being an outsider. Third person pronouns are consequently distal forms in term of person deixis.
Using a third person form, where a second person form would be possible, is one way of communicating distance (and non familiarity). This can be done in English ironic and humorous purpose as when one person, who’s very busy in the kitchen, addressee other, who’s being very lazy, such us:
Would his highness like some coffee?
 Exclusive and inclusive in the deictic expression “we” and “us”
In English, there is a potential ambiguity in such uses which allows two different interpretations. There is an exclusive “we” (refers to speaker plus other(s), excluding addressee) and an inclusive “we” (refers to speaker and addressee included). For example in the sentence:
“We have presented the material of pragmatics”
From the sentence above, “We” have a potential ambiguity which allows two different interpretations. If “We” is meant in an exclusive, it refers to the speaker and other(s) but the addressee is excluded. But, if “We” is meant in an inclusive, it refers to the speaker and the addressee.
The exclusive and the inclusive distinction may also be noted in the difference between saying as follows:
1. ‘Let us go’ (refers to the speaker and someone who has captured the speaker, and also friends, but it’s not included the addresses)
2. ‘Let’s go’ (refers to the speaker and some friends, and also the speaker)
The utterance which include exclusive is the first sentence, and the second sentence is included in inclusive.

b) Spatial deixis
Spatial deixis is a form gift to place according to the participants in the conversation. The words of spatial deixis are; “this”, “here”, “that”, and “there”. Actually, there are words of archaic spatial deixis such us, “yonder” (more distance from speaker), “hither” (to this place) and “thence” (from that place). Now those words are rare used.
 Physically distance in spatial deixis
The word “this”, “here”, “that”, and “there” are consequently physically distance. It can be explained by some example as follows:
This is my pen (“this” indicates a near distance or can be seen. Indeed, the word “this” show that pen is near with speaker)
Put my pen here (“here” indicates a near distance or can be seen. Indeed, the word “here” show that the speaker order addresser to put speaker’s pen near with speaker)
That is my pen (“that” indicates a longer distance. Indeed, the word “that” show pen is far with speaker)
Put my pen there (“there” indicates a longer distance. Indeed, the word “there” show that the speaker order addresser to put speaker’s pen far with speaker)
 Psychological distance
In the spatial deixis term, there is psychological distance in word “here”. It will be clearer by the example as follows:
“I was looking at this little puppy in a cage with such a sad look on its face. It was like, ‘oh, I’m so unhappy here, will you set me free?”
Although, who said “here” in this utterance is the speaker, it doesn’t refer to the speaker’s place. The word “here” refers to a little puppy’s place (in a cage). It means that the word “here” in that utterance has psychological distance.

c) Temporal deixis
Temporal deixis is a form gift to span of time which is meant by the speaker in the conversation. The words of temporal deixis are; “now”, “then”, “yesterday”, “tomorrow”, “tonight”, “last week”, “next week”, and “this week”. The meaning of temporal deixis expressions depend on the speaker’s or the hearer’s interpretation.
The expressions of temporal deixis are as follows:
 November 2nd, 2005? I was in Scotland then. (“then” refers to past form)
 Dinner at 8:30 on Saturday? Okay, I’ll see you then (“then” refers to future form)
From the utterance above, the word “then” have a time distance. The word “then” in the first sentence includes past event, and the second sentence include in future event.

3. The correlation deixis and grammar
All the kinds of deixis as, person, spatial, and temporal deixis can be used or understood in the rules to make the sentence in English language in correct grammar. As when, we will write or utter direct or in direct sentence. Understand meaning of deixis word is very important so that the sentence can be formed in correct grammar.
The examples are as follows:
Are you planning to be here this evening?
I asked her if she was planning to be there that evening.
The first sentence is direct form, and the second sentence is indirect sentence from the first sentence. Those sentence use deixis expressions. If the words deixis doesn’t appropriate with the rule in correct grammar, the sentence will be wrong sentence, and make misunderstanding.


Deixis can be meant the contextual information in lexical or grammatical which indicate something or the certain things such as, thing, place, and time. Its words are “he”, “here”, and “now”. Those dexis is divided in three terms, they are person deixis, spatial deixis, and temporal deixis.
The tense have correlations with deixis term. It can be explained as when we say direct or indirect sentence, there are the rules of using deictic. It means as when we will say direct sentence into indirect sentence, there are deictic must be changed so that the sentence is correct and can be understood well.
In conclusion, using deixis is very important to be understood so that we don’t get misunderstanding when we are getting the conversation especially in English.


George Joule, the book which is given by Mr. Taufik
www.google.com http:\\pragmatics deixis\deiksis-dalam-kajian-pragmatik1.htm
The paper from the first group that explain about definition and background of pragmatics